Pro Life in TN
- Susie Allen
- Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .

Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Pro-life blog buzz 3-29-13
from Jill
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- LTI’s Scott Klusendorf recently had a conversation with a woman who is personally pro-life but can’t understand “how anyone could tell a woman who is raped that it’s wrong to have one.”
- Brendan Malone of The Leading Edge announces his upcoming project, LifeTV, which will attempt to answer questions regarding pro-life issues:
- Americans United for Life announces a contest for law students to “envision the language of life in writing a mock Supreme Court opinion laying the intellectual framework for overturning Roe v. Wade.” There will be special awards for the top three winners.
- At Coming Home, Dr. Gerard Nadal begins a series on the challenges of the North Dakota personhood amendment, starting with the issue of ectopic pregnancies.
- Via ProLifeBlogs, Papa Mike’s Blog notes the Obama administration’s continued funding (to the tune of $350M) of sexual indoctrination classes for children – while denying White House tours to those same children.

- Abstinence Clearinghouse applauds 25-year-old The Bachelor star Sean Lowe (pictured left) and his finalist fiancée Catherine for pledging to remain abstinent until marriage. Sean was previously sexually active, but seeks to now approach his relationships differently – a choice sometimes known as “born again virginity” or “secondary virginity.” The article explores society’s incredulity toward young, “desirable” individuals who choose abstinence.
- The Guiding Star Project
shares a post from a mother who received a poor prenatal diagnosis for
her child and did not receive the support she was hoping for:
In the next month, we met with a specialist. We had settled down from the shock and we were ready to meet the doctor who was going to save our baby. He spoke with us in detail about our child’s condition and what would happen in the coming months. And then BAM! It came. “Do you want to terminate the pregnancy?” I felt sick. I had not expected this. I was supposed to put all my confidence in this doctor. He was supposed to save my child but yet he did not care if I wanted to kill her. Did he not just say this was a treatable condition? Is there something he was not telling us? - Big Blue Wave posts on the “strategic” lawsuit brought against LifeSiteNews by Canadian MP and Catholic priest Raymond Gravel for “defamation, contempt and incitement to hatred” because they dared to actually publish some of his actual comments on life issues. Relevant video begins at 3:30:
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Pro-life blog buzz 3-26-13

by Susie Allen, host of the blog,Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)!
At Priests for Life, Janet Morana discusses the case of Ariel Knights, who sought (and thought she had) an abortion after she was told her pregnancy was a risk to her life due to uterus didelphys, and her baby survived. Most revealing is that this article on the case minces no words regarding the substandard conditions of the abortion facility and stark facts of the procedure:
When her name was called that March morning a year ago, she walked into a cramped room and climbed onto a table, positioning her lower body above a trash bag. When the doctor finished, Knights, still woozy from being sedated, was handed her things and shown the door.
ProWomanProLife has been following the “Vagina Warriors” and their efforts to shut down (or shout down, as the case may be) any sort of intelligent discussion on abortion. Canadian MPStephen Woodworth, a conservative who made a motion to study a legal definition of when life begins, was invited to speak at theUniversity of Waterloo inOntario, but was instead confronted with the “warriors’” pro-choice theatrics (pictured left).
Wesley J. Smith says the state of Washington is attempting to pass a law that would require employers to pay for elective abortions through their insurance policies – yet another assault on business owners’ conscience and religious rights that could drive businesses out of the state. How far is the abortion industry willing to go to get taxpayer-funded abortions?
Real Choice continues to chronicle women’s deaths from both illegal and legal abortion, showing that regardless of legality or time period, abortionist quacks abound.
John Smeaton says Easter Sunday will also be the date of a temporary hold on an anti-life law in the Philippines.
Bryan Kemper recently sent out a fundraising email that reached a pregnant, abortion-minded woman, who called Kemper to complain. During their conversation, he referred the woman to a counselor and she has chosen life for her preborn child. Wow!
A Voice for Hope encourages you to take the time to listen to a panel discussion on pro-life and religious liberty from the recent CPAC conference:
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Nashville: Good Friday Way of the Cross in front of abortion facility
prayer vigil will be one hour in length, rain or shine. It is peaceful, loving
and legal. This is not a protest. It is appropriate for youth. Christ
gave all for us, can we give Him one hour on this special day of remembrance?
Please share with your pro life friends and announce in your church if
Join me Good
Friday for a "Way of the Cross for Abortion Victims"
Dear Pro-Life
On a bleak
Friday afternoon, our Savior Jesus Christ was crucified
at Golgotha,
"the place of the skull."
We have our
own Golgotha right here in Nashville: The Women's
where 2,000 years after the Crucifixion, His image is
violently destroyed
again and again by abortion.
So it is
fitting that we solemnize Jesus' suffering and death in
with the pro-life ministry He has entrusted to us.
Please join
me on Good Friday, March 29 at 1 PM for an ecumenical
"Way of
the Cross for Victims of Abortion" at The Women's Center.
Friday Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion
Deacon Ken
Levinson- Prayer leader....booklets provided
Friday, March 29, at 1:00 P.M.
WHERE: 419
Welshwood Drive, Nashville, TN
Click here
for directions from your starting point
I want to
emphasize that, even though the Way of the Cross is a
liturgical observance, I look forward to praying for an
end to
abortion with ALL my Christian brothers and sisters on Good
Come to
remember Christ's sacrifice and rededicate yourself to the
against abortion, inspired by His Passion. I hope to see you
with older children and youth groups: please volunteer to
be a
cross-bearer or hold a Station picture in front of each cross.
Please call
Yours for
Susan Allen
Marilyn Cox
Friday, March 22, 2013
Pro-life blog buzz 3-22-13
from Jill

by Susie Allen, host of the blog,Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)!
Big Blue Wave links to an article by Matt Archbold at the National Catholic Register which claims pro-lifers are losing the abortion debate.BBW apparently agrees:
We’ve argued for the humanity of the unborn on the assumption that people accepted the intrinsic worth of a human being. Which they now don’t, because belief in God is waning. There is no way to argue the intrinsic worth of a human being without reference to God. We have a big problem and we need to confront it, pro-lifers.
Hmm… I wonder what Secular Pro-Life would say in response to that.

Lowe was sentenced to life in prison, with two counts of felony first degree murder, two counts of pre-meditated murder, and two counts of aggravated child abuse. The trial took six days with only two hours of deliberation. In summation, the D.A. apparently swayed the jury with these words: “speak for these two little boys who will never speak.”
Clinic Quotes has a chilling statement made in 2008 by the head of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, Ann Furedi:
We can accept that the embryo is a living thing in the fact that it has a beating heart, that it has its own genetic system within it. It’s clearly human in the sense that it’s not a gerbil, and we can recognize that it is human life… the point is not when does human life begin, but when does it really begin to matter?
Culture Campaign outlines several articles about why the Catholic Church (and Pope Francis) must take a stand against politicians who profess to be practicing Catholics while supporting abortion.
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life discusses the International Day of the Unborn Child, coming up on March 25.
Live Action has some advice for Rand Paul and other potential 2016 presidential candidates on the life issue: stop with the mixed messages and learn to articulate your message competently.

Kansans for Life informs prospective donors and volunteers to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society that MSS supports embryo-destructive stem cell research, despite the fact that “there are no MS cures or promising clinical trials using ESC. In fact, adult stem cells are providing actual successful treatments for MS.”
The MSS Mid America chapter has also “hired Kari Rinker (pictured right), [abortion advocate and former lobbyist for NOW], to be their voice at the state Capitol in Topeka this year[.]“
Abstinence Clearinghouse posts an article about liberal Iceland’s effort to ban hardcore pornography online, stating it is a danger to women and children, having “very harmful effects on young people and can have a clear link to incidences of violent crime.”
Accepting Abundance outlines the conflicting research on the morning-after pill, stating it should be rejected in all cases:
So does anyone know how the MAP works? It seems not. That the pro-MAP professionals changed talking points about its mechanism and about pregnancy, thereby circumventing the real question, seems to suggest that they do strongly suspect that the pills interfere with implantation, but will not admit it.
In fuzzy language, the manufacturers conclude that prevention of implantation is not proven as a mechanism, but they cannot prove that it is not a mechanism even though other MAPs and uses of these drugs in different dosages are known to work by preventing implantation. They seem to think it is unreasonable to have to prove the negative, but that is a standard required of any other medication if the lives in question are valued by society.
Remember, professionals who promote the MAP have are not concerned with protecting embryonic human life; their motivation lies elsewhere.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
TN:Woman smothers newborn twin boys following birth is found guilty and will spend life in prison...
The 26 year old Hendersonville, TN woman on trial for smothering her newborn twin boys to prevent their cries from being heard was found guilty on six counts after six days of testimony and two hours of jury deliberation. Today she was found guilty of two counts of felony first degree murder, two counts of pre-mediated murder and two counts of aggravated child abuse. She is sentenced to life in prison.
Read back story here about this bizarre and tragic event....
"District Attorney Ray Whitley, who showed jurors pictures of the deceased twins, added the only crime the babies committed was that they cried and that it is now the jurors' time to "speak for these two little boys who will never speak."
Pix: Channel 2 News
Pro-life blog buzz 3-19-13
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Coming Home says the ACLU
certainly has fallen far from protecting civil liberties, as they are
now defending sex-selective and eugenic abortion of the disabled:
Having abandoned the protection of the weakest among us and championing the “rights” of those who prey upon the weak, the ACLU has gutted itself. In championing the right to murder little girls for being little girls, and for championing the murder of the genetically imperfect, the ACLU has become indistinguishable from the slaveholding and segregationist class it once despised and against whom it found its organizational identity.Such is the malevolent power of abortion to corrupt.

- Priests for Life calls for the investigation of New Woman All Women abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama (pictured left), which lost its license in May 2012 but continues to perform abortions in direct violation of state law. Fr. Frank Pavone writes:
The abortion industry is again acting in character. When you kill babies, you don’t care when someone tells you to stop. You can’t practice vice virtuously…. The abortion lobby always thinks it is above the law. We therefore call for a thorough investigation of the New Woman All Women facility by the State of Alabama, and strong action to enforce the law. - Stand for Life shares a sidewalk counselor’s personal testimony, reminding us that our sacrifices can result in lives saved, even when it seems like no one is paying attention.
- Secular Pro-Life publicizes a March Madness fundraiser organized by Students for Life of Illinois. Sign up at
- Pro-Life Action League analyzes a pro-choice article lamenting the lack of training for future abortionists and a current shortage of providers. The industry is not united in how to remedy this and is seemingly more concerned that publicity on the need for abortion training could result in more pro-life laws. Some in the industry, while fingering Planned Parenthood as their biggest competitor, have still seen fit to join the company in dropping “choice” and “abortion” as part of their namesakes, instead choosing to emphasize “providing healthcare.” Pro-life activism is having an impact.
- A Voice for Hope joins the chorus of praise for AE’s Duck Dynasty with the news that business owner Phil Robertson, an evangelical Christian, is also pro-life:
Friday, March 15, 2013
Pro-life blog buzz 3-15-13

from Jill
by Susie Allen, host of the blog,Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)!
Expose Abortion has a haunting quote from former abortion practitioner Susan Thayer, discussing how abortion providers must be gradually desensitized to the grisly work of abortion:
I walked into the surgical suite and headed toward the foot of the exam table. I was stopped and told to sit in a chair by the door because, they said, nearly everyone who watches the first time, can’t take it and either get sick or faint. Once you make it through one abortion, you are allowed to gradually move closer to the patient, therefore seeing more of the procedure.

Bound4Life points out that while we were all distracted by sequestration, the Department of Health and Human Services was quietly releasing more than 700 new pages of Obamacare regulations. Buried within is the mandate for taxpayer-funded abortions, unless you live in one of the 18 states – Alabama,Arizona, Arkansas, Florida,Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska,North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah,Virginia and Wisconsin – which have enacted legislation to ban abortion coverage from their state exchanges.
So our government is not only depriving schoolchildren of White House tours, but is planning to fund the elimination of future schoolchildren before birth. Chilling.
Accepting Abundance discusses the controversy surrounding German bishops’ authorization for Catholic hospitals to treat rape victims with the morning after pill.
Coming Home wonders how the new Pope will address allowing communion for “Catholics” who vote for, advocate, and support the evil of abortion – like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Andrew Cuomo, and others.
Clinic Quotes points out that the claim “abortion should be between a woman and her doctor” is really just wishful thinking. According to Dr. Don Sloan in 1992, there is very little interaction between a woman and her abortionist:
I’ve [aborted] tens and tens of thousands of women, and I know so little about so many of them – most of them…. How could I? In a sense the doctor is only a trades person, a technician performing a task, like any other.

