I once heard a sermon from Fr. Pavone that the way to end abortion is for everyone to stop cooperating with abortion. It makes sense...from the workers building the center, the landscaper, the cleaners etc etc. Why would we want to make money from the business of murdering innocent human beings. Why would we want to make money from hauling away "abortion waste."
You no doubt of have heard of Stericycle which is in the business of picking up "medical waste" for disposal. These are the trucks that pull up to abortion mills and haul away the remains. Not for a dignified burial of the body parts but to dispose of it as "abortion waste."
An article the Reeves Report, a Canadian commentary makes fun of the groups that are targeting those who profit from the abortion business. But it makes sense....this company along with those who lease trucks to them are profiting from the abortion business. The article says someone has to haul away the "waste" and they say Stericycle will not walk away from the profitable business and if they did someone else will do it .
I wonder, were there stericycle trucks during the holocaust?
"Undercover" photo of Stericycle disposing of "medical waste"
Image Courtesy of SmallVictoriesUSA.com
Pro Life in TN
- Susie Allen
- Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .

Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
PP posts emergency warning message on FB...on fake Plan B pills.......
Well, well well.....PP loved the idea of the Plan B, Morning After Pill or Emergency Birth control pill whatever you want to call it being available over the counter. Presently it is available that way.....to 17 and up. See what can happen. They posted this on their Facebook page.
URGENT MESSAGE: EVITAL may be dangerous, do NOT ingest!

Unapproved emergency birth control medicine possibly in U.S. distribution may be ineffective and uns
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning U.S. consumers not
to use the emergency birth control medicine labeled as Evital. These
products may be counterfeit versions of the “morning after pill” and may
not be safe or effective in preventing pregnancy.
(Prolifer)ations 7-29-11
from Jill Stanek.com

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- The Passionate ProLifer shares testimony from sidewalk counselor Jo Scott on her candid interaction with Orlando Women’s Center abortionist Randall Whitney at an Operation Save America church service. This must-read post demonstrates we must keep praying for those in the abortion industry.
- Wesley J. Smith reports a judge has disallowed a vote on banning circumcision in liberal, pro-abortion San Francisco.

- John Smeaton spots a strange story from the Daily Mail which could have been titled, “Have sterile cup, will travel.” Thirty-something British man Simon Watson (pictured left) skirts NHS regulations by delivering his “fresh sperm” to couples for insemination, charging more than double what he would make from donating at a sperm bank.
- Vital Signs observes, unsurprisingly, that the mainstream media is ignoring Americans United for Life’s recent announcement of the congressional investigation and exposé of Planned Parenthood. PP, likely confident of the cover provided by the pro-abortion MSM, has issued no response to the announcement.
- Reflections of a Paralytic describes recent instances of “IVF madness” such as selective reduction, eugenics, and controversy over embryo adoption in the Catholic Church. Obviously, this method of resolving infertility is fraught with moral and ethical questions.
- Real Choice questions whether race is a factor in the media’s reporting of abortion deaths.
- ProWomanProLife asks readers to scrutinize the conventional “kneejerk” wisdom that claims more contraception leads to fewer abortions.
- Secular ProLife links to a piece which reveals abortions performed due to fetal abnormalities in Japan have significantly increased, and for every live birth in Taiwan, there are 3 abortions, giving that country the lowest fertility rate in Asia.

- Pro-Life Wisconsin reports that Democratic Rep. Gwen “Ramen noodles” Moore (pictured right) has accepted an award from Planned Parenthood Federation of America. While Rep. Moore seems to believe abortion is better than growing up on mayonnaise sandwiches and Ramen, she ignores the fact that 24% of all abortions in her state are performed on the 6.2% African-American population.
- Recently, Monte at Stand for Life posted his objections to fetal pain laws and pro-life incrementalism. He now posts a rebuttal in favor of incrementalism by Paul Stark. Civil discussion of these views among pro-lifers is important.
- Suzy B notes the entertainment industry also seems to be in Planned Parenthood’s pocket. ABC’s Private Practice, starring avid PP supporter Kate Walsh, had a recent episode full of pro-partial-birth abortion propaganda.
PP of Mar Monte supervising doc has license suspended
Forget the chips and salsa PP of Mar Monte....while you are busy fund raising or trying to your supervising physician of 27 years is having his license suspended. He has a marvelous record.....drugs, alcohol abuse, drunken driving, violating his probation, suspended license for gross negligence in an abortion in 1990 resulting in the death of a 26 yr. old woman and again for grossly underestimating the gestational age of the baby and attempting to abort a viable infant outside of CA law. The woman had to be rushed to nearby hospital for treatment and the baby was stillborn. Read the all the details here. So PP of Mar Monte.....spin that during happy hour.
Does PP of Mar Monte need to fund raise to pay him more?? Chili's, I bet you are glad you canceled them.
"An abortion practitioner who works on a contract basis for Planned Parenthood in California has had his medical licensed suspended by the California Medical Board and he now faces a hearing before an administrative judge on August 2.Live Action posts this information on Jopin.....
Jesse James Joplin has worked for the Planned Parenthood abortion business for 27 years, but the California Catholic Daily indicates the Medical Board issued an “interim suspension order” July 25 making it so his days as a “supervising physician” at Planned Parenthood-Mar Monte in San Jose may be over."
"Planned Parenthood Mar Monte is the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country. Dr. Joplin is also their highest-paid abortionist, according to their 2008 990 form, to the tune of $235,000/year:(click image to enlarge)
Does PP of Mar Monte need to fund raise to pay him more?? Chili's, I bet you are glad you canceled them.
Saynsumthn’s Blog posts more detail and this video showing him arriving for work....
Thursday, July 28, 2011
CA: Chili's backs out of PP fund raiser after pro life protest
Update 3:49 PM: Corporate that was once supportive of the PP fund raiser now has confirmed the cancellation although they did not want to send an official written notice of the cancellation. Pro Life supporters in Sacramento took this opportunity to educate Chili's on Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood Mar Monte Night at Chili's!(Whoops! Maybe not!! ) |
Time |
Thursday, July 28 · 4:00pm - 9:00pm
| ||
Location |
Chili's Natomas
3870 Truxel Rd.
Sacramento, CA
| ||
Created By | |||
Bring the flyer below to Chili's on July 28th and 15% of your bill will be donated to Planned Parenthood Mar Monte!
Click here to print out your flyer: http://bit.ly/p4j3kp
Well not so fast says the pro life community in Sacramento reports..... Congrats!
We are still wondering what the management will do when PP abortion supporters try to bring in their coupon tonight, expecting a 15% donation to be made towards PP. More details will follow, but this is encouraging for LIFE!" |
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
(Prolifer)ations 7-26-11
from Jill Stanek.com

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Live Action notes statements made by abortionist Richard Grossman, aQuaker who works at a Catholic hospital in CO when not performing abortions at Planned Parenthood. Among Grossman’s outrageous comments:The reason I perform abortions is because I’m a Christian….Personally, I believe in the strength, intellect and fortitude of women. When a woman says a fetus is a person, I think it is one. I believe the woman empowers the fetus.
- The FRC Blog recommends Jeffrey Kuhner’s recent Washington Times commentary on Obama’s “wider culture war against Christian values.”
- Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, responds to the Quebec College of Physicians and Surgeons’ suggestion that euthanasia via “palliative sedation” be legalized:Since the proper use of sedation techniques and the proper use of large doses of analgesics is not euthanasia, therefore the Quebec College must be suggesting that everyday Quebec physicians abuse the proper use of palliative sedation and abuse the proper use of analgesics.If this is true, then how does the QC expect that euthanasia, if legalized, would not be abused?
- Moral Outcry points out that pro-lifers cannot be silent about abortion without being complicit:Injustice demands a voice. That’s why the issue of abortion is not something we can privately hate but publicly tolerate. It is controversial. The pro-abortion (called pro-choice) culture has made it seem that only an intolerant hater could be 100% against abortion.
- Big Blue Wave comments on an article by noted feminist and liberal activist, Naomi Wolfe, who seems to have discovered what social conservatives knew long ago: pornography has detrimental effects on the sex lives of men.
- Abstinence Clearinghouse points to places that offer help those with pornography addictions.
- Accepting Abundance writes of the devaluing of the feminine in our culture and around the world – the “feminists’ worst nightmare” brought on by their own efforts.
- Ethika Politika takes the ACLU to task for insisting civil liberties are being violated by colleges who won’t allow single sex dorms or dorm rooms.
- Culture Campaign discusses the covert creation of animal-human hybrids undertaken by various labs for years without public knowledge:
Monday, July 25, 2011
PP tries to rebrand itself..... Heart the the belly
PP is trying so hard to rebrand itself and make you forget that they are the nation's largest promoter and provider of abortion. On Facebook they are advertising that they are expecting....ha ha ha! They boast a new mobile app that is available anywhere to anyone called text4baby.org .... a free mobile information service with tips and info for the pregnant mom who intends to give birth. I guess this is what they pass for prenatal care......
They know that the money is in abortions....as in approx. 324K per yr. But they are fighting for their life in the PR game at this point so they use these gimmicks to suggest they are just a benevolent information service. They have been accustomed to getting1/3 of their budget from the unknowing tax payer but with Congress looking closer at their activities they are in a tizzy to clean up their act or pretend to.
Look who's expecting. . . a brand new mobile app! Planned Parenthood stands by its name! We work to empower women (and men) to lead healthier, well-informed lives, so here is some info on healthy pregnancy and parenting!

is a free mobile information service designed to promote maternal and
child health. An educational program of the National Healthy Mothers,
Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB), text4baby provides pregnant women and
new moms with information they need to take care of their health and
give their
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Dems have split personalities....pro choice on abortion but anti choice about the rest of your decisions
Great editorial.....pointing out the Dems are sooooo pro choice when it comes to abortion but other than that they are sooooo anti choice.....
Almost unanimously, Washington Democrats call themselves "pro-choice." "I support a woman's right to choose!" they thunder. "Choice," of course, means abortion, and that is where the Democrats' passion for choice starts and stops.
If a woman chooses to kill the young American in her womb, nearly every Democrat in Washington, D.C. will fight for her like Army Rangers on Normandy Beach. But if a woman desires almost any other choice, Democrats impersonate the Great Wall of China.
TN teen sues PP for discrimination
TN teen isn't so much in love with Planned Parenthood anymore. She is suing them for discrimination.She is also upset that they lied to her. PP lying and discriminating. NAH!!!
She wanted to be part of a group of teens going to DC to protest the reduction of federal $$ to PP. She planned on being a part of "PG-13 players which is a peer education drama troupe with Planned Parenthood of Middle Tennessee." They told her they had a chaperon pbl and so not everyone could go. She was disappointed but understood but then found out she was the only one not going...why?......because she has an illness (sickle cell) that the drs. said was under control. She had to find out via Facebook that she was the only one excluded and when confronted PP confessed they were concerned for her safety. Wow, that's another laugh line.
She wanted to be part of a group of teens going to DC to protest the reduction of federal $$ to PP. She planned on being a part of "PG-13 players which is a peer education drama troupe with Planned Parenthood of Middle Tennessee." They told her they had a chaperon pbl and so not everyone could go. She was disappointed but understood but then found out she was the only one not going...why?......because she has an illness (sickle cell) that the drs. said was under control. She had to find out via Facebook that she was the only one excluded and when confronted PP confessed they were concerned for her safety. Wow, that's another laugh line.
"[Cinanmon]Tarver and [mother, Kathy] Kirby decided to file a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood for discrimination under the Rehabilitation Act which states that no one with a disability can be excluded from participating from any program receiving federal assistance.
"I want them to be more educated," said Tarver.
"I want them to know that they can't discriminate. I want them to know that they need to ask questions, that's what they're there for, that's what they stand for," said Kirby.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Komen ...cannot control where $$ to PP goes
The Free Thinker which bills itself as the voice of atheism since 1881...needs to put on their thinking cap.
They are annoyed that the bishop of OH has come out publicly against contributing to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure because they give money to Planned Parenthood and are not closing the door to the possible use of funds to support embryonic stem cell research. This is old news to the pro life movement. We have known about Susan G. for sometime. What I find interesting is that despite their PR spin about the funds are just for breast exams etc. and the old fire wall excuse of no funds find it's way elsewhere with the nation's largest promoter of abortions, this little gaffe....caught my eye. You know what a gaffe is...when someone in the PR dept. slips up and accidentally lets the truth out .
First it admits it cannot control the flow of funds once the cash arrives at PP and then they repeat the inaccurate claim that PP does mammograms. PP has been called on that one.They may do a topical exam and hand you a brochure but if a mammo is indicated they refer you out. They don't have mammography equipment nor do they have trained staff. As I have said previously, the topical exam is one that anyone can be trained to do. I attended a women's luncheon and the guest speaker trained us.
They are annoyed that the bishop of OH has come out publicly against contributing to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure because they give money to Planned Parenthood and are not closing the door to the possible use of funds to support embryonic stem cell research. This is old news to the pro life movement. We have known about Susan G. for sometime. What I find interesting is that despite their PR spin about the funds are just for breast exams etc. and the old fire wall excuse of no funds find it's way elsewhere with the nation's largest promoter of abortions, this little gaffe....caught my eye. You know what a gaffe is...when someone in the PR dept. slips up and accidentally lets the truth out .
First it admits it cannot control the flow of funds once the cash arrives at PP and then they repeat the inaccurate claim that PP does mammograms. PP has been called on that one.They may do a topical exam and hand you a brochure but if a mammo is indicated they refer you out. They don't have mammography equipment nor do they have trained staff. As I have said previously, the topical exam is one that anyone can be trained to do. I attended a women's luncheon and the guest speaker trained us.
"Currently, Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in the United States, but it also offers offer free breast exams and mammograms, considered key to early detection of breast cancer. While Susan G Komen for the Cure said it intends its contributions to go toward these exams, it cannot control how funds are allocated at Planned Parenthood."What a shock....
Dr. at Catholic hospital....a fetus becomes a person when a woman empowers it....
Lifestite News has an article about a Catholic hospital in Durango, CO,...Mercy Regional Medical Center who has an OB/GYN on staff for the past 44 years. Richard Grossman, MD who says he is a Quaker , however on Wednesdays he performs abortions at the local Planned Parenthood Center. He is a prominent population control advocate who writes a column for the local paper. Catholics and others are upset and pressuring the hospital to take a stand. The hospital's response so far has been less than admirable. They say they are monitoring the situation....what a cop out that statement is. How long will they monitor this?
They also put out this excuse...."The diocese also maintained that his service at the hospital was protected under federal anti-discrimination laws prohibiting sanctions against a doctor over his private practice.
Daniel Anguis, the executive of the pro-life group LifeGuard, is calling the church out. "“In the end Church leadership has to make a decision,” said Anguis. “What is more damaging - getting sued? or continuing to materially cooperate with a proud Planned Parenthood abortionist?” Ouch!
But this story caught my eye for another reason. Dr. Grossman made what I recommend for the most outrageous statement of the week....or longer.
They also put out this excuse...."The diocese also maintained that his service at the hospital was protected under federal anti-discrimination laws prohibiting sanctions against a doctor over his private practice.
Daniel Anguis, the executive of the pro-life group LifeGuard, is calling the church out. "“In the end Church leadership has to make a decision,” said Anguis. “What is more damaging - getting sued? or continuing to materially cooperate with a proud Planned Parenthood abortionist?” Ouch!
But this story caught my eye for another reason. Dr. Grossman made what I recommend for the most outrageous statement of the week....or longer.
“The reason I perform abortions is because I’m a Christian,” Richard Grossman, a Quaker, told the Durango Herald after a similar protest outside Mercy Regional Medical Center last year. “Personally, I believe in the strength, intellect and fortitude of women. When a woman says a fetus is a person, I think it is one. I believe the woman empowers the fetus.”If the woman empowers the fetus, he/she becomes a person. God help us all.
Friday, July 22, 2011
(Prolifer)ations 7-22-11
from Jill Stanek.com

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Wesley J. Smith says “I told you so”: Vermont has passed a single payer healthcare plan with no means to pay for it – and the media is suggesting “death with dignity” and rationing as a means of meeting this obligation.
- Secular ProLife responds to abortion proponents’ insistence that pregnancy resource centers deceive women, despite evidence to the contrary. Abortion clinics greatly outnumber PRCs, so why is the abortion industry so threatened by them?
- National ProLife Radio reports on Bella star Eduardo Verastegui’s efforts to help more women choose life. Eduardo started a nonprofit organization in Los Angeles called Mantle of Guadalupe, which serves one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods, consisting of predominantly Latino residents.
- Vital Signs links to Live Action’s post on the “cruel and unusual punishment” of abortion – a method of death so heinous, our society wouldn’t even dream of it for a convicted murderer on death row.
- Monte at Stand for Life shares his objections to fetal pain laws and the “incrementalist” approach to ending abortion.
- John Smeaton dissects a Journal of Medical Ethics survey that found “nearly half of medical students believe in the right of doctors to conscientiously object to any procedure – with demand for a right not to perform a given procedure particularly high among Muslim students.
- Lisa Graas posts Michael Janocik of Kentucky Right to Life’s response to a defense of Obamacare written by Sister Mary Schmuck (see page 5). Sister Schmuck is a member of the Sisters of Mercy and works for Catholic Charities of Louisville.
- Mark Pickup points to Lady Gaga’s recent less-than-stellar idea of leaving her Sydney performance uninjured but in a wheelchair, strictly for shock value. According to some reports, Gaga’s fans were less than impressed and someone attempted to egg her. Mocking those with disabilities apparently did not make the grade.
- ProLife NZ shares the story of Lynne Rowe, a woman born nearly 50 years ago with no limbs. See the evidence of her parents’ unconditional love:
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Abortion Witness:killing the baby inside the womb is birth control and outside the womb is population control....
Abortion Witness is so outrageous that I almost suspect it is not real. The profile says she is Jeanne from IL who s has a PhD. in Feminist Theory and worked for 12 yrs. in an abortion clinic and is now an Educator.
She starts off her post "Talking about babies...saying the things we can't say... discussing a former patient in the abortion clinic expressing guilt for killing her baby. This leads to a discussion about how abortion supporters should learn to discuss this issue ncluding stories about Kermit Gosnell the late term abortionist in PA who killed babies who survived the abortion.
She starts off her post "Talking about babies...saying the things we can't say... discussing a former patient in the abortion clinic expressing guilt for killing her baby. This leads to a discussion about how abortion supporters should learn to discuss this issue ncluding stories about Kermit Gosnell the late term abortionist in PA who killed babies who survived the abortion.
"And what about death and abortion and the babies allegedly born-then-killed in Gosnell’s clinic? Suddenly the question of the mother’s decision about her pregnancy becomes more complex because the baby is no longer in her body. In other words, while she is pregnant, her decision to have an abortion is like any other woman’s. How does this change when the unborn baby is no longer unborn—no longer inside her body?
I’ve talked with two wise people about this question. One said to me, “when the baby is inside the mother’s body, its death is birth control; after it is outside the woman’s body, its death is something else—maybe population control.” He went on to suggest that we are, as a society, a lot more comfortable with birth control than with population control and that we might even consider the latter to be immoral."
Bundling of services at abortion mills with cosmetic treatments seek to normalize abortion

