Pro Life in TN

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Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .



Friday, December 21, 2012

Pro-life blog buzz 12-21-12

from Jill

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
  • Wesley J. Smith reviews his predictions for 2012. The good – and bad – news is that he was quite accurate. Watch for his 2013 predictions in January.
  • Stand True announces the schedule for the 2013 March for Life Youth Rally in Washington, D.C. Make your plans now to attend!

  • Reflections of a Paralytic encourages readers to check out a new German documentary on reproductive technologies, featuring Eggsploitation creator Jennifer Lahl (pictured left) of the Center for Bioethics and Culture. RP states:
    This issue should get just as much attention from the pro-life movement as abortion, if not more so. As a commenter on my previous post noted, lots of Christians don’t even question its morality. Meanwhile, the fertility industry is getting increasingly out of control and thousands upon thousands of innocent human beings are paying the ultimate price.
  • Voice for Hope shares some great pro-life graphics to post on Facebook and other social media.
  • ProWomanProLife finds some heartwarming stories that will restore your faith in humanity.
  • Americans United for Life applauds the victories of two Christian colleges in their legal challenge against Obamacare’s birth control mandate:
    The case in question is the first of more than 40 legal challenges to the so-called HHS mandate to be argued before an appellate court. In an amicus curiae brief submitted in support of the Colleges’ challenge to the mandate, AUL outlined the life-ending action of so-called “emergency contraception” and argued that the mandate violates the Colleges’ sincerely held beliefs and Freedom of Conscience.

  • Pro-Life Action League has a great post about their recent Converted conference, featuring testimonies of former abortion industry workers. Self-described “pro-choice Christian” blogger Kellee Terrell (pictured right) attended the conference and wrote about it mockingly, even while expressing concern about the new strategy of reaching out to abortion industry workers. PLAL writes:
    Perhaps Terrell found it difficult to debunk our speakers in detail because, despite herself, she found their stories compelling. She even admits, “Although many of the stories were flatly ludicrous, the power of the conversion narrative, dating back as it does to the [Norma McCorvey] ‘Roe’ conversion, is undeniable.”
  • ProLife NZ points out the inconsistent logic of a pro-choice blogger who states, “Women are in the workforce. Women get pregnant. Companies simply have to find a way to cope.” Imagine the blogger’s reaction if pro-lifers were to reply, “Women have sex. Sex makes babies. Women simply have to find a way to cope.” PLNZ notes:
    Isn’t it funny how, with one magic wave of the ideological wand, the very same feminists who think that women shouldn’t be forced to accept babies they never consented to, actually start demanding that employers (many of whom are women) should be forced to accept babies that they never consented to.

PP Memphis already advertising for New Year's Eve Accidents walk in for EC

Facebook entry from PP of Memphis.....what's is next...a drive in window? Our tax dollars at work. I am sure heavy advertising to kids...

Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region
It's not too early to get ready for New Year's Eve! Get some Emergency Contraception to have just in case. Accidents happen, that's why there's Plan B.
It's not too early to get ready for New Year's Eve! Get some Emergency Contraception to have just in case. Accidents happen, that's why there's Plan B.

NARAL feels VA teens need more protection from parents....

Abortion  promoting Huffington Post  posts an article about their surveillance of VA parental notification laws with regard to the judicial bypass. Everyone knows that abortion mills are all too happy to hand over the  phone numbers of friendly judges that are known to grant automatic bypasses with no questions asked. But NARAL is shocked by the  ignorance of the VA court system....
"In more than a dozen cases, the caller was transferred at least six separate times before speaking to someone who could answer the question..."
Well welcome to the bureaucracy....
"The red tape and lack of information in the courts are particularly troubling for pregnant teenagers who are victims of rape or have life-threatening health conditions. Those girls are supposed to be able to bypass the entire consent process in Virginia, but many are not informed of their legal options and cannot receive straight answers from court employees."
Are you kidding me....NARAL wants minors who have life threatening health conditions or are victims of rape not to inform their parents?? Sure!!!! A minor with a life threatening condition needs to have surgery without parental notification?! Seriously???

