Attention Tennessee: 9:00pm EST Tonight: Senator Santorum will hold a Rally for Rick in Nashville, TN. Location: Belmont University Curb Event Center 2002 Belmont Boulevard Nashville, TN 37212Susan B. Anthony Rick Bus will be coming through Nashville on Friday March 2nd at 9AM at the Holiday Inn Express 920 Broadway, Nashville, TN.
Pro Life in TN
- Susie Allen
- Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Santorum and TN...two events this week
Senator Rick Santorum will hold a rally at Belmont Curb Center tonight at 8PM (CDT).
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
(Prolifer)ations 2-28-12
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Americans United for Life posts video of the PBS debate between Dr. Charmaine Yoest and Nancy Keenan of NARAL regarding the pending Virginia legislation mandating ultrasounds prior to abortions. I loved hearing Keenan say “listen to the heartbeat”:
Watch Va. Proposal Mandating Ultrasound Before Abortion Debated on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.
- Big Blue Wave discusses an article by two Italian scientists who argue in favor of infanticide, or, as they prefer to call it, “after-birth abortion.” They argue that it takes a couple of weeks for the infant to move from “potential person” to “actual person,” and that “killing a newborn could be ethically permissible in all the circumstances where abortion would be.”
- At Coming Home, Dr. Gerard Nadal starts a series investigating whether Charles Darwin was an “architect of the culture of death.”
- Albert Mohler discusses Rick Santorum’s potential electability issues and the mainstream media’s philosophy of “everything you say [even in speeches to religious groups] can and will be used against you” in the court of public opinion.
- Euthanasia Prevention Coalition and Wesley J. Smith discuss in separate posts the recent comments by Rick Santorum on the status of euthanasia in the Netherlands. Again, shining a light on a life issue appears to rankle some.
- Ethika Politika examines the assertion that 98% of Catholics practice birth control, and points to a much larger issue: almost a third of American Christians have been permanently and voluntarily sterilized.
- At Live Action, Nancy Flanders notices a post from Babble on what not to say to a woman who suffers a miscarriage – one statement being, “It was not a real baby, just a fetus.” The post’s author responds, “A ‘fetus’ is a baby. The mom will feel changes from very early on, making the transition to motherhood already there in her mind. It was a real baby.”
- Down on the Pharm shares commentary on the Obama Administration’s contraceptive mandate by Fr. Sammie Maletta, of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Indiana:
Law Student at Georgetown University can't pay own contraceptive care......
This comes under the heading ....You can't make this stuff up!!!!
Nancy Pelosi and the Dems called a hearing to hear from a law student who is going to Georgetown Law School who said that her wish to have contraceptive coverage in her student health plan should be honored. She said she should not have to choose between a quality education and contraception coverage and not to have this coverage causes her "financial, emotional and medical burdens." Georgetown is a Jesuit college.
She also argued that contraception might be for fighting a disease and not just preventing pregnancy.
Huh???? Well while I was letting that statement settle in I looked up the fees for Law School at Georgetown ....ready for this???? $46,865.00/yr!!!! Think she can buy her own contraceptives?????
pix: CNS News
Nancy Pelosi and the Dems called a hearing to hear from a law student who is going to Georgetown Law School who said that her wish to have contraceptive coverage in her student health plan should be honored. She said she should not have to choose between a quality education and contraception coverage and not to have this coverage causes her "financial, emotional and medical burdens." Georgetown is a Jesuit college.
She also argued that contraception might be for fighting a disease and not just preventing pregnancy.
At Thursday’s staged hearing, Fluke said she chose to go to law school at Georgetown because it offers a quality education, but she also expected the school to accommodate students who do not share the Catholic belief that contraceptives, abortifacients, and sterilization are immoral.
"A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome, and she has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries. Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown’s insurance because it’s not intended to prevent pregnancy."
But Fluke noted that her friend "never got the insurance company to cover her prescription. Despite verifications of her illness from her doctor, her claim was denied repeatedly on the assumption that she really wanted birth control to prevent pregnancy. She’s gay."
The friend, unable to afford the out-of-pocket costs of her mediation, finally stopped taking it, and ended up having her ovary removed because of a cyst. Now the gay woman wonders if she'll be able to give her mother "desperately desired grandbabies."
Huh???? Well while I was letting that statement settle in I looked up the fees for Law School at Georgetown ....ready for this???? $46,865.00/yr!!!! Think she can buy her own contraceptives?????
pix: CNS News
40 Days for Life gets national publicity....
I saw Laura Ingraham talking about this on Fox and Friends this morning...good publicity. On her blog ...Shut Up and blog.....she has a post about stories that the MSM will not cover. Memphis 40 Days got some publicity. 65 lives saved so far.
One of the prayer volunteers noticed a man she recognized … sitting in a car in the Planned Parenthood parking lot. With him was his 18-month-old child. Naturally, the volunteer went over to talk.
It seems the man’s wife was inside — setting up an appointment for an abortion. She just didn’t want another baby.
“When he said he didn’t want the abortion,” said Libby in Memphis, “we said he needed to protect his baby right now. He called his wife, and few minutes later she came out and told us she was not going to seek an abortion.”
The volunteers hugged her, and gave her a list of Memphis-area pregnancy resources. One of these prayer volunteers in Memphis was taking part in 40 Days for Life for the first time ever.
“She just felt so strongly that she needed to participate,” Libby said. And what a wonderful thing she saw on that first day!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Obama video: Obama doesn't mind using the churches for him...Become a congregation captain for me!!!!!
Wow, POTUS like to use churches to advance his election...this article points it out well. Congregation captains!!!!!! Where is the ACLU when you need them.
"Not only is Obama playing the race card in an attempt to pressure black Americans into voting for him, he is also violating the separation between church and state. In the video promo for the campaign, Obama urges black people to pressure churches into supporting his administration by getting his message out via “the faith community”. He also calls on voters to become “congregation captains”."
Fertility loans clash with faith advice on procreation
Two interesting articles on the issue of infertility and the finance industry show the need for oversight.
The first one is from the WSJ. It talks about the loan industry that has been built up around financing the expensive treatments that couples or singles will undertake the get pregnant. Are doctors doing their patients a service to introduce them to finance companies that will loan them money for fertility treatments or do they see this as a way to boost their own "production." Is this bad? After all they are businessmen/women. Why would they not want their practice to thrive?
The first one is from the WSJ. It talks about the loan industry that has been built up around financing the expensive treatments that couples or singles will undertake the get pregnant. Are doctors doing their patients a service to introduce them to finance companies that will loan them money for fertility treatments or do they see this as a way to boost their own "production." Is this bad? After all they are businessmen/women. Why would they not want their practice to thrive?
"At a time when many traditional lenders are struggling, companies that join forces with doctors to make loans for in vitro fertilization, egg harvesting and other fertility treatments say their business is thriving.
Some doctors won't offer the loans. Others worry that doctors who invest their own money in fertility-finance companies will push the loans on patients."
Some doctors set up kiosks in their offices where patients could apply for the bank's loans.Would the dr. have such an interest in these loans that they adjust their medical practices?
Also contentious are refund programs that offer money back if in vitro fertilization fails and patients don't take a baby home. One of IntegraMed programs refunds 70% of the $24,000 sticker price for a package of six IVF treatments if they all fail. If the first treatment works, the borrower still owes the entire $24,000, resulting in a larger profit for clinics.The Catholic Church continues to take the opposite view of IVF and fertility treatments that interfere with the husband/wife conjugal arrangement.
"The pope pressed the church ban against artificial procreation, saying infertile couples should refrain from any method to try to conceive other than sex between husband and wife."The human and Christian dignity of procreation, in fact, doesn’t consist in a 'product,' but in its link to the conjugal act, an expression of the love of the spouses of their union, not only biological but also spiritual," Benedict said.
