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  • LTI’s Scott Klusendorf recently had a conversation with a woman who is personally pro-life but can’t understand “how anyone could tell a woman who is raped that it’s wrong to have one.”

  • Brendan Malone of The Leading Edge announces his upcoming project, LifeTV, which will attempt to answer questions regarding pro-life issues:

  • Americans United for Life announces a contest for law students to “envision the language of life in writing a mock Supreme Court opinion laying the intellectual framework for overturning Roe v. Wade.” There will be special awards for the top three winners.

  • At Coming Home, Dr. Gerard Nadal begins a series on the challenges of the North Dakota personhood amendment, starting with the issue of ectopic pregnancies.

  • Via ProLifeBlogs, Papa Mike’s Blog notes the Obama administration’s continued funding (to the tune of $350M) of sexual indoctrination classes for children – while denying White House tours to those same children.
  • Abstinence Clearinghouse applauds 25-year-old The Bachelor star Sean Lowe (pictured left) and his finalist fiancée Catherine for pledging to remain abstinent until marriage. Sean was previously sexually active, but seeks to now approach his relationships differently – a choice sometimes known as “born again virginity” or “secondary virginity.” The article explores society’s incredulity toward young, “desirable” individuals who choose abstinence.

  • The Guiding Star Project shares a post from a mother who received a poor prenatal diagnosis for her child and did not receive the support she was hoping for:
    In the next month, we met with a specialist. We had settled down from the shock and we were ready to meet the doctor who was going to save our baby. He spoke with us in detail about our child’s condition and what would happen in the coming months. And then BAM! It came. “Do you want to terminate the pregnancy?” I felt sick. I had not expected this. I was supposed to put all my confidence in this doctor. He was supposed to save my child but yet he did not care if I wanted to kill her. Did he not just say this was a treatable condition? Is there something he was not telling us?

  • Big Blue Wave posts on the “strategic” lawsuit brought against LifeSiteNews by Canadian MP and Catholic priest Raymond Gravel for “defamation, contempt and incitement to hatred” because they dared to actually publish some of his actual comments on life issues. Relevant video begins at 3:30: