Pro Life in TN
- Susie Allen
- Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .

Monday, October 31, 2011
Feministing: Minors must have full access to abortions...decries parental involvement and judicial bypass....
Feministing has many complaints today. Among those complaints is that minors MUST have full access to abortions and the idea that having any parental involvement with this life altering decision may result in slowing down an abortion decision is abhorrent. The only one that should have access to the minor is the $$ abortion industry.
Their second complaint is the judicial bypass for those bad states requiring parental notification. This is intended to be an end run around the parent issue. Some judges may give information to the minor so that she is aware of all her options. SHRIEK!! And guess what else might happen is that the judge might actually use his/her discretion and say NO to the minor! She must actually consult her parents.
Their second complaint is the judicial bypass for those bad states requiring parental notification. This is intended to be an end run around the parent issue. Some judges may give information to the minor so that she is aware of all her options. SHRIEK!! And guess what else might happen is that the judge might actually use his/her discretion and say NO to the minor! She must actually consult her parents.
"In my home state of Ohio, a minor must obtain a court order from a judge, stating that she has enough information and is mature enough to make her own decision regarding abortion, or that the abortion is in her best interest."
What a novel idea! Beware judge shopping may be needed here!
Hmmm I wonder if the person driving this minor is the perpetrator of statutory rape who need his identity and age to remain unreported. PP has shown a willingness to help in that category. Check out Live to watch all the videos.The women in the story had to travel to another city to meet with a judge about her judicial bypass, because the judge in her home town was known to be anti-choice. Also while trying to obtain her judicial bypass, she was given a manila envelope full of anti-choice literature, including misleading information about abortion and pregnancy. She was lucky to have a compassionate judge to meet with, and access to money and a car to drive out of town to meet with her."
Saturday, October 29, 2011
October Baby: Story of an abortion survivor
I am told that this story was inspired by Gianna Jensen.
"The movie tells the story of Hannah, a 19-year-old girl who discovers that she is the survivor of an attempted abortion. In her journey to find her biological mother, Hannah struggles with love, forgiveness and her view of her own life."
A list of theaters participating in the limited release can be found at
Friday, October 28, 2011
(Prolifer)ations 10-28-11
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Abortion Pill Risks reports that an Oklahoma judge is willing to risk women’s lives by “temporarily block[ing] from taking effect a new law that requires health care providers to follow the strict guidelines and protocols for medical abortion as it was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2000.”
- Abstinence Clearinghouse discusses The Book of Man: Who Are Men, What Should Men Be, What Should Men Do by former U.S. Education Secretary and national drug czar Bill Bennett. The book discusses some of the unintended consequences of the feminist movement, the media’s denigration of men, and the overall problem of fatherlessness in America.
- American Life League examines the twisted logic and parsing of words in Catholic feminist bioethicist Dr. Carol Tauer’s recent article calling for an end to the ban on reproductive cloning.
- Big Blue Wave has a horrendous story from Melbourne in which a woman received what can scarcely be called “medical care” while undergoing a late-term abortion procedure. She was found unresponsive and was transported, under instruction of the abortion clinic, by car to the clinic instead of a hospital, where the abortion was completed without pain meds or oxygen. An ambulance was called after the procedure (no lights or sirens) and the woman was admitted into intensive care for organ failure. Clearly, there was no concern for her health – only for the completion of the expensive procedure.

- The Culture Vulture shares a photo of a Greenpeace demonstration from 2004 in which protesters voiced “opposition to proposed laws allowing scientific patents of human genetic material and embryos, which is why they set up all the baby dolls frozen in ice on stands.” Amazing visual impact.
- Abby Johnson contrasts the lack of informed consent for a woman undergoing an abortion with the informed consent required for other surgeries.
- Pro-Life Action League has an interesting follow-up regarding the merger of Swedish Hospital with Catholic Providence in Washington
– and how the National Organization for Women and Planned Parenthood
can’t decide if they like the arrangement. Swedish has agreed to cease
performing abortions but will out source them to Planned Parenthood of the Greater Northwest, even helping to underwrite the costs of a new PP facility to do it:
But in the face of such a gift at the hands of the hospital establishment, PP of the Greater Northwest CEO Chris Charbonneau inexplicably lashes out at hospitals for infringing on their abortion turf. From the Seattle Times:
Swedish should never have been doing those things [abortions] in a hospital, anyway. We have really perfected the office procedure. When you take people into a hospital, you add a level of complications and danger, unnecessarily medicalizing the procedure and typically making it more expensive.
You add a level of danger being in a hospital where they are prepared to immediately handle complications? No – this is clearly a turf war for the profitable abortion industry.
- ProLifeBlogs links to a Live Action post which discusses the falsehoods purported by mainstream media – even Fox News – regarding the Mississippi Personhood Amendment.
LA states the MSM have fallen into the “trap the
pro-abortion movement tries to use, claiming that pro-lifers believe a
human egg is a person and that we want human eggs to receive legal
protection. This is completely false, because pro-lifers actually know
their biology and are proud to use science when making our case for
protecting the dignity and right to life of the unborn.”
- Bryan Kemper responds to a recent article written by recent pro-life convert Jewels Green who asks, “Should breaking the law be advocated to advance the cause for life? Should violence be encouraged, condoned, or celebrated to further the cause for life? No, and no.” Kemper contends Green is asking two different questions, which he addresses in detail from the perspective of a person directly involved in the rescue movement.
- Mommy Life discusses the apparent growing societal hostility toward twins.
I am the 10%.....
I see signs with the Occupy Wall Street that says I am the 99%.....well this young man is the 10%. Story behind the beautiful pix here.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
When facts are given instead of opinion.....on RU 486
What would happen if the doctor would provide accurate factual information to the patient about chemical abortions.
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life posts an excellent video that gives the facts on chemical abortion and prenatal development. The video “shows a fictional consultation between a doctor and a woman seeking an RU486 (chemical) abortion. Unlike most such consultations, this abortionist is honest and factually accurate. The nonprofit educational organization behind the video, the Human Development Resource Council, has provided medical documentation backing up every statement the abortionist makes”:
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life posts an excellent video that gives the facts on chemical abortion and prenatal development. The video “shows a fictional consultation between a doctor and a woman seeking an RU486 (chemical) abortion. Unlike most such consultations, this abortionist is honest and factually accurate. The nonprofit educational organization behind the video, the Human Development Resource Council, has provided medical documentation backing up every statement the abortionist makes”:
HHS Sebelius now not worried about privacy of medical records....
Privacy or public record. Is Kathleen Sebelius' idea of privacy evolving?? HHS secretary and former governor of KS, Kathleen Sebelius argues both sides of this issue depending on her ideology and advocacy.
As Governor of KS she ferociously defended the privacy of any and all records dealing with Planned Parenthood and the late George Tiller, the infamous late term abortionist. She stonewalled the investigation into potential criminal charges being investigated by then AG, Phill Kline. due to privacy rights. Even though they requested records that had any identifying information removed, she was staunch in crying PRIVACY FIRST....NO DEAL.
Now as HHS Secretary she is saying that it is fine for Obamacare's data base to have all medical conditions of Americans as long as they do not divulge your identity. This component is essential to the working of Obamacare.
But when it comes to KS investigating the plight of underage girls receiving abortions and assuring that they are not victims of unreported rape, her advocacy was clear.
As Governor of KS she ferociously defended the privacy of any and all records dealing with Planned Parenthood and the late George Tiller, the infamous late term abortionist. She stonewalled the investigation into potential criminal charges being investigated by then AG, Phill Kline. due to privacy rights. Even though they requested records that had any identifying information removed, she was staunch in crying PRIVACY FIRST....NO DEAL.
Now as HHS Secretary she is saying that it is fine for Obamacare's data base to have all medical conditions of Americans as long as they do not divulge your identity. This component is essential to the working of Obamacare.
Sebelius’s HHS has proposed having states collect the “raw claims data” of all Americans to determine “individual risk scores,” which can then be used to allocate funds accordingly.Sebelius all of a sudden is not concerned about anyone tying a particular medical condition to a particular person as she assures that the data is all they are interested in and your confidentiality is safe with us.
But when it comes to KS investigating the plight of underage girls receiving abortions and assuring that they are not victims of unreported rape, her advocacy was clear.
Sebelius had reciprocal ties to abortion providers throughout her political career in Kansas. For instance, on May 15, 2007, Sebelius celebrated her birthday at a Planned Parenthood event that raised over $55,000 for the abortion provider. And Tiller donated more than $35,000 to her, according to the Associated Press, though other estimates run much higher than that.
The Washington Examiner offered HHS the opportunity to respond to the more detailed criticisms of the proposed rule and Sebelius’s past record on privacy, but HHS spokeswoman Erin Shields, after initially offering to answer follow-up questions, declined to respond.
And last Friday, news broke that in 2005, the Sebelius administration in Kansas destroyed key records sought by prosecutors in the criminal prosecution of Planned Parenthood.Her crisp demeanor may be crumbling under this apparent hypocrisy.
According to the Kansas City Star, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment is calling it a “routine” destruction of state documents that was not deliberate.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
PP is angry that hospitals are doing abortions
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Swedish Hospital in Seattle, Washington |
National Organization of Woman is angry because they are not going to do abortions anymore. PP in happy for the addition income source and underwriting but then turns around and gets angry because the hospital had no business doing abortions in the first place taking the income stream away from them in the first place.
"Swedish should never have been doing those things [abortions] in a hospital, anyway. We have really perfected the office procedure. When you take people into a hospital, you add a level of complications and danger, unnecessarily medicalizing the procedure and typically making it more expensive."How on earth could they have the audacity to suggest that to have an abortion in a hospital that is poised to handle any emergency is more complicated. Don't they need to operate within a certain proximity to a hospital so that they can rush their patients there when they have a complication.
TN: Woman suffocated twins at birth DNA tests reveal paternity not fiance
Tennessean continues to follow the story of the Sumner county woman who delivered twin boys in her bathroom and suffocated them hiding their tiny bodies in the home she shared with her parents.

Her first hearing brought out that the DNA tests showed that the birth father was not her fiance but another man. The story named the man so she must have disclosed this after her arrest and the DNA results confirmed it. How strange that the story named the birth father since there is no indication he knew about the pregnancy. Amazingly she hid the pregnancy from her fiance, parents, friends and co workers even acting as a bridesmaid two days before delivery. Her demeanor when confronted by police was described as calm, and she texted a joke to her father just before he found the tiny body of the first baby.
She continues on bail even though she failed a drug test. TN has a safe haven law that allows newborn babies to be dropped of at a designated safe haven with no legal implications.
I am always interested in reading the comments in a sad story such as this. They were pretty muted as everyone still seems to be in shock. Only one so far said why didn't she just have an abortion. She had a job and means. Abortion would have made the act of ending these lives legal but the demise of two babies would still be the result. There will be no happy ending here for anyone. Can you imagine the agony to the long list of couples waiting to adopt when they read this?
A local station did a good job of pointing out that Crisis Pregnancy Centers offer free and confidential information and provide non judgmental assistance for those in crisis pregnancies. As point of interest there are four such centers located close to her home and workplace.
Photo: wsmv

Her first hearing brought out that the DNA tests showed that the birth father was not her fiance but another man. The story named the man so she must have disclosed this after her arrest and the DNA results confirmed it. How strange that the story named the birth father since there is no indication he knew about the pregnancy. Amazingly she hid the pregnancy from her fiance, parents, friends and co workers even acting as a bridesmaid two days before delivery. Her demeanor when confronted by police was described as calm, and she texted a joke to her father just before he found the tiny body of the first baby.
She continues on bail even though she failed a drug test. TN has a safe haven law that allows newborn babies to be dropped of at a designated safe haven with no legal implications.