There is such a lack of regulation around this industry that any offshoot industry like fertility loans have the potential for abuse of couples who are so eager for offspring that they will let their emotions override their principles and usual precautions. Then there are the intended consequences of IVF such as spelled out in the book Inconceivable when a a dr. mistakenly implanted another woman's embryo during a treatment.Sperm or egg donation and methods such as in vitro fertilization are banned by the church for its faithful.The emphasis on science "and the logic of profit seem today to dominate the field of infertility and human procreation," the pope said."
Friday, February 24, 2012
(Prolifer)ations 2-24-12
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Don’t tell NARAL or Planned Parenthood, but John Smeaton reports the British Department of Health is admitting that cuts to contraceptive access has had no effect on the conception or abortion rate in the UK.
- Women’s Rights Without Frontiers reports that imprisoned Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng is seriously ill and has collapsed. He and his family were also prevented from attending the funeral of his elder brother, who passed away in January.
NC Register...asks who speaks for the Church...Bishops or Sr. Keehan....
Now this is getting really interesting. It appears that there may be some internal conflict within CHA if Sr. Carol Keehan is acting with board approval or as an individual. This article outlines the issues well.
Sister Keehan was consulted ahead of the announcement by Obama of the "accommodation, but not the US Council of Catholic Bishops. So she greeted the announced accommodation with enthusiasm which was gleefully reported on the White House blog. The Bishops who had not been privy to the announcement in advance expressed "polite but wary "response until further study. As an aside, the WH blog originally reported the support of Catholic Charities but CC has disputed that claim and I don't see a correction on the blog.
Sister Keehan was consulted ahead of the announcement by Obama of the "accommodation, but not the US Council of Catholic Bishops. So she greeted the announced accommodation with enthusiasm which was gleefully reported on the White House blog. The Bishops who had not been privy to the announcement in advance expressed "polite but wary "response until further study. As an aside, the WH blog originally reported the support of Catholic Charities but CC has disputed that claim and I don't see a correction on the blog.
“Obama has made clear who is part of his ideological coalition and who is not. Discussions on the structure and restructuring of the contraceptive policy were conducted between the administration and pro-choice and feminist groups. The institutions targeted by the mandate — particularly those represented by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops — were not in the room,” stated Michael Gerson in a column published in The Washington Post today.“The administration engaged in no substantive consultation with Catholic bishops, who were only called to receive pronouncements. Interest-group liberalism is alive and well in the Obama White House,” Gerson wrote.
Update: Head of CHA does still support HHS accomodation per media spokesperson...Sr. Keehan No Longer Supports HHS Mandate “Accommodation” | Women of Grace
Update: Apparently this letter was written before the mandate was announced and per CHA media spokesman Fred Cesear answered my querry with this:
Good morning. To follow-up to your phone message, our news release statement of February 10 continues to be our statement of record ( . As for the message we posted February 13 ( ), our members wanted links to the actual documents and to hear we were working closely as the regs were developed and that is why we posted the links with that message. Also, the article posted at appeared in the February 15 printed version of Catholic Health World. The actual statement was posted on February 10.
Sr. Keehan No Longer Supports HHS Mandate “Accommodation” | Women of Grace
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
WI: Madison paper predicts win for Santorum.....
Oh please tell me it is true....
Madison Politiscope: In moderate Wisconsin, Santorum is poised to win GOP primary
Now Madison is the liberal end of this really caught my eye!
So why is Rick Santorum -- the man who alleged "Satan" was "attacking the U.S." in 2008 -- poised to squash Mitt Romney in the state GOP primary in April? According to a Marquette University Law School poll released today, Santorum has the support of 34 percent of likely GOP primary voters, followed by Romney at 18 percent, Ron Paul at 17 percent and Newt Gingrich at 12 percent. Seventeen percent remain undecided.He attributes the poll numbers to the large Catholic population and the strong pro life sentiments. All I can say is ....ON WISCONSIN
WI: Badger state votes down bill banning forced abortions....
Update: Good news today out of WI...the bill passed. Yesterday the Dems blocked it but today was a different story. Congrats to the pro life legislators. Good for WI and abortion vulnerable girls/women.
Okay, I know this is Pro Life in TN but I always watch what is going on in my home state of WI.
E gads, now the WI state Dems have just voted down a bill that would have prevented coerced abortions and required that a dr. be physically present to administer the abortion drug that has killed 14 American women so far. So are they saying they are okay with forced abortions and the safety of the woman taking RU486 can be shrugged off in favor of profit !!!
So legislators you are fine with coerced abortions for women/ pro choice is that?? And you are so entwined with the abortion industry that you are willing to sacrifice the women to this dangerous drug?? Perhaps this brings new meaning to the Badger state...
"RU 486 and its companion drug are administered between the fifth and ninth weeks of pregnancy, after pregnancy has been confirmed and the process typically involves three trips to a doctor. About half of the women abort while at the doctor’s office, with another 26 percent having an abortion within the next 20 hours at any location at home or in public. The remainder either have an abortion in the coming weeks or none at all of the drug fails to work — making it so a surgical abortion is required.
Through April, the FDA reports 2,207 adverse events related to the use of RU 486, including 14 deaths, 612 hospitalizations, 58 ectopic pregnancies, 339 blood transfusions, and 256 cases of infections in the United States alone. A European drug manufacturer has publicly stated that 28 women have died worldwide after using RU 486/mifepristone."
IN: Morris refusal to sign honoring Girl Scouts is correct...
IN Rep. Bob Morris is taking some heat for doing some research before he automatically signs his name to a resolution honoring the Girls Scouts. He did some research and found that what the Girl Scouts now stand for is indoctrination he cannot honor.
Blogs have detailed this indoctrination not reported in the MSM and many mothers are not aware of what the Girl Scouts have become. In fact they like to run from this but here this in the own words of GSUSA’s CEO, Kathy Cloninger:"A Girl Scouts of America training program last year used the Planned Parenthood sex education pamphlet "Happy, Healthy, and Hot." The pamphlet instructs young girls not to think of sex as "just about vaginal or anal intercourse." "There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!" it states. Although individual Girl Scout troops are not forced to follow this curriculum, many do. Liberal progressive troop-leaders will indoctrinate the girls in their troop according to the principles of Planned Parenthood, making Bishop Conley's warning true."
Abortion in TN
The Future of Abortion in Tennessee: David Watchman on the Wall....
This is an excerpt from David Fowler's speech at Family Research Council's Watchmen on the Wall pastor's briefing in Nashville, Tennessee on March 16, 2012.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
WI Catholic college invites PP honoree Rep. Gwen Moore as keynote speaker....
What???? Let them hear from you on this. See contact information below. Certainly you remember Rep. Gwen Moore, honored by Planned Parenthood and a proud abortion supporter who stood on the floor of the US Congress with these ridiculous comments.
Rep. Gwen Moore D from my home state of WI literally "took the cake in my book" or should I say took the Ramen noodles in her impassioned speech about having 3 of those poor black babies they talk about...the first one at 18 and not having a dime to go to the phone booth to call an ambulance when she was in labor and then going on to say that she was so poor that her children ate Ramen noodles and mayonnaise sandwiches ...wait, is she saying that she wished them to be dead!!! Do the kids get a vote here.?? Did they pull up to the table and say ...I'd rather be dead than to eat this junk!!
(Prolifer)ations 2-21-12

by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Americans United for Life explains the Alabama Supreme Court’s decision to uphold an extension of AL’s wrongful death statute which includes preborn humans from the moment of conception.
- Culture Campaign updates us on a case of anti-life bias in Missouri, where student posters advertising the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity were removed, while others promoting pro-LGBT causes were allowed to remain. The Alliance Defense Fund has filed suit on behalf of the students involved.
WSJ: nails the double standard on faith talk between Santorum and POTUS
Wow, this article nails it.
"There's no mystery why. Mr. Santorum is attacked because everyone understands that he means what he says.
President Obama, by contrast, gets a pass because everyone understands—nudge nudge, wink wink—that he's not telling the truth. The press understands that this is just one of those things a Democratic candidate has to say so he doesn't rile up the great unwashed."
Actions speak louder than words...Obama's actions before and after election on life issue....
President (it is above my pay grade) Obama may say he does not want to talk about abortion but his actions speak loudly for him. He is not afraid of social issues. Life News compiles his actions on abortion since his election. It speaks loudly for his viewpoint of the sanctity of human life or lack there of. Just take a look at the list....why should anyone be shocked at his latest mandate denying religious liberty rights to organizations that support the sanctity of human rights.
Then take a look at the list compiled by Jill Stanek who knew Obama before his became POTUS. She knew him up close and personal and his cold calculating acts to support live birth abortions should send chills down your spine. How could anyone be surprised at his actions today coming from such a radical viewpoint that would say that babies that survive an abortion attempt should be "shelved" and left to die. In America no scares me as I type this that this is our leader..... Yes, this is another reason why we need to talk about social issues. This is no small potatoes folks....
Then take a look at the list compiled by Jill Stanek who knew Obama before his became POTUS. She knew him up close and personal and his cold calculating acts to support live birth abortions should send chills down your spine. How could anyone be surprised at his actions today coming from such a radical viewpoint that would say that babies that survive an abortion attempt should be "shelved" and left to die. In America no scares me as I type this that this is our leader..... Yes, this is another reason why we need to talk about social issues. This is no small potatoes folks....
Matt Lewis: Santorum is right to focus on social issues
I enjoy reading and following Matt Lewis and agree with his column
Why Republicans usually win on social issues (and why this helps Rick Santorum)
On CNN Sunday morning, Rep. Ron Paul, who — for all the “small-government” conservative talk — harbors an odd infatuation for Mitt Romney — implied that social issues are “a losing position.” In this regard, Paul, a paleoconservative (a nearly-extinct species most known for losing national elections), seems to have a short memory.As Jeffrey Bell’s forthcoming book (per the Wall Street Journal’s review) notes,Social issues were nonexistent in the period 1932 to 1964. … The Republican Party won two presidential elections out of nine, and they had the Congress for all of four years in that entire period.
. . . When social issues came into the mix—I would date it from the 1968 election . . . the Republican Party won seven out of 11 presidential elections.
Abortion in WA laments that the Republican party and other conservatives are encouraging us to ignore social issues such as abortion in a down economy." These people never say just exactly when we'll know the voting masses will be able to handle social issues so that the pro-lifers can come back out of the closet. Is there some magical GDP number that means we can start protecting unborn children from genocide?"
Perhaps our national conscience has been pricked enough
and we are ready to stand up to this injustice. The talking heads on TV are
certainly advising him to avoid talking about these issues but I support
Santorum and when he talks about the down side of the sexual revolution, he
speaks the truth no matter how hard it is for us to hear. I am old enough to
have witnessed it and what he says is 100% accurate. We have more sexually
transmitted diseases (1 out of 4 infected) epidemic levels, more unplanned pregnancies,
more abortions, more broken homes. Are we happier? Not by a long shot. Truth
hurts sometimes. This is why Santorum is ahead because he is saying
what we know to be true even if some of us were late to the understanding.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Catholic Charities Does Not Support the HHS Mandate or White House ‘Accommodation’
I don't care how many times they say it is still a lie.....
Cross Posted by National Review Online
I have mentioned this here before, but the mischaracterization persists.
This morning on Meet the Press, Democratic Congressman Chris Van Hollen, ranking member of the House Budget Committee said
that Catholic Charities is fine with the HHS mandate. He said that the
White House “accommodation” (which is not, by the way reflected in the
final rule that appears in the Federal Register, filed after
the president’s remarks a week ago Friday) “is a fair compromise, that
it accomplishes the goal of both women’s health as well as religious
freedom.”This is what Catholic Charities USA has to say on its website:
In response to a great number of mischaracterizations in the media, Catholic Charities USA wants to make two things very clear:
1. We have not endorsed the accommodation to the HHS mandate that was announced by the Administration last Friday.2. We unequivocally share the goal of the US Catholic bishops to uphold religious liberty and will continue to work with the USCCB towards that goal.Any representation to the contrary is false.
Jack Lew, Jay Carney,
and now Chris Van Hollen have repeated the falsehood. Sometimes
flooding the media zone with falsehoods works. Do not let it —
educating, pushing back against unnecessary confusion, is the least we
can do. People have certainly done more on behalf of protecting
religious liberty in our history.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
CA:Hey kids... we will mail condoms to you....lube included
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CA area abortion mills have created another way to reach teens and pre teens...they are not only advertising come and get the free condoms at our clinics... or we will mail them to you in a confidential envelope...yep.....up to 10 condoms and young as 12.
Order them need to bother coming to the clinic. We know how busy you are. This advertising ploy with the end result of the kids to remember their friends at PP when they miss a period. The website conveniently lists all area abortion clinics.
HT: Wynette
SBA List Endorses Rick Santorum
First-ever Endorsement for Group in GOP Presidential Primary
Washington, DC ─ Today the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a national pro-life organization, announced its endorsement of Rick Santorum in the Republican presidential primary.
“Among the field of strong pro-life candidates in the GOP primary, one stands out as a proven leader in this great human and civil rights cause of our time. Rick Santorum communicates the vision and has exhibited the strategic and tactical prowess the pro-life movement must have in order to succeed. Women and children deserve his leadership, grounded as it is in affirming the dignity of every person.
"At this inflection point in the primary process and a tipping point in history on the abortion issue, the Susan B. Anthony List endorses Rick Santorum for the Republican nomination for President,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of SBA List.
"Each one of the candidates in the Republican presidential field have made a commitment to be a pro-life president. However, none of them have the record of consistent leadership that Rick Santorum has demonstrated. At this critical moment in the race, our Board of Directors unanimously decided that we must stand with Rick Santorum, the candidate who throughout his career has stood so strongly for Life," said Jane Abraham, Chairman of the SBA List Board of Directors.
The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of more than 365,000 Americans dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process.
PP fights for tx$$ to test for STD's while promoting high risk behavior in teens.
PP of Greater Memphis has won a temporary injunction against the state of TN for " preventing the state of Tennessee from halting a
grant worth about $150,000 to the abortion business for HIV and syphilis
testing." This was awarded to PP of Greater Memphis due to the high STD rate.
Does anyone else find it interesting that PP of Greater Memphis enjoys their reputation of tolerance so much that they promote high risk behavior among minors. Then they take tax $$ to test for STD's. This was spotted on the Facebook page and check out some of these recommended videos.
It reminded me of an interview with former PP director and employee of the year, Abby Johnson, who tells how the idea of tolerance is so valued that they overlook the exploitation of minors and how PP cannot survive without tax funding....
"The Centers for Disease Control chose the county as a target area because of high rates of the disease as it ranked fifteenth in the United States for syphilis rates and WMC-TV indicates “Shelby County has the highest number of newly-diagnosed syphilis cases in Tennessee, and the infection rate for all stages of syphilis is five times higher in Shelby County than in the U.S. overall.”
Does anyone else find it interesting that PP of Greater Memphis enjoys their reputation of tolerance so much that they promote high risk behavior among minors. Then they take tax $$ to test for STD's. This was spotted on the Facebook page and check out some of these recommended videos.
See any connection? Check out the video on Hooking Up......this one even promotes incest!!
Another National Condom Week special! Watch this video from the Midwest Teen Sex Show. It is both hilarious and informative. Even if you think you know it all, you may learn something you didn't know about condoms!
It reminded me of an interview with former PP director and employee of the year, Abby Johnson, who tells how the idea of tolerance is so valued that they overlook the exploitation of minors and how PP cannot survive without tax funding....
Friday, February 17, 2012
Reflections of a Paralytic....Without Children there is no future.....
Reflections of a Paralytic reminds us that .....
"Today, in an address to the Italian National Association of Large Families, Pope Benedict said:
“In today’s social environment, families with many children are witnesses of faith, courage and optimism, because without children there is no future”
Hmm…I’m thinking of a song"… (Whitney Houston song...The Greatest Love of All")
Hmm…I’m thinking of a song"… (Whitney Houston song...The Greatest Love of All")
(Prolifer)ations 2-17-12
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- In case you missed it, Vital Signs has the scoop on former Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast employee Karen Reynolds’ lawsuit against her former employer, alleging fraudulent Medicaid billing practices.
- Pro-Life Wisconsin spots another shining moment brought to us by Rep. Gwen “Ramen noodles” Moore (D) from Milwaukee. She, without qualification, declares pregnancy a disease. Video at link.
- Wesley J. Smith discusses Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate, a “compromise” without an “escape clause”:This
compromise is just word engineering. The religious organization still
has to pay for the policy, the price for which will have already built
in the cost of contraception, surgical sterilization, and abortifacient
coverage. Moreover, Obamacarians are lying that the issue is about
heterodox thinking organizations trying to “deny acess” to women who
want contraceptives. That is Newspeak right out of the Ministry of Love from 1984….
- Secular Pro-Life invites readers to use their talents in writing and visual arts to advance life issues via Life Matters Journal and the LifeFest Film Festival. to get involved.
- John Smeaton shares a video discussing a disturbing Telegraph article which revealed girls as young as 13 are being fitted with contraceptive devices in schools without parental knowledge or consent:
Abortion disconnect sign...who is being silenced and denied the right to grow....the baby
Accepting Abundance posts this pix in an abortion facility. Anyone see a contradiction here??
Who is being silenced and denied the right to grow in these rooms...the baby!!!
Who is being silenced and denied the right to grow in these rooms...the baby!!!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
NYT: Loves dogs more than babies.....what a shock!!!
This is rich.....NYT blog that literally ignored the annual march for life in DC that had 400K++ marchers last January just devoted 454 words in a column about an "alleged" incident that occurred 25 yrs. ago with Romney driving on vacation with his dog in a crate strapped to the top of his car. Yikes....but no report of dismemberment of said dog.
So let me see....not one word about 400K++ people marching against the killing of pre born children but 12 protesters alleging mistreatment of a dog 25 yrs ago.
Hmmmm....can anyone say media bias. I guess dogs mean more than babies to the NYT. Ya, think!!
I originally saw this mentioned on Special Report newscast but could not locate the video or exact HT Bret Baier.
pix: NY Times blog
So let me see....not one word about 400K++ people marching against the killing of pre born children but 12 protesters alleging mistreatment of a dog 25 yrs ago.
Hmmmm....can anyone say media bias. I guess dogs mean more than babies to the NYT. Ya, think!!
I originally saw this mentioned on Special Report newscast but could not locate the video or exact HT Bret Baier.
pix: NY Times blog
Former PP worker reports fraud as a SOP in clinics
You know how PP tries to pretend they are so helpful and good by offering free birth control devices...well nothing is free and our tax $$ are used and not always in a lawful manner. PP hates it when their own workers leave the "mafia" and take their secrets with them. In this case, former PP worker is a whistle blower telling how PP routinely defrauds the govt. This means us folks....
Systemic fraud...this is not the first time we have heard this about PP but Obama and Sebelius go on funding them with our tax $$ and non profits such as Susan G. Komen are bullied into supporting them with our donations to them.
PP then posts on Facebook pages their own ads for Natl Condom Week and how they are giving away free condoms and directing teens to websites that are so disgusting as to defy belief . One video on this site recommended by PP discusses hooking up and in one skit a sister and brother are arguing over sex play they participated in and the mother encourages their "hookup" activities and gives them cookies for a reward. So now they are applauding incest!!
You cannot make this stuff up!!
The suit alleges that, in addition to falsifying patient records, billing the government for unwarranted services and services not covered by Medicaid, Planned Parenthood tacked on services patient did not receive.
An example given in the suit is Medicaid being billed for birth control counseling. The suit states almost all Women’s Health Program and Medicaid patients were handed a bag of at least two birth control devices despite the fact the items were not needed or requested by the patient.
“Pursuant to corporate policy and instructions from clinical directors, after merely handing the patient a bag of condoms and vaginal film on the way out the door, clinic employees then entered billing codes to be submitted to the government” at an average billed cost of $57.85.
She claims this was the procedure in all 12 Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast locations across Texas and Louisiana.
Systemic fraud...this is not the first time we have heard this about PP but Obama and Sebelius go on funding them with our tax $$ and non profits such as Susan G. Komen are bullied into supporting them with our donations to them.
PP then posts on Facebook pages their own ads for Natl Condom Week and how they are giving away free condoms and directing teens to websites that are so disgusting as to defy belief . One video on this site recommended by PP discusses hooking up and in one skit a sister and brother are arguing over sex play they participated in and the mother encourages their "hookup" activities and gives them cookies for a reward. So now they are applauding incest!!
You cannot make this stuff up!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Non profit refuses PP and gets verbal abuse from liberal media friends
Of course they wanted a photo op.....
PP in Green Bay called the Catholic food relief agency to send a truck over to get food they wanted to donate. The Catholic agency informed them they had no truck to send over and gave them the names of 20 other agencies they could donate to. But they were angry....they called on their liberal friends in the press most notably the Daily Kos who gave out their names and numbers and encouraged their readers to call the "A..holes." Such journalist style...
Now PP could have delivered the food directly to them if their motives were pure but they wanted to the photo op and the publicity. Paul's Pantry did the right thing....
I would recommend contacting Paul's Pantry with your support for their stand.
Pix: from Paul's Pantry website
"Paul’s Pantry in Green Bay--an outreach of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and Wisconsin’s largest free food pantry--refused to send a truck to pick up a food donation from Planned Parenthood, prompting a torrent of hateful e-mails and telephone calls."
PP in Green Bay called the Catholic food relief agency to send a truck over to get food they wanted to donate. The Catholic agency informed them they had no truck to send over and gave them the names of 20 other agencies they could donate to. But they were angry....they called on their liberal friends in the press most notably the Daily Kos who gave out their names and numbers and encouraged their readers to call the "A..holes." Such journalist style...
Now PP could have delivered the food directly to them if their motives were pure but they wanted to the photo op and the publicity. Paul's Pantry did the right thing....
I would recommend contacting Paul's Pantry with your support for their stand.
Pix: from Paul's Pantry website
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
PP idea of teen sex ed....
Well it is Valentine's Day and I went on Facebook and to see what Planned Parenthood is doing and also notes that it is National Condom Week. As one ad said forget candy and flowers because condoms show true love. Plenty of pics of handing out free condoms and even posting restaurants that give away free condoms.
PP of Greater Memphis celebrates National Condom Week by posting a site thatBut this ad tells a story about how PP thinks our teens need to be educated. This is another post in their Natl Condom Week....Be prepared...much vulgarity......
All this week we are featuring places in Memphis where people can get FREE condoms. One such partnering location is Caritas Village, at 2509 Harvard Avenue in the Binghampton neighborhood.
Not only does Caritas Village have free condoms provided by Planned Parenthood, but their coffee shop also has the best plate lunches in town!
Another National Condom Week special! Watch this video from the Midwest Teen Sex Show. It is both hilarious and informative. Even if you think you know it all, you may learn something you didn't know about condoms!
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