Rape victims need referral to the state social services for protection and counseling while the perpetrator needs to be facing prosecution! But not with the abortion industry....the perp pays for the abortion and the abuse continues all without the parents knowledge. Check out Live Action undercover videos to see them in action.
"The teen education effort, called "Pregnant Teen VA," includes resources on the judicial bypass, abortion, adoption, birth control and parenting."
Okay, this one makes me laugh out loud. NARAL wants a confidential judicial bypass so the teen can make adoption plans or plan to parent without the knowledge of their  parents. They really have nerve even suggesting that is their motive. Ya, a teen is going to go through pregnancy and give birth make an adoption plan or choose to parent and their parents will never know!

There is only one reason for NARAL to want a robust bypass notification usher minors in for an abortion while still in a crisis mode and send them home to unsuspecting parents to deal with the emotional and physical after effects of a secret surgery. You see the abortion industry knows that if parents get involved it is harder to close the $$$ sale.

They have no shame....but we knew that all along. Wait, this isn't the end of it. I clicked on this so called "professional" site they set up  and saw their inaccurate and outdated adoption language of giving your child up etc.... and they warn against agencies that try to sway your decision. But alas.....their slip of the tongue turns into a slip of keyboard where they say you can abort anytime including after birth.
Yes, we know it is called Live birth abortions

Women may begin the process of abortion any time after they find out they are pregnant, including waiting until after birth. NO adoption is finalized until after the child is born, and you are free to change your mind any time before that. After signing, you may have a short time to change your mind but this will need to be discussed with a lawyer.

Had to get a screen shot of that one...... click to enlarge....

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pro-life blog buzz 12-18-12

from Jill Stanek.comby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
  • Big Blue Wave asks some pointed questions to find out if more contraceptives really leads to fewer unwanted pregnancies and abortions. One has to wonder: If the Pill was so successful in the 60′s, would Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton really have been necessary in the 70′s? And why, with the common and increased use of contraceptives so many years later, have abortion numbers continued to skyrocket?

  • Abortion in Washington has an encouraging story about Lenette Lindemann (pictured left), director of Life Choices Pregnancy Medical Clinic, who has started the life-saving ImagePoint Mobile Medical Services ultrasound ministry.
  • Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life recognizes the 17th anniversary of the day a handful of activist judges decided the state’s Doe v. Gomez case, which “established a new state constitutional ‘right’ to abortion on demand”:
    This supposed right would remain protected by the state Constitution even if Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision legalizing abortion in the United States, were to be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.
    Doe v. Gomez allows abortions for reasons such as “stress” or “discomfort.” It forbids the state to “interfere” in any way with a woman’s “decision making” regarding abortion.”
    Today, taxpayer funded abortions account for 34% of all abortion in Minnesota, and more than 58,000 children have been aborted under this ruling.
  • Suzy B applauds the naming of pro-life Republican Tim Scott to replace the resigning Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina:
    “Congressman Tim Scott’s rise to the U.S. Senate is great news to both the country and the pro-life movement,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “At a point where our nation is hungry for leadership, Congressman Scott has demonstrated compassion and clarity on the abortion issue, never backing down when asked the tough questions. He has made it clear that defending the most vulnerable is an indispensible first principle in his own political philosophy. We applaud Governor Haley for this choice and look forward to Tim Scott’s pro-life leadership in the U.S. Senate.”

  • Live Action takes strong exception to Republican Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (pictured right), who wrote an opinion piece recommending that birth control pills be sold over the counter. LA calls his thinking “delusional” and “futile.”
  • The Daily Kos has published a blogger’s “Open Letter to Supporters of Personhood,” which is really an angry and wholly unscientific rant about how a woman has the power to decide the value and wantedness of her preborn child. The author fears that bestowing any personhood to the preborn will somehow take away her personhood and power:
    My living children were wanted, and they are deeply loved. Unwanted pregnancies do not have “personhood” conferred upon them. They are an intrusion, a parasite, a thing. However they were conceived, they are not wanted. They are not loved. They are not named. No nurseries are planned. There is no sighing over tiny booties and cunning little hats. There is, instead, a desperation and determination that the thing be removed….
    Fetuses are not people until they are born. As a mother, I know that. Fetuses have the potential to be people, but until they are out of the womb, they are not. My daughter was born sort of grayish-blue, with the cord wrapped around her neck. My husband said, “Oh my God, she’s d—” and my doula kicked him in the ankle. My beloved OB quickly unwrapped the cord, my husband cut it, and my beautiful daughter turned rosy pink. She was a person. And I love her, and my son, so much that it makes my heart hurt. This, and only this, is how it should be. This is the sacred bond between mother and child. You should not interfere with that.
    Children are only actual children who have a “sacred bond” with their mothers if they pass through the magical birth canal and if they were planned and wanted – otherwise, they’re “parasites”?

