It was exciting to see nearly 600 hardy souls slogging through the deep water along Kingston Pike on Sunday afternoon. It wasn’t a sporting event or movie premier that had them lined up for blocks; it was the memory of nearly 50 million children whose lives have been lost to abortion since the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decisions of 1973! Black and White, Yellow and Brown, young and old, teens and tweens, college students and babies in arms moved through the rain under colorful umbrellas that did little to keep them dry.
Pastor Jim Wood, who spoke during the prayer service preceding the March, encouraged all to stay strong. With the giant windows in the sanctuary darkened by massive low black clouds, he reminded us that “the stars come out at night. The darker it is the more brightly they shine. You are the light of the world, don’t hide that light.”
This is a serious call. He reminded us soberly that there is one place in Scripture where Jesus describes something worthless, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt hath lost its savor, with what shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot by men.”
As the first month of a new decade comes to a close, let us pray and fast that our “saltiness” will only increase and this will be the last decade of legalized abortion in our land.
In Him for life,
Pro Life in TN
- Susie Allen
- Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .

Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Ben Nelson Act to Ensure Political Integrity
From Bobbie Patray and TN Eagle Forum
SB 3160 by *Bunch ( *HB 3123 by *Dunn)
Ethics - As introduced, enacts the"Ben Nelson Act to Ensure Political Integrity."
NOTE: You gotta love this—this bill would redefine the state’s definition of bribery to include circumstances in which elected officials agree to vote for or against legislation in exchange for special consideration for their districts.
SB 3160 by *Bunch ( *HB 3123 by *Dunn)
Ethics - As introduced, enacts the"Ben Nelson Act to Ensure Political Integrity."
NOTE: You gotta love this—this bill would redefine the state’s definition of bribery to include circumstances in which elected officials agree to vote for or against legislation in exchange for special consideration for their districts.
Palin Vs. NOW
Palin vs. NOW
Tim Tebow is the home schooled college quarterback who uses the eye black to list biblical quotes.He was born in 1987 after his mother refused to get an abortion even though she was told he likely would be stillborn.
Nice story that seems to gnaw at the pro-abortion crowd.
So an anti-abortion group passed the plate around and collected enough money so that Tebow and his mom could tell their story in a Super Bowl ad.
Pro-abortion groups lobbied CBS to get it to refuse the ad. CBS said get bent.
Sarah Palin weighed in.
From her Facebook: “NOW is looking at the pro-life issue backwards. Women should be reminded that they are strong enough and smart enough to make decisions that allow for career and educational opportunities while still giving their babies a chance at life. In my own home, my daughter Bristol has also been challenged by pro-abortion “women’s rights” groups who don’t agree with her decision to have her baby, nor do they like the abstinence message which she articulated as her personal commitment. NOW could gain ground and credibility with everyday Americans, thus allowing their pro-women message to be heard by more than just their ardent supporters, if they made wiser decisions regarding which battles to pick. They should call attention to and embrace the Tebows’ message, instead of covertly and overtly disrespecting what Mrs. Tebow, Bristol, and millions of other women have chosen to do (in less than ideal circumstances).”
NOW President Terry O’Neill fired back: “The goal of the Focus on the Family ad is not to empower women. It’s to create a climate in which Roe v. Wade can be overturned. There are always going to be women who need abortions. In this country, one in three women will have an abortion. Focus on the Family has cynically set it up so they can say anyone who disagrees with airing this ad is disrespecting one woman and her choice. NOW respects every woman’s right to plan her own family and insists our laws do the same.”
Friday, January 29, 2010
Proliferations from 10-29-10

by Susie Allen, TN pro-life activist as posted on
The cause of the increase is the subject of debate. Several experts blamed the increase in teen pregnancies on sex-education programs that focus on encouraging abstinence. Others said the reversal could be due to a variety of factors, including an increase in poverty, an influx of Hispanics and complacency about AIDS, prompting lax use of birth control such as condoms.
And who are the "experts" blaming the increase on abstinence education? According to ALL's Judie Brown:
... [P]erhaps the most telling aspect of Stein's report was that the federal government, in collaboration with the Alan Guttmacher Institute, an "independent" arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, issued its report just when Congress is debating how much of our tax money should be set aside to fund ever-failing sex-education programs. I doubt that it is a coincidence that this study came out at this time.Judie refers readers to a Time magazine analysis of the study, which reveals the highest increase was not among minors, but among young women aged 18-19. She also points out that teen pregnancy rates fell as abstinence education increased in the 1990s, but "by 2000, Planned Parenthood began lobbying various states to refuse abstinence money and reduce abstinence programs, and predictably, in 2006, the teen pregnancy rate increased for the first time in 15 years."