I am always interested in reading the comments in a sad story such as this. They were pretty muted as everyone still seems to be in shock. Only one so far said why didn't she just have an abortion. She had a job and means. Abortion would have made the act of ending these lives legal but the demise of two babies would still be the result. There will be no happy ending here for anyone. Can you imagine the agony to the long list of couples waiting to adopt when they read this?
A local station did a good job of pointing out that Crisis Pregnancy Centers offer free and confidential information and provide non judgmental assistance for those in crisis pregnancies. As point of interest there are four such centers located close to her home and workplace.
"Women every day are confronted with unplanned pregnancies and left shocked by the news.
One of the places women can go for help is the Hope Clinic located in Nashville.
Since Lowe's story came to light, the clinic has been flooded with letters and e-mails from former clients.
"This whole story could have ended differently if this young woman had known about us. If she'd just walked in the door once, we could have shown her there are other options. Even if she wasn't ready to parent, we could have helped her with that decision," said Renee Rizzo with the Hope Clinic.
The Hope Clinic is a free, confidential and non-judgmental place for women to go for help."
Photo: wsmv
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Abortion makes her a better which child??
Outcry discusses the issue of mothers choosing abortion. After rape, incest
and life of the mother, this is the one that the abortion industry wants
to hype.
These are not bad women...these are mothers who are choosing abortion
so that their born children are not made to unnecessarily suffer!!
MO points out that these woman will not go to their
own OB GYN for such a service due to shame. We can help them by discussing
options with them and finding the root cause for their fear that leads them to
choose the life of their preborn over their born children. Why not
explore life affirming options such as adoption?
" Motherhood is about sacrifice, love and
commitment towards the children that are born and unborn. It’s a high calling
and a glorious vocation. Destroying the life of one child, to care for another
is never acceptable. Loving your child from the moment they are conceived is
the true formula for making better moms."
(Prolifer)ations 10-25-11
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- US News and Hot Air report on ousted Ohio Democratic Rep. Steve Driehaus, who is now suing the Susan B. Anthony List because he believes they contributed to his election loss. From US News:

- Now there are lots of things said by outside interest groups
during the heat of political campaigns that turn out to be untrue. What
the SBA List said about the so-called pro-life Democrats who gave Obama the votes he needed to pass healthcare just doesn’t happen to be one of them….
- Star Studded Super Step shows a video from the Dallas area, demonstrating how Planned Parenthood uses young teens (age 13+) in the Teenage Communication Theatre to promote comprehensive sex ed. By utilizing peer pressure, PP seeks to normalize sex among teens, who are impulsive risk-takers by nature, thereby building their core business of abortion:
Driehaus’s suit… goes directly at the heart of our First Amendment protections and criminalizes what is at least a difference of opinion….
What is equally curious, however, is why Judge [Timothy S.] Black has allowed the case to move forward and why he did not recuse himself from it since… he apparently is the former president and director of the Planned Parenthood Association of Cincinnati. As seeming conflicts of interest go this one is a real humdinger.
- Secular ProLife examines the claim that pro-lifers are “anti-sex”:
People shouldn’t have sex until they are ready, and people
certainly shouldn’t have unprotected sex if they aren’t prepared to
handle the baby who may be conceived as a result. But that doesn’t make
the pro-life movement anti-sex. It makes us anti-irresponsible-sex.
- Right to Life of Michigan reports that legislation has been passed requiring aborted children to be buried or cremated rather than disposed of in dumpsters – just like other human remains. I suppose now people won’t have to accidentally face the truth about what abortion does to preborn humans. I’m not sure this is progress.
- Rock for Life shares video of Skillet lead singer John Cooper, explaining the band’s song entitled, “Lucy,” which is about a couple’s grief after choosing to abort their child:
- Wesley J. Smith discusses the fact that abortion proponents really wish conscience protections didn’t exist. A current example is playing out in Washington, where Catholic Providence Health purchased Swedish Medical Center, which caused Swedish to refer abortion patients to Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest instead of providing abortions themselves. Hysteria and predictions of women dying in back alleys has predictably ensued. Choice does not appear to be enough… pro-aborts want widespread approval for the killing of the preborn.