Friday, December 14, 2012

Pro-life blog buzz 12-14-12

 from Jill

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
  • Pro-Life NZ links to an article showing how the Guttmacher Institute pushes the legalization of abortion by using flawed methods to determine (and inflate) countries’ illegal abortion numbers.
  • Alveda King of Priests for Life announces that new Life Talk panel member Fr. Frank Pavone is set to receive the 2013 Defender of Life Award from Students for Life of America.
  • Albert Mohler notes how Newsweek, which will go out of print at the end of this year, uses one of its final editions to “deny the historical basis of Christmas.” Mohler points out that “it is Newsweek, and not the New Testament, that is going out of print.”

  • Secular Pro-Life president Kelsey Hazzard plans to soon release her new fiction entitled, Cultivating Weeds, the “story of an abortion doctor who secretly becomes pro-life and is recruited to help conduct a controversial, revolutionary medical study.” Though written from a secular point of view, Hazzard thinks Christians will enjoy it also. Look for online release soon with sales with proceeds through February to benefit SPL.
  • Wesley J. Smith takes on Princeton bioethicist Peter Singer, who seems confused by his own “twisted logic and inconsistency”:
    Singer claims that it is ethical and moral to kill an existing disabled baby to serve the interests of an, as yet, unborn sibling….
    That’s the amorality of utilitarianism. There really are no fixed moral principles, only expedient analyses. If Singer wants a chance to experience near-immortality, the cost of the quest to the not yet born can be justified because they don’t matter yet. But when he wants to justify killing disabled babies, the lives of the not yet born matter more than the life of an already born infant – even if the latter-born sibling will never actually make it into this world.
    In other words, in Peter Singer’s moral universe, consistency doesn’t matter and principles need not be applied.

  • Stand for Life focuses on what should be considered a healthcare crisis in New Mexico – and why this is everyone’s concern:
    In the past four years alone in New Mexico, 14 women have been rushed to local hospitals with severe life-threatening injuries due to botched abortions. In addition, late-term abortionist Shelley Sella [pictured right] faced a New Mexico Medical Board hearing after a woman suffered a ruptured uterus during a 35 week full term abortion. This was a violation of the standard of care. To make matters worse, no abortion clinic in New Mexico is ever inspected by the health department.
    In New Mexico, we know that the health department, hospitals, and even high schools send unsuspecting women to Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics to receive healthcare services. Women are continually referred to abortion clinics for D&C’s after their miscarriages, sterilizations and birth control. New Mexico is one of 15 states where all of these services, including abortion, are fully funded through Medicaid by taxpayers. When abortion clinic workers maim and injure these women they make each one of us culpable.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Teacher assigns pre teens suicide writing assignment

A  teacher in France gave a strange writing assignment to his class of pre teens. 

"You've just turned 18. You've decided to end your life. Your decision is definitive.
In a final surge you decide to put in words the reason behind your decision. In the style of a self-portrait, you describe the disgust you have for yourself. Your text will retrace certain events in your life at the origin of these feelings."
This is a class of 13 and 14 year olds!! The teacher is suspended after parents complained. Teenage suicide is a serious matter and  to mix a writing assignment with the emotions of pre teens is just ridiculous.  It is almost like he is putting the option on the table. Another assault on life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pro-life blog buzz 12-11-12

from Jill

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
  • A Single Drop in the Ocean takes exception to a PETA ad that equates eating meat with the pro-life issue.
  • Moral Outcry lauds the work of a Colorado pastor who established Project 1:27, which “turned 875 children in the Colorado foster system who were waiting for adoption (not all foster children are eligible to be adopted) just a few years ago into zero.”
  • Down on the Pharm answers critics of pharmacists who refuse to sell the morning-after pill to men, and explains why some refuse to sell it at all.
  • Pro Life NZ responds to blogger Adam Lee’s “challenge” questions for pro-lifers, which are really nothing more than tired, old pro-choice talking points – including the fallacy of equating natural death with death by abortion.