"Terri died because we took away her food and water," Schindler stated, "just like we would all die if our food and water was taken away... It took almost two weeks." According to Schindler, the media continues to report that Terri was brain-dead, that she was on artificial life support, and that she was unresponsive and blind.
"These are simply not factually correct," Schindler stated to "It's patently false. If Terri were alive today she could be here to 'March for Life' with us. All she needed was a wheelchair, and we could have taken her anywhere....
Sidewalk Counseling Training coming to Nashville next Saturday
I have attended this training and it is excellent. I learned so much from this young lady. I highly recommend it. Review details here.
Jury Finds Man Guilty of Murder in Kansas Abortion Provider's Death - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
The pro life community does not condone violence against the born and pre born. This man was not part of any pro life group. No one wanted Dr. Tiller murdered. We wanted him to change his heart and mind. The action of this man did not help the pro life cause.
Jury Finds Man Guilty of Murder in Kansas Abortion Provider's Death - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
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Jury Finds Man Guilty of Murder in Kansas Abortion Provider's Death - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
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Update! Tyler and Catelynn of 16 and Pregnant Fame are in Hendersonville, TN today!!
They will be filming at First Baptist Church in Hendersonville in the "Underground" area at 1PM today and is open to the public. They are the special guests of Decisions, Choices and Options and will be special guests at a Christian Rock Concert tonight also at the Underground First Baptist Church in Hendersonville (weather permitting). Come and meet Tyler and Catelynn.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
MTSU agrees to stop discriminating against pro life group
Murfreesboro, TN ( -- Officials at Middle Tennessee State University have agreed to stop discriminating against a campus pro-life group now that a legal group has stepped into the fray. After receiving a letter from Alliance Defense Fund attorneys, Middle Tennessee State has agreed to retract a discriminatory requirement.
MTSU had required that a pro-life student group pay a security fee for a campus display.
ADF attorneys representing the student group, Pro-Life Collegians, argued that the fee was unconstitutional, noting that other student groups are not required to pay for campus security during their events.
“Pro-life student groups shouldn't be penalized and discriminated against for expressing their beliefs,” said ADF Litigation Staff Counsel Joe Martins.
“We are pleased that the officials at Middle Tennessee State University have changed their minds and refrained from singling out the Pro-Life Collegians for this type of fee. The courts have repeatedly ruled that as unconstitutional. The university has certainly done the right thing here in respecting the First Amendment rights of its students," he added.
MTSU had required that a pro-life student group pay a security fee for a campus display.
ADF attorneys representing the student group, Pro-Life Collegians, argued that the fee was unconstitutional, noting that other student groups are not required to pay for campus security during their events.
“Pro-life student groups shouldn't be penalized and discriminated against for expressing their beliefs,” said ADF Litigation Staff Counsel Joe Martins.
“We are pleased that the officials at Middle Tennessee State University have changed their minds and refrained from singling out the Pro-Life Collegians for this type of fee. The courts have repeatedly ruled that as unconstitutional. The university has certainly done the right thing here in respecting the First Amendment rights of its students," he added.
Separation of Pro Life and banned upon entering Federal Building
Would nuns be asked to take off their"habit"???
Separation of Pro–Life and State
Jan 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Died during a "safe and legal" abortion
Queens clinic A1 Medicine probed after Alexandra Nunez is fatally injured while undergoing abortion
"The patient was transferred to the hospital, she didn't die at the clinic," said the woman, who refused to give her name. "Nothing happened here."(See how they are concerned with their reputation and not that a mother of five not four lost her life.)
Detectives are investigating a Queens clinic where a 37-year-old woman was fatally injured while undergoing an abortion, officials said Tuesday.
Alexandra Nuñez began bleeding heavily during the procedure at A1 Medicine in Jackson Heights on Monday, officials said.
One of Nuñez's arteries was inadvertently severed and she went into cardiac arrest, according to police sources.
She was taken to Elmhurst Hospital Center, where she died a short time later.
Detectives have interviewed the staff at the Roosevelt Ave. clinic, but no charges have been filed, police said.
"There is an investigation going forward," said Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, "but as of yet, there's no indication of any criminality."
Nuñez, a single mother of four who lived in Plainfield, N.J., underwent the procedure at 3:30p.m., police said.
She had told her family that she was going to a doctor's office in Newark to have a cyst removed - and her death stunned her eldest daughter.
"I'm upset because I never got a chance to say goodbye," said Daisy Davila, 19. "She didn't want anyone to go with her. I made dinner and lunch [yesterday] hoping she would come back."
"We're not angry. We just want to know what happened," said Davila, who insisted that her mother did not believe in abortions. "She was a strong woman, always happy. I looked up to her."
An employee at the clinic - a one-stop gynecology and plastic surgery clinic that was still seeing patients yesterday - insisted that everything had gone well at the second-floor medical facility.
"The patient was transferred to the hospital, she didn't die at the clinic," said the woman, who refused to give her name. "Nothing happened here."
A1 Medicine was accredited in July to do office-based surgery that requires moderate or deep anesthesia - and that includes abortions, according to a spokeswoman for the state Health Department.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Jill Stanek - Newsweek wrong x2: DC March for Life was not shorter & older
It is fun to read the 87 comments this morning all blasting her for an inaccurate story and demanding a retraction. They pointed out that she actually posted her story before the march began!
Jill Stanek - Newsweek wrong x2: DC March for Life was not shorter or older
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Jill Stanek - Newsweek wrong x2: DC March for Life was not shorter or older
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37 years. 50 million lives lost.
37 years. 50 million lives lost
Those just seem like numbers until the realization of the impact dawns on you.
1973: Remembering where I was in my life then, is a staggering thought all on it’s own. How I thought. What seemed important, and what did not. Roe versus Wade was just a story in the news to me. I can’t wrap my mind around that even as I write this.
What does 50 million of anything look like? How can you comprehend a number that is almost abstract in it’s enormity until you have someway to compare the numbers. Georgia (9.7 million), Florida(18.3 million), Mississippi (2.9 million), Alabama(4.6 million), Tennessee (6.2 million), South Carolina(4.8 million), Arkansas (2.8 million), Alaska (686,000). That gives us something to work with.
And, if we still fall short of our goal to reach 50 million by a few hundred thousand, it won’t take long to reach that goal if we continue to add to that number at a rate of 4,000 per day.
So, there you go. The population of eight states (including our own) approximately give us our number. That is something we can grasp because we live in Tennessee. We have relatives in Alabama. We vacation in Florida. Now, we can see the number 50 million with skin on. Those become people in our minds, and not just a number on paper.
2010 Rally for Life in TN- and Eugenics -- the evil roots of abortion
TN Rally for Life 2010.....thoughts
TN Right to Life had another good rally on Sunday, January 24th. I could not find anything about it in the MSM. I don't know why I bother to look. They never cover it or do so with such a short clip that if you blink you miss it. I saw nothing in the papers. I remember one year writing an angry letter to the Tennessean stating that 1,000 people showed up on a cold January Sunday afternoon on the steps of the Capital with the Bishop of TN and Richard Land among others addressing the crowd and not one word in the Tennessean but let 20 pro aborts show up and they are all over it. He wrote back and apologized and said they would try to do better in the future. But of course they don't. Nary a word. Oh well, I attend every year and it is always inspiring. Hard to keep topping yourself. This year it was indoors at the Sheraton. I appreciated the comfort of being indoors but sometimes it is more exciting to be outside on the Capital steps. I am not good at estimating but the room was STO so maybe 7-800 in attendance. There were a couple of people doing private videos there, one who was making an HBO documentary. Citizen documentaries are replacing the MSM anyway.
The speaker was Rev Walter Hoye from CA who gained notoriety in the pro life world when he was arrested for peaceful sidewalk counseling in front of an abortion mill. It was quite a story. As an African American pastor, he said one sentence that I cannot forget.....he talked about the African American community being so hard hit by abortion that they are not replacing themselves. "For every 100 births to African Americans, there are 77 abortions." Wow, what a sobering thought! But that is exactly what Margaret Sanger intended when she founded Planned Parenthood. She would be proud. Here is an article about the documentary Maafa 21. It should be required viewing by all members of Congress....
Eugenics -- the evil roots of abortion
A documentary and expose' on the abortion business has caught the attention of some members of Congress.
Monday, January 25, 2010
CBS urged to scrap Super Bowl ad with Tebow, mom

