by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
Live Action News reports on a perfect example of twisted pro-abortion logic from The Abortion Resource Handbook, in which author K Kaufmann tells teens that keeping their pregnancy and abortion a secret is positive and shows signs of maturity. (That’s interesting – I always thought hiding things from people was more a sign of an immature person with an inability to deal with the consequences of one’s own actions):
However sad or angry you feel right now, keep in mind that not involving a parent is often a sign of maturity – that you are able to make and take responsibility for your own decisions. Keeping the pregnancy and abortion a secret may even turn out to be a positive experience. For many young women, it may be one of the first times they make an important or life-changing decision on their own, and they may feel more confident and better about themselves as a result.
One of the first life-changing decisions… secondary, of course, to the decision to have sex in the first place.
Abstinence Clearinghouse reports on a Danish study which reveals a possible link between hormonal birth control use and brain tumors:
The study examined 316 women with glioma and found that women who used contraceptives containing only progestin for more than five years had a risk that was 2.4 times higher than the control group.
Wesley J. Smith shares his 2015 bioethics predictions. Check out how he did on his predictions from last year.

Bound4Life gives an overview of important court cases in the pro-life movement:
Over the past seven weeks, three separate federal appeals courts have heard important cases related to abortion policy in America — all with far-reaching implications for pre-born lives.Pro-Life Wisconsin reports that Republicans legislators are conducting an audit on Planned Parenthood who has “publicly stated that if they are audited, they will likely have to close their birth control clinics in the state”:
Pro-Life Wisconsin applauds this bold legislative effort to root out waste, fraud and abuse in Wisconsin’s Medicaid family planning program. It is bad enough that these family planning monies fuel surgical and chemical abortions in our state. It is intolerable that Wisconsin taxpayers are ripped off in the process!
After Abortion refers to a survey showing 49% believe abortion is immoral, yet 51% want to keep it legal anyway. How about that for compartmentalization? Could this be due to society’s widespread misunderstanding of “judging” the actions of others, or could it be that they want it around in case they decide to do the immoral thing?
At National Review, Dr. Michael J. New writes that NARAL must be getting desperate, because they’re now conducting their own polls on Americans’ views on abortion:
[T]he poll, which purports to show strong support for legal abortion in four congressional districts, is deceptive. That NARAL increasingly feels the need to conduct its own polls at all is a striking shift in and of itself. But it’s the change in the questions those polls ask that should really raise eyebrows….The alternatives were 1) abortion is morally acceptable and should be legal; 2) personally opposed to abortion, but it should remain legal; and 3) abortion should be illegal.
A plurality of respondents preferred the second option, and NARAL quickly announced that the first and second options combined commanded majority support. Of course, the three questions did not allow for much nuance. Specifically, the poll did not ask about the 20-week abortion ban or other incremental pro-life laws that tend to poll well.