The Guiding Star Project has a guest post from a single, childless woman who became the only positive voice in her workplace when a couple trying for baby #2 got pregnant with triplets instead:
Sad that today’s culture is so firm in wanting the perfect 1.2 children so as not to impede upon careers, vacations, and lifestyle choices. Sad that there simply isn’t an openness to life or what God may be asking of a husband a wife. And sad that I was the only one in a room full of ten or more people who had anything positive to say.
40 Days for Life says a Memphis prayer vigil had to change locations because previous prayer vigils caused Planned Parenthood to lose their lease in the former location.
The Abolitionist Society chastises the church for claiming their business is evangelism, while ignoring “loving [their] preborn neighbor[s], being led to the slaughter”:
If you were in the place of your preborn neighbor… would you find what you do for the preborn sufficient? Is simply “voting pro-life,” attending pro-life rallies, listening to sanctity of life sermons, and occasionally donating to crisis pregnancy centers the sum of loving your soon-to-be-killed preborn neighbor as you love yourself? If you were about to be torn to pieces and sucked through a vacuum, would you truly feel loved by those who warm the pews of the churches every Sunday, but don’t do more than this to make your impending death illegal?
[Graphic via Bound4Life; photo via]
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The Cry of Every Heart....
Excellent article from Lifeline Children's Services Joi Wasill.
His name is Malcolm.
I met him last Spring at an after school program where I was involved with a pilot teen mentoring project regarding sexual purity and teen pregnancy. This was our third afternoon together and I had just shared a very difficult section of the DCO program with these inner city kids: the impact of fatherlessness on children and our society. Realizing the fact that over 70% of African American children live in mother-only homes, I knew that the majority of these kids were living the statistics we just covered. It is always hard sharing this information with a group of teens when you know that. In order for them to see the need to make changes in their own lives, however, the truth must be shared.
As I put my projector, laptop and materials away, Malcolm came back into the room. Before they leave the center, they are all fed a meal and he had his plate of spaghetti with him. He sat down. I wasn’t sure why he came in there with me as all of the other kids were eating out in the main room together. It was just me and Malcolm.
He said, “You know that stuff you said about kids not having a father?” I took a deep breath and said “yes”. “You are right. All I have ever wanted my whole life is for my dad to be there. I play football and I’m pretty good. He has never seen me play. He came around a little when I was a kid but I never see him anymore. I just don’t matter to him.” And then he began to cry.
I thought my heart would burst open. I sat down beside this big, strong, football playing child and hugged him real tight and told him how sorry I was that he was hurting. I prayed for him. We talked and then I left for the night. But Malcolm and I had shared a heart bonding experience that night. He would talk to me, help me carry things to my car and volunteer to do things with our project. His words forever etched on my heart: “I just don’t matter to him.”
Desire for a Daddy
As the director of the Decisions, Choices & Options teen education program for the past 11 years, I know all of the stats on fatherlessness, the impact it is having on our society and the horrible consequences it has for children. With over 41% of all children born in our country to unmarried mothers, it is a trend we must speak about, pray about and work to change. Every child across the globe shares the desire of Malcolm and his friends at the Boys & Girls club: they want a daddy. Every person created by our Sovereign God shares the desire to have a daddy, an ABBA, Father. Our first images and possibly lifelong impression of God will be formed by the impact of our earthly fathers. I thank God for my earthly father and how he taught me about God, showed me unconditional love and care and is a wonderful example of sacrificial fatherly love. But there are so many Malcolms out there. Both physically and spiritually their hearts cry out for Daddy.
“Fatherless No More”
As we seek to share the hope of the gospel, the benefits of adoption and the love provided by Christian families to children in foster care, may we seek God daily for his guidance, power, protection and wisdom. Malcolm and millions of orphans worldwide are depending on us to speak for them. We have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness by the marvelous grace of our loving, merciful Father. He longs to use us to help rescue children and families from the darkness of fatherlessness. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could say that our world is “Fatherless No More”?
Oh, and l saw Malcolm a few weeks ago. We started our teen mentoring program again and he just happened to stop by that day. We shared a big hug. I pray that one day he will know his heart’s desire: the love of his Abba, Father.
“For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father”. Romans 8:15
His name is Malcolm.
I met him last Spring at an after school program where I was involved with a pilot teen mentoring project regarding sexual purity and teen pregnancy. This was our third afternoon together and I had just shared a very difficult section of the DCO program with these inner city kids: the impact of fatherlessness on children and our society. Realizing the fact that over 70% of African American children live in mother-only homes, I knew that the majority of these kids were living the statistics we just covered. It is always hard sharing this information with a group of teens when you know that. In order for them to see the need to make changes in their own lives, however, the truth must be shared.
As I put my projector, laptop and materials away, Malcolm came back into the room. Before they leave the center, they are all fed a meal and he had his plate of spaghetti with him. He sat down. I wasn’t sure why he came in there with me as all of the other kids were eating out in the main room together. It was just me and Malcolm.
He said, “You know that stuff you said about kids not having a father?” I took a deep breath and said “yes”. “You are right. All I have ever wanted my whole life is for my dad to be there. I play football and I’m pretty good. He has never seen me play. He came around a little when I was a kid but I never see him anymore. I just don’t matter to him.” And then he began to cry.
I thought my heart would burst open. I sat down beside this big, strong, football playing child and hugged him real tight and told him how sorry I was that he was hurting. I prayed for him. We talked and then I left for the night. But Malcolm and I had shared a heart bonding experience that night. He would talk to me, help me carry things to my car and volunteer to do things with our project. His words forever etched on my heart: “I just don’t matter to him.”
Desire for a Daddy
As the director of the Decisions, Choices & Options teen education program for the past 11 years, I know all of the stats on fatherlessness, the impact it is having on our society and the horrible consequences it has for children. With over 41% of all children born in our country to unmarried mothers, it is a trend we must speak about, pray about and work to change. Every child across the globe shares the desire of Malcolm and his friends at the Boys & Girls club: they want a daddy. Every person created by our Sovereign God shares the desire to have a daddy, an ABBA, Father. Our first images and possibly lifelong impression of God will be formed by the impact of our earthly fathers. I thank God for my earthly father and how he taught me about God, showed me unconditional love and care and is a wonderful example of sacrificial fatherly love. But there are so many Malcolms out there. Both physically and spiritually their hearts cry out for Daddy.
“Fatherless No More”
As we seek to share the hope of the gospel, the benefits of adoption and the love provided by Christian families to children in foster care, may we seek God daily for his guidance, power, protection and wisdom. Malcolm and millions of orphans worldwide are depending on us to speak for them. We have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness by the marvelous grace of our loving, merciful Father. He longs to use us to help rescue children and families from the darkness of fatherlessness. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could say that our world is “Fatherless No More”?
Oh, and l saw Malcolm a few weeks ago. We started our teen mentoring program again and he just happened to stop by that day. We shared a big hug. I pray that one day he will know his heart’s desire: the love of his Abba, Father.
“For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father”. Romans 8:15
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
What not to say about adoption