"An ad that uses sports to divide rather than to unite has no place in the biggest national sports event of the year - an event designed to bring Americans together," said Jehmu Greene, president of the New York-based Women's Media Center.
The center was coordinating the protest with backing from the National Organization for Women, the Feminist Majority and other groups.
Taxing them "for" death
January 25, 2010
As a way to try and reduce death tourism the Swiss Government is thinking of levying a tax on people that travel to the country to visit one of the clinics that offer assisted suicide. The government’s current law states that someone must live in the city of Zurich for at least a year before being allowed to use one of these clinics. The government is proposing to fine the clinics for breach of the law, which will then be passed on to their patients. The average cost of an assisted suicide in Zurich is currently around £5,000, with the tax the cost would increase by more than six times, which they believe would reduce the numbers of visitors coming for these types of services.
In 2009 there were 23 Brits that used the clinics for assisting in their suicide and there are thought to be hundreds more on a waiting list to visit the clinics in Switzerland. A poll in the coming year will ask voters if they should be a tax levied on foreigners who come to Zurich to use the clinics. All they need is a majority 51 per cent of the votes for it to become law. The vote has been welcomed by anti euthanasia groups in the UK who are asking the government in Britain not to change its laws regarding prosecution of individuals who assist in suicides. So far no one has ever been found guilty of assisted suicide when a Briton has used a clinic in Zurich.
January 25, 2010
Death tax for suicide trips considered.
In 2009 there were 23 Brits that used the clinics for assisting in their suicide and there are thought to be hundreds more on a waiting list to visit the clinics in Switzerland. A poll in the coming year will ask voters if they should be a tax levied on foreigners who come to Zurich to use the clinics. All they need is a majority 51 per cent of the votes for it to become law. The vote has been welcomed by anti euthanasia groups in the UK who are asking the government in Britain not to change its laws regarding prosecution of individuals who assist in suicides. So far no one has ever been found guilty of assisted suicide when a Briton has used a clinic in Zurich.
Proliferations 1-25-10
January 25, 2010

by Susie Allen, TN pro-life activist
How many deaths by abortion were there in 2006? The total is over 1,206,200 unborn humans dying. Consequently, if that 1.2 million is added to the 2.4 million deaths that the CDC reports, then abortion is the cause of death for 1/3 of
Indiana Rewards Planned Parenthood Negligence | Live Action Blog – Human Rights, Abortion, and Life
Indiana Rewards Planned Parenthood Negligence Live Action Blog – Human Rights, Abortion, and Life: "Indiana Rewards Planned Parenthood Negligence"
Giving God A Break

It's the biggest day of the year for US advertising with companies spending between $2.5m and $2.8m to ensure their product is seen by the widest possible audience, but this year's Super Bowl Sunday threatens to be overshadowed by controversy over one of the 30-second slots.
The advert in question? A commercial on behalf of the evangelical Christian organisation Focus on the Family, featuring the University of Florida's star quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother Pam, which is expected to focus on her decision to ignore medical advice to have an abortion.
The almost $3m advert, which Focus on the Family says was paid for by donations, contravenes a network policy regarding the type of ads shown during the Super Bowl. Several online petitions have called on CBS to pull the ad and 2,288 people joined a Facebook group pointing out the hypocrisy by saying: "Tell CBS Reject The Focus On The Family Ad Or Accept The UCC's!" UCC refers to the United Church of Christ.
"Super Bowl ads are traditionally about making people laugh and, while there's no doubting the sincerity of Tebow's beliefs, I think people will find this jarring," says Clay Travis, an author and journalist who has written extensively about Tebow.
Rejected ads
"It's such a flashpoint subject and I'm surprised that CBS would go there after the fuss that was caused by Janet Jackson's nipple. It's not even a matter of whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, I think most people would find an advert dealing with abortion to be out of place during the Super Bowl," Travis adds.
Nor is it just a case of the ad appearing to be a bad fit with the Super Bowl's dancing lizards, singing frogs and magic fridges. Networks have previously made a point of rejecting advocacy adverts for Super Bowl slots – last year NBC rejected an anti-abortion advertisement on behalf of which used images of President Obama alongside the caption "Life. Imagine The Potential", in addition to one about marriage equality.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
If Judges Think Corporations Are People, They Probably Think Fetuses Are, Too from Jezebel
New York, 10:09 PM
Sun Jan 24
Sun Jan 24
Pro Abortion Activists see threat to Roe precedent
“Yesterday’s Roberts court decision, which exhibited a stunning disregard for settled law of decades’ standing, is terrifying to those of us who care deeply about the constitutional protections the court put in place for women’s access to abortion,” said Nancy Northup of the Center for Reproductive Rights. “We are deeply concerned. ... Yesterday’s decision shows the court will reach out to take an opportunity to wholesale reverse a precedent the hard right has never liked.”
“It is worrisome beyond the direct impact of yesterday’s ruling on election law,” said, Jessica Arons, the director of the Women’s Health and Rights Program at the Center for American Progress. “It’s certainly cause for concern.”
Saturday, January 23, 2010

I wish I could have gone to Washington DC for the 37th annual March for Life but it was not meant to be. I look for an accurate account of what happened. Here is how the Washington Times portrayed it.
I will be looking for other accounts.
Planned Parenthood ‘Registers’ in Haiti and Other Places
Planned Parenthood takes full advantage of the tragedy in Haiti to raise funds!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Scottish bill allows active euthanasia to teens even by non medical personnel

You know how you may say in jest, I could just kill my teenager! Well a new bill just past by the Scottish Parliament has authorized active euthanasia even by non doctors and does not mandate the method! And no parental consent needed! Can you imagine!
Under the bill, qualified teenagers ( meant for disabled or dying teens)can be killed without regard to parental approval, doctors need to OK the euthanasia/assisted suicide but need not perform the act–demonstrating yet again, that euthanasia is not a medical act–and any swift method of killing is okay so long as it is done in private. Good grief! Whatever method the dying person deems appropriate and with "dignity" is acceptable. So a gunshot to the head would qualify since it would be quick!
Oh you say, this is in Scotland not the United States....well.....aren't we emulating Europe in these things. Read the article here.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Woman delivers a 9# baby and did not know she was pregnant

Big Blue Wave asks a provocative question: If a mother finds she is pregnant in the 3rd trimester but doesn't want children, is she entitled to an abortion? This was asked in response to the story of a MI mother of 3 who didn't realize she was pregnant until delivering a healthy 9# boy in her bathtub. Read the story here.Listen to the 911 call here. It is hysterical.
Pro Life Blogging Conference on Friday, January 22nd streaming live
Hosted by Family Research Council
Blogs for Life - THIS FRIDAY!
Topics: Action items, Conference Information
The 5th annual Blogs for Life Conference will be this Friday from 8:30 to 11:30a EST, hosted by Family Research Council.
You can still register to attend in person. Or make plans to view online. Bloggers can live stream the conference on their sites. Get the embed code here.
Here is the tentative speakers' schedule, which even as late as yesterday changed. So it's by no means written in stone.
Choosing Life with no regrets...

For those who still believe that partial birth abortion is a rare act done only to save the life of the mother need to listen to this program recently aired on Focus on the Family. This is a story of what happened to Jacqueline Ivel in the 198o's. Listen here
When is premeditated murder desirable?
Chris Matthews gets a little excited two hours before the polls closed in MA on the night of the big election. Yes, Brown campaigned that he would be the 41st vote against Obamacare which would use tax money to fund abortions among other undesirable elements. Even in ultra Blue liberal MA, the voters made their wishes well known as we now know. I wonder if Matthews would think abortion is premeditated murder Chris used to work for Tip O'Neill so his unabashed liberal support for abortion is no secret. No thrills for Chris on Tuesday night, I guess.