- ProWomanProLife shares the results of a “happiness study” given to persons with Down syndrome:
We analyzed valid and reliable survey instruments from 284 people
with DS on the mailing lists of 6 non-profit DS organizations around the
country. Among those surveyed, nearly 99%
of people with DS indicated that they were happy with their lives, 97% liked who they are, and 96% liked howthey look. Nearly 99% people with DS expressed love for their families, and 97% liked their brothers and sisters.
Abortion proponents are quick to bring up “quality of life” issues regarding persons with disabilities, but in this case, it’s clear that those with DS are happy and grateful to be alive. - Parenting Freedom hosts a video which asks, “What would you do if you had no fear” on the issue of natural family planning:
Ignored injured Chinese toddler dies after hit and run accident
Update on this tragic story from Moral Outcry....
Chinese toddler’s death after a hit-and-run accident sparks international debate
"The tragic story of Wang Yue, a two-year-old Chinese toddler, caught international attention last week when she died of injuries sustained in a hit-and-run accident in Foshan, a city in China's southern Guangdong Province. Security cameras captured the accident, which shows how the young girl was run over by two different vans on a busy street and ignored by 18 bystanders who walked by. A scrap picker finally helped her, notified her mother who was close by and rushed YueYue (as she was later nicknamed by the public) to the hospital. However, help came too late for the young toddler who died last Friday after a week of intensive care."Read the back story with video here.
Monday, October 24, 2011
60 minutes: Steve Jobs abandoned at birth because his birth mom choose adoption
I was very disappointed in the incorrect and negative language used on 60 minutes last night when talking about Steve Jobs. His birth mother and father did not "abandon" him. They made a loving and responsible adoption decision for him, putting his best interest first.
He was not " put up for adoption" but his birth parents made an adoption plan. His " real parents" were Clara and Paul Jobs. They did a good job explaining that to him when asked that he was chosen.
Too bad 60 minutes were so ignorant of adoption that they portrayed it that way. Birth mothers who choose life and make an adoption plan should not be denigrated but celebrated.
Lonely and poor....Dutch physicians will euthanize you..
Are you lonely and poor....there is an answer for you according to Dutch Physicians Association. You can qualify to be euthanized. In the Netherlands, non medical considerations such as income and loneliness are reasons to consider requesting physician assisted suicide. No terminal illness or medical condition is required. This is a sad commentary on our society. Can't happen here? Don't bet on it.
Abortion advocates include the confused.....
Is this man confused or did he flunk biology 101? This article shows the confused thinking of many who are advocating for abortion
"I have seen and heard a lot of crazy things doing pro-life work. A male protestor who held a sign that read “my uterus is my private property.” A student who told me that she believed there was no moral difference between Auschwitz and a chicken farm. A philosophy student who preferred to admit that he could not prove his own existence rather than become pro-life. And a young man who freely admitted to me that in his worldview, I had the right to shoot him in the head if he got in my way.
But by far the most bizarre form of “counter-protest” I and my fellow pro-lifers have had to face is abortion advocates dressed as genitalia. Both in downtown Calgary and in Vancouver, we have encountered abortion advocates dressed up in penis and vagina costumes."
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Memphis PP continues to whine via Commercial Appeal
This woman knows no shame. And why the Commercial Appeal to continue to use her to write op eds is a total mystery.
Wendi C. Thomas continues to shill for Planned Parenthood with an op ed decrying the loss of Title X funds to Christ Community Health Care ending with a plea straight from PP prez Barry Chase to donate $$ to PP giving them the website and to tell the county commissioners that you are upset and you vote .
She cries real tears because according to Barry Chase, the well paid, prez said that they had to do the following:
"Last week, Planned Parenthood was forced to put up this sign, in English and Spanish, in its waiting room:As one commenter said: What a novel idea...paying for services...