  • Reflections of a Paralytic says that despite the often-repeated mantra, abortion on the disabled unborn is neither moral nor compassionate:
    Whether you mean to say it or not, advocating for abortion for unborn children with various diseases and disabilities in an effort to “spare them a life of suffering” (among other things) suggests that one must be perfect in mind and body in order to have a fulfilling life, which sends a message to those of us poor fools living with disabilities outside the womb that you do not think that our lives are worth living.
  • Right to Life of Michigan is happy to report that Pro-Life Lobby Day was attended by more than 800 people. Some important pieces of pro-life legislation were passed and will now wait for the governor’s approval. Despite political losses at the national level, pro-life work is gaining importance and traction at the state level.
  • ProWomanProLife points out the hypocrisy of feminists and progressives who refuse to even vote to condemn female gendercide in sex-selective abortions in Canada.
  • Wesley J. Smith shows the slippery slope is alive and well in Belgium, where the legalization of euthanasia and therapeutic abortion are now being used to justify infanticide:
    Several neonatologists have drawn up a procedure which enables euthanasia of premature newborn infants or those presenting a handicap in one of the three following instances: either the infant has no chance of survival, or it is deemed to only have a very mediocre quality of life, or the outlook is poor and it is felt that the infant will suffer unbearable pain.
    The Groningen Protocol [Dutch infanticide protocol] caused quite a stir in Belgium and a great many medical practitioners are of the opinion that since a “therapeutic” abortion is possible right up to the day before birth in the event of the child being handicapped, euthanasia of newborns ought also to be allowed under the same conditions.
  • Operation Rescue has information on the case of a patient who suffered severe blood loss after a possible “chemical abortion gone bad” in Cleveland, Ohio:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Doctor's words trivialize abortion and life

American Thinker has some thoughts about how words shape our culture and our attitude.....she tells of a married woman,  who upon receiving the news of a positive pregnancy test,  was met with this next question from her health care provider....are you going to keep it???
It????from a Dr.  Such a casual question that puts abortion right out there as an option to consider like color swatches! I would switch doctors in a heartbeat, wouldn't you??

"The unwanted assumptions must be fully unpacked to appreciate how such language shapes our culture's attitudes. Why is it deemed acceptable to insinuate abortion into pregnancy?
The fact that healthy married women are now asked if they are keeping their children shows that the abortion industry has far outgrown performing abortions only when a woman's life is in jeopardy."

Made for TV movies that glorify abortion, words that trivialize it,  and the compliant  media that seeks to  normalize it are also guilty. Terminate a pregnancy....emptying contents of the uterus...products of conception...blob of tissue....fetus.....words to deny the humanity of the preborn.

"Fifty years ago, no one would have dreamed of asking a pregnant woman, "Are you keeping it?" Decades of rhetoric intended to "empower" women has led young women of childbearing age down a path strewn with unconscious stratagems and casual "keeping it" questions. Such language reveals a mindset intent on throwing off nagging second thoughts and tradition, seeking at all cost to protect its revolution. But the adherents to such a mindset cannot possibly comprehend their own jaded sensibilities and evacuated consciences."

Another unintended consequence of the feminist movement....the empowering of women......women's right to choose....choose what ?? To kill their own. God help us!  

NYT: articles of too many babies and too few babies in one week....which is it???