Honored to have a guest post on Jill Stanek blog.
from Jill
Guest post by Susie Allen, Pro-Life in TN
Statistics tell us that 50-55% of teens experiencing unplanned pregnancies choose single parenting, 30-35% choose abortion, and less than 1% choose to place their children for adoption.
These statistics are disturbing. What if we could reverse the statistics of abortion and adoption? With two million couples waiting to adopt, why doesn’t adoption seem to be an option on the radar screen of parents experiencing unplanned pregnancies?
One reason appears to be that even in well-written articles, adoption is framed in outdated and negative language. Even some professionals who deal with teens have an inaccurate view of adoption, perpetuated by made-for-TV movies showing adoption as it was in the 1970′s. Today, options aren’t so limited, with open, semi-open, and confidential adoptions.
The nonprofit educational outreach, Decisions, Choices and Options was founded by Tennessee teacher and mother Joi Wasill, with the goal of correcting inaccuracies surrounding adoption. The group offers a copyrighted curriculum now being presented in eight states by 52 trained agencies. Since its inception, this program has reached 55,000 high school students.
From the group’s website, some ideas of correct adoption language (click to enlarge):
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Pro Life Blog Buzz 3-12-13
from Jill
by Susie Allen, host of the blog,Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)!
At Life Training Institute, Jay Watts addresses the pro-choice argument of using abortion as a means of “self defense.”
At Catholic Vote, Michael New discusses the results of a recent poll showing that the majority of New Yorkers aren’t nearly as pro-choice as their governor. New also points out the under-reported demographics of the poll, which show strong trends toward the pro-life position.

Reggie Littlejohn of Women’s Rights without Frontiers spoke four times at the recent United National Commission on the Status of Women, calling uponChina’s incoming president, Xi Jinping (pictured left), to “abandon all coercive population control and to end this bloody reign of terror” wrought by the One-Child Policy.
Pro-Life Action Leaguerecommends hosting a Way of the Cross prayer vigil on Good Friday, in front of your local abortion clinic.
Stand True has an opportunity for spring/summer internships for adults aged 18-28. Travel, learn, and contribute to the pro-life cause with Stand True and Priests for Life’s youth outreach.
Reproductive Research Audit discusses the importance of closely analyzing the various surveys conducted on abortion view.
… [T]he composition of the sample – whether it is composed of only likely voters, the general population, etc. – can influence the results… [and] the structure of the specific questions can influence the results of a survey.

Suzy B applauds pro-life TN Rep. Diane Black (pictured right) for introducing legislation opposing the HHS mandate and the assault on conscience rights and religious liberties:
Additionally, more than 50 national and statewide groups have joined the recently launched coalition to mobilize grassroots in response to the assault on conscience and religious liberty. Hundreds of thousands of Americans were mobilized last week to urge Congress to include language to defend conscience and religious liberty in any must-pass funding legislation.
Pro-Life in TN says Canadian Status of Women Minister Rona Ambrose finds herself in a difficult situation: she opposes gendercide, which is skewed toward females, but feels pressured to vote for the right of women to commit gendercide against their own daughters via abortion.
Reflections of a Paralytic addresses misconceptions about disabled people and sex, stating that “life with a disability is not as awful as it is made out to be.”
Secular Pro-Life provides their perspective on the case of the teacher at a Christian college who was fired for engaging in premarital sex and becoming pregnant, violating her teaching contract. What makes this case really shocking is the fact that the college then hired her husband – the man who got her pregnant – for her old position.
TN: Mother on trial for smothering twins following birth begins today
A trial that shocks the mind begins in Gallatin,TN today. 26 yr.old Lindsey Lowe is on trial for smothering her twin sons shortly after birth in the home she shared with her parents in September of 2011. The babies were full term. She confessed shortly after her arrest to police that she smothered them to prevent their cries and hid them in the laundry basket. Her father discovered the babies in the laundry basket two days later.
Amazingly, Lowe managed to hide her pregnancy from her parents, employer and friends including her fiance. She even served as a bridesmaid in a wedding shortly before the birth.
She was engaged to be married but the DNA results showed that the father of the twins was another man. Lowe admitted having relations with another man who stated he was unaware of her pregnancy.
She is being charged with first degree murder but the defense will argue that she was at the time she killed her twins. | Nashville News, Weather
Amazingly, Lowe managed to hide her pregnancy from her parents, employer and friends including her fiance. She even served as a bridesmaid in a wedding shortly before the birth.
She was engaged to be married but the DNA results showed that the father of the twins was another man. Lowe admitted having relations with another man who stated he was unaware of her pregnancy.
She is being charged with first degree murder but the defense will argue that she was at the time she killed her twins. | Nashville News, Weather
I’m not “giving up”
Statistics tell us that pregnant teen are choosing single parenting 50-55%, abortion, 30-35% and
adoption is less than 1%.
this alarming? Just imagine if we could
reverse the statistics of abortion and adoption? With 2MM couples waiting to adopt, why is
adoption not even on the radar screen?
reason appears to be that even in well written articles, we continue to frame
adoption in outdated and negative language.
Even some
professionals that deal with teens have an outdated, inaccurate viewpoint of adoption generated by
made for TV movies that show anomalies or
view adoption as it was in the 1970's. Today
we have open, semi open and confidential adoptions. Using negative adoption
language contributes to this misrepresentation.
A nonprofit Decisions, Choices and Options, was started to correct these inaccurate views.
This copy written curriculum is now
being presented in 8 states by 52 trained agencies. Since its inception by Joi Wasill, an educator and mother by adoption
in middle TN, this program has presented
to over 55, 000 high school students.
next time you talk or write about
adoption, please consider the impact of your language.
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