"Attention: Shelby County has currently refused to fund our patients for family planning healthcare, which includes birth control and medical services. Please see the front desk staff for the cost of your services. Payment is expected at time of service."
CCHS is supposed to take over in early November and PP is claiming that their Title X money is already gone so they are denying they are referring them early but putting up the sign is not really referring them according to Chase who said ..."they have television sets and read the newspaper so they know that CCHS beat out PP." Really?? Interesting concept for those who are unable to pay for their own bc services.
It is the Christ in Christ Community Health Services that so annoys Ms. Thomas. She has nothing good to say about those "evangelicals" who oppose abortion and thinks it is only a matter of time before their faith does not allow for them to violate the law and not refer for abortions.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
KS: admits destroying key evidence in case against PP
I recall that we ( the employer) had to keep any medical records of an employee for 30 years. But KS Health Dept. destroyed key evidence required in the case against Planned Parenthood that is being investigated.
They saw it as evidence that the administration of former Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, an abortion-rights Democrat who left office in 2009 to become U.S. health and human services secretary, actively tried to protect abortion providers.
The clinic, in the Kansas City suburb of Overland Park, faces 107 charges, including 23 felonies that accuse it of falsifying copies of reports on those abortions and misdemeanor charges of performing illegal late-term abortions. Planned Parenthood denies the allegations.They call the shredding of evidence "routine."
MemphisPP: refers to CCHS for mammograms
You recall that the well paid 'but I work hard for my $$' PP prez Cecile Richards said on national TV that PP does mammograms . She must have been in make up and missed the memo that PP does not do mammograms.
Enter youth led...Live Action who with their trusty telephone book called around to Planned Parenthood asking the M question. As in can I get a mammogram here... You may also recall that in Memphis Christ Community Health Services beat out PP of Memphis in getting the Title X family planning monies to which local PP prez Barry Chase said...that's not fair. We did not know the standards in the bid process. Of course PP is not used to having standards. But I this quick video and Memphis enters at 1:52 saying we do not do mammograms but refers to Christ Community Health Services.....
HT: Live Action posting
Enter youth led...Live Action who with their trusty telephone book called around to Planned Parenthood asking the M question. As in can I get a mammogram here... You may also recall that in Memphis Christ Community Health Services beat out PP of Memphis in getting the Title X family planning monies to which local PP prez Barry Chase said...that's not fair. We did not know the standards in the bid process. Of course PP is not used to having standards. But I this quick video and Memphis enters at 1:52 saying we do not do mammograms but refers to Christ Community Health Services.....
HT: Live Action posting
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
POTUS and PP Prez both make 400K per year
She makes the same salary as the President of the United States? Is that fair?
Well, since Obama is such a STRONG supporter of abortion and will literally go to the mat to protect the abortion industry, I suppose he does not mind that the President of Planned Parenthood, a fellow Democrat, makes $ 400,000 a year... the same as the leader of the United States.
When questioned about this in an interview, she said it was a non issue, she works hard for her money. Cecile Richards. She is the daughter of the late Ann Richards, a former governor of Texas who was also a strong supporter of the abortion industry. Isn't it nice that our tax money helps this non profit out so that they can be so generous to their prez.
Well, since Obama is such a STRONG supporter of abortion and will literally go to the mat to protect the abortion industry, I suppose he does not mind that the President of Planned Parenthood, a fellow Democrat, makes $ 400,000 a year... the same as the leader of the United States.
When questioned about this in an interview, she said it was a non issue, she works hard for her money. Cecile Richards. She is the daughter of the late Ann Richards, a former governor of Texas who was also a strong supporter of the abortion industry. Isn't it nice that our tax money helps this non profit out so that they can be so generous to their prez.
"The high salary is not surprising given that the abortion business makes more than $1 billion in income. First achieved in its 2006-2007 fiscal year, the abortion business now regularly brings in more than $1 billion. That’s because the abortion business, that year, was doing more abortions than ever before. Its annual report showed an increase in the number of provided abortions from 264,943 in 2005 to 289,650 in 2006"
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
(Prolifer)ations 10-18-11
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Parenting Freedom links to two articles about how misdiagnosed miscarriages and ultrasound errors seem to be resulting in the abortion of healthy babies.
- Reflections of a Paralytic details the unintended consequences of using a sperm donor to achieve parenthood.
- 40 Days for Life is halfway through this years campaign as has collected stories from across the country of the impact and lives saved through the sidewalk prayer ministry. So far, 229 preborn children are known to have been saved from abortion.

- Pro-Life Wisconsin announces the launch of a billboard campaign, “a collaborative effort between PLW, 40 Days for Life of Green Bay, Personhood USA and Youth Defence, Ireland’s most active pro-life group,” which will promote the message of personhood at all stages of human life.
- ProWomanProLife shares some polling information which reveals the abortion industry in Canada thrives on public ignorance. The majority of respondents were against taxpayer abortion funding, and almost none of them knew how much was actually being spent on abortion, which is now “the most common surgery in Canada.”
- Secular ProLife announces an internship opportunity. Interns will devote time to working with Stand True Ministries as well as
- John Smeaton applauds the courage of Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury for speaking out against the neglect of the elderly in British hospitals.
- Stand for Life refers readers to Caregiver Village, an encouraging online resource for caregivers.
RIP: Abortion Abolitionists....well done my good and faithful servants....
Students for Life has lost some of its finest. Rest in Peace Kortney Gordon and preborn daughter Sophy who were killed in a tragic car accident on October 8, 2011. Jon Scharfenberger was seriously injured in that accident and succumbed to his injuries this morning.
Kortney was a Field Director and Jon was the Coordinator for Pregnant on Campus for the same organization. Such bright young people who had a heart for the preborn. They worked for the benefit of others at a time in their life when most people are busy collecting material comforts.
What lives !! What a legacy!!
Rest in peace Abortion Abolitionists....well done my good and faithful servants. Their motto was ....
"To live is Christ, to die is gain."
Monday, October 17, 2011
Memphis: County Commission vote 9-4 with Christ Community over PP for Title X monies
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in Tennessee |
Commercial Appeal breaks this news. Shelby County Commission votes 9-4 for family planning contract with Christ Community. Wow, before it was 5-5. Read back story here.
"It’s not clear that the issue is entirely over — Planned Parenthood has a pending bid protest with county government."
The contract focused on family planning, not abortion, but abortion was an underlying issue as commissioners debated in front of dozens of audience members.
“It is about abortion. That’s why so many people are here,” said Jeff Drzycimski, a Catholic deacon and one of several abortion opponents who spoke. “We want our tax dollars not to fund Planned Parenthood, not to fund the killing of children.”
From Facebook Planned Parenthood of Memphis writes :
Well since the women in Memphis will be served by an organization that has several locations and a reputation for excellence, PP should be satisfied. NO, they feel they should get the $$. They remain concerned that women who become pregnant may receive options counseling that do not prefer abortion services. Many of these women may actually choose life and wouldn't that be awful. What they really are lamenting is the loss of foot traffic and income that allows them to push their profitable item....abortion. As CCHS stated, everyone knows that PP is where you go for abortions. Note, how PP objects to a religious based organization giving medical and family planning services to the poor. Here is the mission statement of Christ Community...."Bad news from Planned Parenthood Greater Memphis Region - the Title X funding they've been receiving for years in order to provide low or no-cost family planning services has been awarded to Christ Community Health Centers - a religiously based provider that won't refer for abortion services OR dispense Emergency Contraception. Anyone feel like we're moving BACK in time? Are we really still arguing about whether women should have access to EC?!? "
Christ Community Health Services has focused on fulfilling the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the poor, the uninsured and the homeless in Memphis since 1995. Through our strategically placed health care centers and outreach programs, we provide high-quality health care and other services to thousands of patients, caregivers, students and families each year. Our goal is to go where the need is greatest to provide quality services in the name of Jesus Christ.
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