Well which is it New York Times??? NYT sports an article which is is re-tweeted and Facebook posted eagerly by the abortion industry as in ....Aha....see I told you so!! 
"The latest Health and Human Services Commission projections being circulated among Texas lawmakers indicate that during the 2014-15 biennium, poor women will deliver an estimated 23,760 more babies than they would have, as a result of their reduced access to state-subsidized birth control."
Now let's remember how this happened? Texas voted to have family planning services be delivered by organizations not  tied to the abortion giant  Planned Parenthood. Who would that be?? County health departments that's who. Well the abortion friendly administration said.... guess what..... if our friend and favorite fund raiser Planned Parenthood is snubbed we will  pull all the medicaid $$ from you.
"The  U.S. Health and Human Services said on Friday that the federal government plans to withdraw funding for a Texas program the provides over 100,000 women with birth control who are unable to afford it. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the agency is pulling the funding out because Texas does not divvy up the money to Planned Parenthood clinics. Texas Governor Rick Perry called the decision an “egregious federal overreach” after it was announced. Perry said the decision by the Obama administration was “politically motivated” and that it was an insult that Sebelius had not informed the state of Texas before announcing the move to the press."
Just 6 short days earlier NYT ran a piece on their Opinion Page entitled "More Babies, Please" that says we need more babies....
"Today’s babies are tomorrow’s taxpayers and workers and entrepreneurs, and relatively youthful populations speed economic growth and keep spending commitments affordable. Thanks to our relative demographic dynamism, the America of 50 years hence may not only have more workers per retiree than countries like Japan and Germany, but also have more than emerging powers like China and Brazil.
If, that is, our dynamism persists. But that’s no longer a sure thing. American fertility plunged with the stock market in 2008, and it hasn't recovered. Last week, the Pew Research Center reported that U.S. birthrates hit the lowest rate ever recorded in 2011, with just 63 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age. (The rate was 71 per 1,000 in 1990.) For the first time in recent memory, Americans are having fewer babies than the French or British."
US News and World Reports also laments our declining birth rate....
"The U.S. birth rate has hit a record low, led by a big drop in the portion of immigrant women having babies."So Planned Parenthood sees more babies as a problem and wants tax money to take care of this problem. But other thinkers lament declining birth rates as a problem.  Which is it? They are speaking in economic terms only. Wouldn't it be great to celebrate the humanity of new life??? Just saying.....

Pix: Yahoo! Finance/Thinkstock

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pro-life blog buzz 12-4-12

from Jill

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
  • The Passionate Pro-Lifer discusses her civil attempts to communicate with a company who does business with Planned Parenthood, yet claims to be pro-life. Fr. Frank Pavone once said we could end abortion if everyone refused to do business with the abortion industry. Are we “just doing our jobs” when we do business with an industry who kills babies?

  • Stand for Life shares video of a newscast reporting abortionist Shelley Sella’s potential loss of medical license:
    The New Mexico Medical Board has alleged that an Albuquerque physician acted negligently when she performed an abortion last year that resulted in the patient’s transfer to a hospital. The board began the investigation after pro-life groups filed complaints based on 911 calls for emergency transports from clinics to hospitals.
    Pro-life groups appear to be the only ones doing the monitoring of the abortion industry.
  • ProLifeBlogs features Pro-Life in NJ’s post on the fallacy that men should have no voice in abortion:
    This is where we pro-lifers need to step up. We need to reach out to these men. We need to show them why such a belief is illogical…. Everybody has the duty to defend life when it is threatened, in any and all circumstances. This is the message that must reach these men and all others who question their role.

  • Pro-Life Action League reports that while Planned Parenthood claims to be for women’s health (naturally downplaying its abortion services), affiliates must agree to perform abortions or cease to be part of the conglomerate:
    Planned Parenthood of South Central New York, based in the New York cities of Binghamton and Oneonta is cutting ties with the nation’s largest abortion chain, not because they refuse to do pap tests or provide general health care, but because they don’t want to perform abortions.
  • American Life League says contraception – which was touted as a wonderful benefit to women – has instead done the opposite. ALL quotes Pope Paul VI, who said:
    A man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.
  • At Catholic Vote, Thomas Peters has the viral video of alleged “twins fighting in the womb.” But Peters says what the video really shows is not sibling rivalry but “that unborn human beings are… human beings who can feel cramped, human beings who like to spread out. Human beings who kick, wiggle and move about….. It’s a tragic tale about our culture’s choice to ignore the obvious”:
