Pro Life in TN
- Susie Allen
- Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .

Thursday, March 31, 2011
KS: Brownback signs 2 pro life bills....abortion industry upset with parental involvement
Gov. Sam Brownback (R) KS signs a bill that causes such consternation to the abortion industry that is used to preferential treatment by the former two governors. The first bill bans abortion after 21 weeks due to pain to the offspring (English for fetus)....but the one they are screaming the loudest about is two parents signing for a minor to have an abortion.
Kari Ann Rinker with Kansas National Organization for Women laments that this might cause teens fell "uncomfortable" and slow down the process for teens "needing expedited attention" Remember that the abortion industry does not want or need parental involvement. Ya, I'll bet. Statistics have shown that when parents become involved abortion numbers go down. Not good for business is it?
Here is the poll at the end of the article
Kari Ann Rinker with Kansas National Organization for Women laments that this might cause teens fell "uncomfortable" and slow down the process for teens "needing expedited attention" Remember that the abortion industry does not want or need parental involvement. Ya, I'll bet. Statistics have shown that when parents become involved abortion numbers go down. Not good for business is it?
Here is the poll at the end of the article
KSN News Poll ( as of this post)
Do you agree with the KS legislature that minors should have written consent from both parents before getting an abortion?
Yes (49.9%)
No (30.5%)
Only if child lives in a two-parent home (19.6%)
What Are the Planned Parenthood Contributions From the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation Used For?

Early screening through mammograms and education is critical to end the suffering from this disease: 98 percent of women treated for early stage breast cancer, before it spreads, are alive five years later. The widespread use of mammography and heightened public awareness of breast cancer both contribute to these favorable statistics.
And while Komen Affiliates provide funds to pay for screening, education and treatment programs in dozens of communities, in some areas, the only place that poor, uninsured or under-insured women can receive these services are through programs run by Planned Parenthood. [emphasis mine]
More information provided on the PP homepage shows they clearly refer out for these mammography services:
Additionally, it appears that PP does provide breast exams only. However, the Komen memo links mammography, screenings, education, and treatment of breast cancer as their list of reasons it contributes to PP. It’s perpetuated all across the media without validation.Where Can I Get a Mammogram?
Ask your health care provider, health department, or staff at your local Planned Parenthood health center about where you can get a mammogram in your area.
Now that LiveAction has proved that PP does NOT provide mammography services to its clients, what is the money being used for, because clearly is not for mammography screenings? Education, treatment? Are these questions we can expect our mainstream media propagandists to divulge in their articles? Or will the discovery stop with these citizen investigators and go unreported by the networks?
The Komen Foundation needs to come clean on specifically what those PP contributions are designated and why they really continue to support PP.
Crossposted at The Minority Report and Big Journalism
Update on "Do those pro lifers ever adopt?? Ask the Hardins of TN..."
The surgery we waited 4 weeks and came almost 10,000 miles for is now over! Karine came through very well and is resting. We praise God for the blessing of American medicine, skill for the doctors and most of all His sustaining power when her physical body could not do it by itself. They are even talking about discharging this weekend!
We cannot express our gratitude for all the prayers, food, encouragement, cards, visits and help we have received since we started this God adventure. Even if we have been distracted with the urgent or emergent we want you to know anything you've done has not gone unnoticed. At night when I'm home with whoever is not on night shift at the hospital to talk to the kids about what they are grateful for. While food seems to be the main thing on their list, usually one or two will come up with something that makes me smile to know that they realize is more important than their bellies. They are learning important lessons about how God's family takes care of each other.
Mightily blessed,
Kathy Hardin
PP says babies are loud, smelly and expensive unless you want one....see what these twins say about that!
October 16, 1996, Planned Parenthood of Minnesota/South Dakota ran an ad in the Burnsville/Lakeville Sun-Current which stated "Babies are loud, smelly, and expensive. Unless you want one." As I watched this precious video I thought of the above ad by Planned Parenthood. Enjoy!!
A modern day Deborah!! New way to counsel abortion vulnerable women....inside the facility!
This is the most amazing video showing the ingenuity of a young woman who found a new method of counseling. A modern day Deborah alright!
HT: Stand for Life
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Live Action: Planned Parenthood CEO’s False Mammogram Claim Exposed
From Live
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 30--A series of new undercover
phone calls reveals that contrary to the claims of Planned Parenthood CEO
Cecile Richards and other supporters of the nation's largest abortion chain,
the organization does not provide mammograms for women.
In the tapes, a Live Action actor calls 30 Planned
Parenthood clinics in 27 different states, inquiring about mammograms at
Planned Parenthood. Every Planned Parenthood, without exception, tells her she
will have to go elsewhere for a mammogram, and many clinics admit that no
Planned Parenthood clinics provide this breast cancer screening procedure.
"We don’t provide those services whatsoever,” admits a staffer at Planned
Parenthood of Arizona. Planned Parenthood’s Comprehensive Health Center clinic
in Overland Park, KS explains to the caller, “We actually don’t have a, um,
mammogram machine, at our clinics.”
Opponents of defunding Planned Parenthood have argued in
Congress and elsewhere that the organization provides many vital health care
services other than abortion, such as mammograms. Most prominently, Planned
Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards recently appeared on The Joy Behar Show to
oppose the Pence Amendment to end Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer subsidies, claiming,
“If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are gonna
lose their healthcare access--not to abortion services--to basic family
planning, you know, mammograms.”
The calls were recorded by Live Action, the youth-led
pro-life group responsible for recent undercover videos showing Planned
Parenthood staff, from management on down, willing to aid and abet the sex
trafficking of young girls at 7 clinics in 4 different states , They can be viewed here.
. Live Action president Lila Rose says the new recordings further confirm
Planned Parenthood’s corruption: “Planned Parenthood is first and foremost an
abortion business, but Planned Parenthood and its allies will say almost
anything to try and cover up that fact and preserve its taxpayer funding. It’s
not surprising that an organization found concealing statutory rape and helping
child sex traffickers would misrepresent its own services so brazenly, playing on
women’s fears in order to protect their tax dollars.”
Former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson notes
that the recordings demonstrate Planned Parenthood is not a comprehensive
health care provider. “For so long PP has touted that they are a provider of
mammogram services. This is just one of
the lies that PP uses to draw people into their clinics. PP is not able to provide quality services on
their own, so they are forced to lie to the public about services they don't
provide--and mammograms are just one of those services."
Both Rose and Johnson call on Congress to revoke all
taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood. In the last reported year, Planned
Parenthood received $363 million in government money.
The new undercover recordings are available here
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
(Prolifer)ations 3-29-11
from Jill

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Bryan Kemper posts the text of one man’s scheduled interview with an Atlanta, GA Planned Parenthood. Of special interest is the paranoia of the PP educator in refusing to answer some straightforward questions and PP’s refusal to allow any audio recording of the interview. PP later tried to harass one the interviewers, even contacting his supervising professor. All this from an organization that has nothing to hide.
- On the 1st anniversary of Obamacare, the LTI blog highlights the role of Bart Stupak (now a fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government) and other pro-life Democrats on its final passage. Stupak claims to have no regrets.
- Mark Crutcher writes on the always controversial topic of using graphic abortion photos. Crutcher believes that by objecting to the photos, many well-meaning pro-lifers become unwitting allies of the industry that wants women to stay uninformed and to make uninformed decisions about abortion.
- Secular ProLife enumerates which Constitutional rights would be removed from pro-lifers if NJ Sen. Frank Lautenberg got his way. Lautenberg recently claimed pro-lifers “don’t deserve the freedoms in the Constitution… but we’ll give it to them anyway.”
- The Culture Vulture suggests that in addition to observing “Earth Hour” by turning off lights for an hour, we should celebrate “Birth Hour” to “remember all the human beings who won’t get to be born, and all of the women harmed this year because of abortion.”
- ProLifeBlogs posts a press release detailing the Maryland Coalition for Life’s leasing of an office space directly across from Carhart’s late-term abortion mill in Germantown, MD.
- Parenting Freedom tells of Hungary’s plan to encourage citizens to have more children – tax cuts, extra maternity leave, etc. – without banning abortion.
- Moral Outcry discusses remarks made by Australian Professor Julian Savulescu, chair of Oxford University’s practical ethics department, who believes society has an interest in promoting eugenics. He also claims IQ is important, and that those of lesser intelligence should be weeded out through genetic manipulation and IVF. View video of his commentary below:
- Part 1
Part 2
Genetically enhance humanity or face extinction - PART 2 from Ethics of the New Biosciences on Vimeo.
Whose life is it anyway....assisted suicide, euthanasia or natural death??
I like to watch old movies...last night I found one from 1981...seems like yesterday entitled
"Whose Life is it Anyway?" I remember watching it and I thought it would be good to watch it again to see how I felt about it since I am now pro life and write about assisted suicide and euthanasia. I have a different viewpoint now.
Here is the plot line.... talented sculptor has a terrible car accident that leaves him paralyzed from the neck down. He spends 6 mos. in a hospital and has daily dialysis. He is married but has no other relatives. He tells his wife not to come and see him and go with her life and she agrees referring to him as the late Ken.
When he realizes that this will be his life going forward with no hope of ever using his arms, hands and legs...he sues to be allowed to die. The judge sides with him. The main doctor vehemently opposes his application to die. He says that the man is clinically depressed and will eventually come to accept his situation and make a new life for himself in a rehab capacity. So when the character played by Richard Dreyfus wins his lawsuit, the Dr. asks him what he intends to do now that he is free to leave the care of the hospital...Dreyfus says he will go get a room someplace and just wait until death overtakes him. The Dr. offers for him to stay at the hospital so his pain can be controlled. The Dr. says he will be taken off daily dialysis and can refuse food and drink if he wants to. "You will be in a coma in a few days and dead within a week", says the Dr. "You aren't thinking of trying any resuscitation on me are you?" asks Dreyfus. "Not unless you ask for it" answered the Dr. Dreyfus asks why would you agree to this since you fought so hard not to allow this? "
"Because you might change your mind." said the Dr.
That is how the movie ended. You never saw him die. You were left to wonder if he changed his mind. He had a sharp mind and made many friends in the hospital. Now the movie was slanted to get you to agree with the right to die of the paralyzed man who did not want to live that way. Everyone can sympathize. But since watching that the first time I have had the opportunity to meet people in that situation who went on to have a life with quality...yes, a different kind of quality. But as I watched the movie the second caused me to ask. Is this the same thing as euthanasia or assisted suicide? No one made an assertive action to end his life. He made the decision to discontinue dialysis and we don't know if he decided to forgo hydration and nourishment. Isn't that more like someone with a terminal illness who makes the decision to discontinue treatments?
What do you think?
"Whose Life is it Anyway?" I remember watching it and I thought it would be good to watch it again to see how I felt about it since I am now pro life and write about assisted suicide and euthanasia. I have a different viewpoint now.
Here is the plot line.... talented sculptor has a terrible car accident that leaves him paralyzed from the neck down. He spends 6 mos. in a hospital and has daily dialysis. He is married but has no other relatives. He tells his wife not to come and see him and go with her life and she agrees referring to him as the late Ken.
When he realizes that this will be his life going forward with no hope of ever using his arms, hands and legs...he sues to be allowed to die. The judge sides with him. The main doctor vehemently opposes his application to die. He says that the man is clinically depressed and will eventually come to accept his situation and make a new life for himself in a rehab capacity. So when the character played by Richard Dreyfus wins his lawsuit, the Dr. asks him what he intends to do now that he is free to leave the care of the hospital...Dreyfus says he will go get a room someplace and just wait until death overtakes him. The Dr. offers for him to stay at the hospital so his pain can be controlled. The Dr. says he will be taken off daily dialysis and can refuse food and drink if he wants to. "You will be in a coma in a few days and dead within a week", says the Dr. "You aren't thinking of trying any resuscitation on me are you?" asks Dreyfus. "Not unless you ask for it" answered the Dr. Dreyfus asks why would you agree to this since you fought so hard not to allow this? "
"Because you might change your mind." said the Dr.
That is how the movie ended. You never saw him die. You were left to wonder if he changed his mind. He had a sharp mind and made many friends in the hospital. Now the movie was slanted to get you to agree with the right to die of the paralyzed man who did not want to live that way. Everyone can sympathize. But since watching that the first time I have had the opportunity to meet people in that situation who went on to have a life with quality...yes, a different kind of quality. But as I watched the movie the second caused me to ask. Is this the same thing as euthanasia or assisted suicide? No one made an assertive action to end his life. He made the decision to discontinue dialysis and we don't know if he decided to forgo hydration and nourishment. Isn't that more like someone with a terminal illness who makes the decision to discontinue treatments?
What do you think?
Monday, March 28, 2011
Australia: seeks to open assisted suicide clinic in "City of Churches"
EUTHANASIA advocate Philip Nitschke expects to open an assisted death clinic in Adelaide within a month.
He feels like he has widespread public opinion approval despite the newspaper poll that shows 64%- to 34% opposed to his idea. He openly admits that it takes time for people to get used to the idea and agrees with proposed changes that alleviates anxieties. For instance, this will not be a fly in AS suicide clinic but have some resident requirements. I wonder how lose they will be because the customer base would have to come from other cities or countries. I wonder if there are enough cases in Adelaide which ironically is known as the "City of the Churches" to make this clinic profitable. Hmmm speaking of City of the Churches, I wonder where are the church leaders on this subject. Advocates claim that only those who areterminally ill and with no way to relieve their pain would be candidates But one reader points out that with the advances in palliative care there is no need for Assisted Suicide. Another reader opines;
"We have the example of Holland and Belgium where non-terminally ill patients have been put down involuntarily. There are no absolute safeguards in euthanasia."
Sunday, March 27, 2011
NYC PP fund raiser: jokes about one night stands and abortions
Only in NYC would a fund raiser for Planned Parenthood be called Roe on the Rocks...from their lips to God's ears!
Only in NYC would this be a night of stand up comedy...the legalization of the demise of over 53MM innocent,defensless, preborn babies...a real laugh line for sure. They talk about the peril of family planning services....excuse me....Roe Vs. Wade legalized abortion, not the use of birth control. Interesting how PP just wants to talk about family planning services as opposed to abortion. Oh, but to them...abortion is a method of birth control. They have said that over and if to repeat it enough would make it true.
The emcee shares her proud past of moving to NYC and doing an imitation of Sex and the City.....trying to break their record of one night stands and then.... the condom broke. Yuk! Yuk!
Off to PP she goes to be escorted into the clinic by the PP escorts for her abortion past the protesters and getting her through a difficult time by complimenting her trendy ear rings. She promises more funny stories like that.
Wow! Is this gallows humor? One night stands, trendy ear rings and abortions...a real side splitter.
Only in NYC would this be a night of stand up comedy...the legalization of the demise of over 53MM innocent,defensless, preborn babies...a real laugh line for sure. They talk about the peril of family planning services....excuse me....Roe Vs. Wade legalized abortion, not the use of birth control. Interesting how PP just wants to talk about family planning services as opposed to abortion. Oh, but to them...abortion is a method of birth control. They have said that over and if to repeat it enough would make it true.
The emcee shares her proud past of moving to NYC and doing an imitation of Sex and the City.....trying to break their record of one night stands and then.... the condom broke. Yuk! Yuk!
Off to PP she goes to be escorted into the clinic by the PP escorts for her abortion past the protesters and getting her through a difficult time by complimenting her trendy ear rings. She promises more funny stories like that.
Wow! Is this gallows humor? One night stands, trendy ear rings and abortions...a real side splitter.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Pinellas (FL) NOW chapter threatens strike...No abortion then no sex!!
Article from FL is full of quotes that will make great punch lines somewhere. Well that will show em! No abortion....okay they say NO SEX!! We will abstain from sex....well there you go. Maybe this can catch on!
HT Jivin J
"If they ban abortion, we’re going on strike. No sex,” said Peggy Goodale, of Pinellas Park."
"And we don’t wear bras anymore, so there’s nothing to burn,” added fellow member Sandra Jelricky, "
HT Jivin J
(Prolifer)ations 3-25-11
from Jill

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- The FRC blog has a must-read post on the long overdue 2007 report on abortion from the Centers for Disease Control, which blamed the lateness on compilation issues. Reporting by states is voluntary. In this latest report, CA, MD and NH did not participate. CA typically has the highest numbers for abortion, so the CDC is forced to rely on outside sources like Guttmacher to supply the incomplete data.
- Our newest blog, The Culture Vulture in NZ, discusses the controversial Gardasil HPV vaccine, which has seen a decline in sales recently. Marketed as a cure for cervical cancer, the safety and long-term effectiveness of the vaccine are in question.
- Culture Campaign examines the recently released US Census information showing the decline of the African American population, particularly in large cities. While some sources note a migration to the suburbs, one researcher admitted the drop “also can be partially attributed to a declining black fertility rate and the aging of the black population.”
- Pro-Life Action League points out how different abortion is from any other medical procedure by describing what goes on outside. Things you won’t see outside your podiatrist’s office are “squad cars and blaring music… cars used as weapons… peaceful protest…” and posting signs forbidding photography of the building (which are not enforceable by law).
- 40 Days for Life shares a story from Pittsburgh about a young girl who tried to give prayer warriors a dollar after seeing the “Pray to End Abortion” signs. She thought the signs said, “PAY to end abortion”:
Of course, that brought smiles to everyone’s faces.
“Thank you, but you don’t have to pay us,” the volunteer told the child. “In fact, there‘s something far more important and special that you can give. You can pray to God that He will put an end to abortion.”
The mother then talked about that conversation in the van — explaining to her daughter what abortion was. Her daughter could not understand why a mother would throw away her own child.
The girl then asked if she could have the sign — the one that really says “PRAY to end abortion.”
- Generations for Life examines the upcoming “Back Up Your Birth Control” Campaign, sponsored by the National Institute of Reproductive Health’s Day of Action which is aimed at high school and college students. The campaign, to be held on March 30, promotes the use of emergency contraception while ignoring data from Planned Parenthood board member Dr. James Trussell who has admitted EC fails to reduce the rates of unplanned pregnancy.
- Ethika Politika explains how abortion proponents take advantage of political upheaval and religious disagreement to push their ideology at the United Nations.
- Lashawn Barber writes about South Dakota’s new 72 hour wait for an abortion, which is to include a pregnancy resource center counseling session. One critic has complained it is easier to buy a gun in SD than get an abortion – to which Barber replies: The enumerated constitutional right to bear arms to protect your family v. the deeply hidden/discovered “right of privacy” to kill your family. Right-wing, anti-choice, religious nuts ought to get their priorities straight.

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Do those pro lifers ever adopt?? Ask the Hardins of TN...
How many of those pro lifers ever adopt???
Well the Hardin family, whom I am proud to call friends, are as pro life as they come. Just take a look at their van covered in pro life stickers...their 8 home-schooled children.....their entry into pro life oratory contests.....avid and trained sidewalk counselors and in several pro life arenas.....I can count on them to march in the parade and help with any pro life event.
They have worked and fund raised for over two years to raise the money to adopt this special needs child from Armenia who had never been outside her orphanage in her 4 years of life. While the prayed and waited for the bureaucracy to move, they almost lost her as Kathy Hardin received a call to make an emergency trip as their to be daughter, Karene was critically ill.
She was sick and down to only 15 pounds. This hospital was without the basic necessities to treat her. I must admit when I received the broadcast email of what was happening, I was greatly discouraged. The Hardins have a strong faith and when they finished the email by telling us to take a front row seat and watch what God can do; I must admit I felt that she could not possibly survive even if they were able to raise the funds for an air ambulance from Armenia to Nashville.
Fast forward ... they were able to get the adoption accomplished in an emergency period of time, fly home on a commercial flight, get her into Vanderbilt for the needed surgery literally in the nick of time. Yea God !!!.....slap me across the face for my lack of faith.
Channel 5 covers the story here, here and here.
Well the Hardin family, whom I am proud to call friends, are as pro life as they come. Just take a look at their van covered in pro life stickers...their 8 home-schooled children.....their entry into pro life oratory contests.....avid and trained sidewalk counselors and in several pro life arenas.....I can count on them to march in the parade and help with any pro life event.
They have worked and fund raised for over two years to raise the money to adopt this special needs child from Armenia who had never been outside her orphanage in her 4 years of life. While the prayed and waited for the bureaucracy to move, they almost lost her as Kathy Hardin received a call to make an emergency trip as their to be daughter, Karene was critically ill.
She was sick and down to only 15 pounds. This hospital was without the basic necessities to treat her. I must admit when I received the broadcast email of what was happening, I was greatly discouraged. The Hardins have a strong faith and when they finished the email by telling us to take a front row seat and watch what God can do; I must admit I felt that she could not possibly survive even if they were able to raise the funds for an air ambulance from Armenia to Nashville.
Fast forward ... they were able to get the adoption accomplished in an emergency period of time, fly home on a commercial flight, get her into Vanderbilt for the needed surgery literally in the nick of time. Yea God !!!.....slap me across the face for my lack of faith.
Channel 5 covers the story here, here and here.
"For two weeks it was pretty touch and go and I was working on adrenaline," Hardin said.
Karine suffers from Spina Bifida and lives with a shunt to reduce swelling in her brain. Just weeks before she was scheduled to make the journey, the Hardin's said she underwent surgery to correct the shunt, then developed meningitis, and lost nearly 20 pounds when the Armenian hospital withheld pain medicine and antibiotics.
If you'd like to help with her medical costs, you can make a donation to the Karine John Hardin fund at the Hendersonville branch of Regions Bank.
You can also visit the following Facebook page for updates:
NOW: forced to condemn Maher for sexist Palin joke... a waste of our time, they are busy defending abortion.....
You can only be defended by NOW if you support abortion. Alleged comedian Bill Maher attempts a joke about Sarah Palin that is clearly sexist but when Fox News contacted National Organization for Women (NOW) for comment, they refused stating they have a policy not to talk to Fox News. Now that's grown up! After pressure, they finally released a statement showing their linguistic talent.
"Listen, supposedly progressive men (ok, and women, too): Cut the crap! Stop degrading women with whom you disagree and/or don’t like by using female body terms or other gender-associated slurs."Clearly annoyed that they were called on the carpet over this they had to send their parting shot to those nasty conservatives...
“You’re trying to take up our time getting us to defend your friend, Sarah Palin. If you keep us busy defending her, we have less time to defend women’s bodies from the onslaught of reproductive rights attacks and other threats to our freedom, safety, livelihood, etc,” wrote Bennett. “Sorry, but we can’t defend Palin or even Hillary Clinton from every sexist insult hurled at them in the media. That task would be impossible, and it would consume us. You know this would not be a productive way to fight for women’s equal rights, which is why you want us stuck in this morass."So hard to be defending women of all political persuasions and OMG imagine having to give a comment to a network you despise. They should just change their name to National Organization for Abortions Supporting Women(NOASW). Then they would not have to waste their time trying to defend those of like gender they despise .
Monday, March 21, 2011
CNN: 'Baby Joseph' receives tracheotomy at St. Louis hospital
CNN reports the long awaited tracheotomy for Baby Joseph is finally received today.
"Joseph will remain in the intensive care unit for seven to 10 days and then head to Ranken Jordan, a pediatric specialty hospital in St. Louis, before being discharged and transported to his family home in Windsor, Ontario.'
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Live Action calls out Knoxville News Sentinel Falsely Claims Knoxville, Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Do Abortions
from Live Action,org
March 18th, 2011, 7:57 pm
Knoxville News Sentinel Falsely Claims Knoxville, Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Do Abortions
Planned Parenthood, which offers abortion services in some locations across the country but not in Knoxville, had drawn complaints from some parents.The problem with this statement is that it is factually incorrect. Screen shot from Planned Parenthood’s website (which you can see for yourself here) showing that their Knoxville, TN center aborts unborn children:

Friday, March 18, 2011
How much are we willing to personally sacrifice to end abortion??
Father Pavone wrote an inspiring editorial challenging us that we have to be willing to suffer the consequences of being pro life. On a lighter side there is a web site for people to tell what they are willing to give up until abortion ends.
But Catholic Vote tells the story of two men who turned down jobs working on the construction of a PP building. One was unemployed (pictured left with family ) and the other a union member who may get fired for refusing to work on this job. At this time he is being given a week off without pay.
I once heard a sermon by Fr. Pavone who stated that if everyone just refused to cooperate with abortion, such as these men, we would not have to worry about passing laws. That really stuck with me. I do not patronize places that support Planned Parenthood, including churches and asked my adviser to see that none of my investments do as well. But I am sure there is more all of us could do. This stories may inspire you to do more.
(Prolifer)ations 3-18-11
from Jill

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Moral Outcry shows you really can legislate morality, according to a report from US News. Though the morality of the individual may not change because of legislation, pro-life laws do indeed curb abortion rates.
- Fletcher Armstrong takes issue with the News Sentinel in Knoxville, TN, which erroneously stated Planned Parenthood clinics there do not do abortions, while PP Knoxville’s website lists chemical abortion services. PP is currently embroiled in a controversy with Knoxville parents for their role in providing explicit sex ed to high school students and for promoting websites that “[tell] 13-year-old children that they might be ready for sex if they ‘trust each other,’ ‘care about each other,’ and ‘have fun together.’”
- 40 Days for Life acknowledges the importance of men showing a prayerful presence at abortion clinics.

- American Life League writes about the resourcefulness of the Houston Coalition for Life, which formed a mobile pregnancy resource center when Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast opened a mega-abortuary (pictured left) “in a place with no nearby available space for pro-lifers to rent, buy or build a crisis pregnancy center.”
- Culture Campaign reports pro-lifers in MD will no longer be shackled and strip-searched by law enforcement when exercising their First Amendment rights.
- Andy Moore of ProLifeNZ writes at Bryan Kemper’s blog on a recent abortion debate in Nova Scotia, in which pro-abortion, pro-infanticide Dr. Mark Mercer enraged pro-aborts by “argu[ing] that there is nothing ethically troubling about abortion, at one point suggesting that a baby isn’t a ‘person’ until around 18 months of age.” But wasn’t Mercer simply being consistent?
- MN Citizens Concerned for Life calls out a journalist for shoddy reporting on the embryonic stem cell debate. This skewed reporting on ESCR seems to be a regular occurrence in the MSM. Is it simply ignorance, or is it deliberate?
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: 4 US Victories and 1 to go against assisted suicide
Cross Posted at:
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Assisted Suicide politics in the United States - Four Victories - One to go.

It appears that the goals of the suicide lobby are failing.

Senate Health committee chairman Josh Green had stated in an interview that he would be supporting the assisted suicide bill. When the vote on SB 803 was called, it was defeated by 4 to 0 in committee
Green stated that he was swayed by the testimony. The testimony from the disability community was particularly effective. Recent bills to legalize assisted suicide in Hawaii in 2005 and 2007 were also defeated.

Montana faced two bills concerning assisted suicide. On February 10, Senator Anders Blewitt sponsored Bill SB 167. To his surprise SB 167 was defeated by a vote of 7 to 5 in the Montana Senate Judiciary Committee.
Several days later Senator Greg Hinkle's Bill SB 116, that would have protected Montana citizens from assisted suicide, was also defeated by 7 to 5 vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee. That means that after a huge campaign by the suicide lobby, assisted suicide remains illegal in Montana.

On March 11, the Idaho Senate passed HB 1070 by a vote of 31 to 2.

On February 28, bill HB 513 was debated in the New Hampshire House Judiciary Committee. On March 15, HB 513 was defeated by a vote of 234 to 99 in the New Hampshire House.
This is a substantial victory. HB 513 is essentially an "Oregon Style" bill. This proves that when lawmakers have the opportunity to debate Oregon Style assisted suicide, the majority will reject it as unsafe.

Bill H 274 was introduced on February 17 after more than a month of delays. Once again, H 274 is an "Oregon Style" assisted suicide bill. A similar bill, that was sponsored by Shumlin, was defeated by a vote of 82 to 63 in March 2007.
The Vermont legislators need to examine H 274 and defeat it because it is a Recipe for Elder Abuse and only creates an illusion of choice.
We look forward to the defeat of Vermont bill H 274.
Sure can't believe everything you read.....recent examples of inaccurate reporting...let the reader beware!
No wonder the social media has taken over from standard journalism of the MSM. Perhaps it is not the speed, but the content that edges them out. Not that social media cannot be inaccurate, but trust of the MSM especially print media is declining. These are some reasons why...
While preparing Proliferations for Jill, it appeared that there are many stories of important issues being reported inaccurately due to laziness, carelessness or outright deceit. No wonder the rise of citizen journalists like Lila Rose who go out and use their media skills to produce videos to bring out the facts that papers will not print.
Here are four recent incidents of shoddy journalism. This is important to point out because not everyone is a news junkie and has the time and interest in digging to find the truth. Many are casual readers who take the story at face value...beware.
The most egregious one is the excellent post by Jivin J pointing out that anyone can get a job at Newsweek. Jonathan Alter writes a story that proves the ineptness of his journalistic Jivin J points out a simple goggle search could have spared him outrageous, inaccurate comments.
Second place goes to the Knoxville News Sentinel that Fletcher Armstrong gently chides for not digging deeper. Actually he was way too easy on them. Again, just a few clicks of the mouse could have spared them from printing inaccuracies that are publicly other places.
Third is the Tennessean which I regularly complain about, but they do not hide that they are pro abortion. My latest complaint came when Jessica Bliss wrote a piece that took talking points and a few comments from facebook and wrote an article passing it off as news when it should have been a paid ad for PP.
Andy Birkley of the MN Independent comes in 4th ...only because I am letting him slide on the issue of ESCR and cloning which may be bit confusing but MN Citizens Concerned for Life rightly takes him to task for his lack of journalistic skills before putting the article out.
These are just examples of the past few readers beware! Don't assume fact checking is standard procedure.
While preparing Proliferations for Jill, it appeared that there are many stories of important issues being reported inaccurately due to laziness, carelessness or outright deceit. No wonder the rise of citizen journalists like Lila Rose who go out and use their media skills to produce videos to bring out the facts that papers will not print.
Here are four recent incidents of shoddy journalism. This is important to point out because not everyone is a news junkie and has the time and interest in digging to find the truth. Many are casual readers who take the story at face value...beware.
The most egregious one is the excellent post by Jivin J pointing out that anyone can get a job at Newsweek. Jonathan Alter writes a story that proves the ineptness of his journalistic Jivin J points out a simple goggle search could have spared him outrageous, inaccurate comments.
Second place goes to the Knoxville News Sentinel that Fletcher Armstrong gently chides for not digging deeper. Actually he was way too easy on them. Again, just a few clicks of the mouse could have spared them from printing inaccuracies that are publicly other places.
Third is the Tennessean which I regularly complain about, but they do not hide that they are pro abortion. My latest complaint came when Jessica Bliss wrote a piece that took talking points and a few comments from facebook and wrote an article passing it off as news when it should have been a paid ad for PP.
Andy Birkley of the MN Independent comes in 4th ...only because I am letting him slide on the issue of ESCR and cloning which may be bit confusing but MN Citizens Concerned for Life rightly takes him to task for his lack of journalistic skills before putting the article out.
These are just examples of the past few readers beware! Don't assume fact checking is standard procedure.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Jivin J is right: Jonathan Alter proves himself a fool
I agree with Jivin J's excellent post...does any reporter do fact checking anymore.??
Cross posted by Jivin J
Jonathan Alter proves himself a fool
Last month, the House of Representatives approved the Pence Amendment. The bill, sponsored by Indiana Representative Mike Pence, would prevent 830 Planned Parenthood health centers from distributing birth control and offering pregnancy tests, tests for sexually transmitted diseases, breast exams, and cancer screening, among other health services, unless the venerable family-planning organization refuses to discuss abortion as an option. Planned Parenthood doesn’t explicitly advocate abortion, but can help arrange for one if the woman so chooses.He gets the Pence Amendment wrong (note to Alter - try Google once in a while). The legislation that passed would explicitly defund Planned Parenthood of all their federal funding regardless of whether they stop performing or discussing abortion. Alter apparently thinks another piece of legislation entitled the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act passed. The amount of federal tax dollars Planned Parenthood receives is around $100 million, not the $360 million in total government funding which Alter cites later.
Also, taking away their federal funds would not prevent them from "distributing birth control and offering pregnancy tests, tests for sexually transmitted diseases, breast exams, and cancer screening." Those are services they can still offer if they want to. Taking away their federal funds doesn't prohibit them from offering those services.
He then claims the largest abortion provider (more than 330,000 in 2009) in America doesn't advocate for abortion but simply arranges for them.
But abortion is the centerpiece of the debate. While funding for abortions constitutes only 3 percent of her budget, Richards says there’s no discussion inside the organization of jettisoning that portion of the operation in the name of maintaining federal funding. With the $500 cost of an abortion beyond the reach of poor women and with abortion clinics closing all over the country under pressure from anti-abortion activists, Planned Parenthood will stand on principle that women should have the full array of legal choices.After talking to Cecile Richards, Alter seems to think that Planned Parenthood funds abortion as opposed to taking the $500 from women to provide abortions.
I'm always amazed how people who make a living writing can be so unbelievably lazy as Jonathan Alter. How could you not read the actual text of the Pence Amendment before writing a column on it?
WA:Suicide may be your choice, but law makes everyone lie about it...
Interesting article and point of view on the assisted suicide set of laws that are spreading across our country. In WA, the Death with Dignity Act is a strange law that prescribes how not stating the facts is the mandated.
"The certificate may not reference the Death with Dignity Act, mention the drug used to terminate life or contain terms such as suicide, assisted suicide, physician-assisted suicide, mercy killing or euthanasia. The manner of death must be certified as natural.
The writer of the article points out that she does not disagree with the prospect of assisted suicide but objects to the lying and cover up. Interesting point.....If any death certificate fails to comply, the Washington state registrar will reject it and require the medical certifier to sign an “acceptable correction” before issuing a permit allowing burial or cremation – “acceptable correction” meaning a misstatement of the facts."
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