In Nashville an abortion mill that runs without being licensed as am ambulatory surgical treatment center and inspection from the DOH offers online discount coupons and discounts for students, military and driving over 50 miles to get there.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Memphis native Rev.Veazey is paid well to support abortions
This came from Jill Stanek.com but I wanted to highlight it also. It makes me so mad to think that NPR gets any tax money. They are disgusting in their bias and editing of the tape shows it.
Rev. Veazey CEO of Memphis who gets paid a cool $183,000 a year for working only 5 hours a week as CEO of Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice which Veasey denied. NPR edited that point.
However, the IRS Form 990 doesn’t lie.
Ryan is such an asset to the pro life movement. I admire that way he can remain calm and has excellent points to make.
Rev. Veazey CEO of Memphis who gets paid a cool $183,000 a year for working only 5 hours a week as CEO of Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice which Veasey denied. NPR edited that point.
However, the IRS Form 990 doesn’t lie.
Ryan is such an asset to the pro life movement. I admire that way he can remain calm and has excellent points to make.
Teen Mom star promotes adoption and abstinence....
How mature Caitlynn has become......proud of her! Finally, some good information about adoption....why is it chosen less than 1% in teen pregnancies. Caitlynn is now promoting abstinence. Good for her. Don't appreciate the show steering teens to a website that promotes Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the US. Where is the toll free number for Option Line for Pregnancy Resource Center? All there resources with the exception of National Adoption toll free number is geared toward resources that promote death.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
(Prolifer)ations 7-19-11
from Jill Stanek.com

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Abby Johnson writes a must-read post about owning the sin of abortion – there are no scapegoats. Abby states not only are women and abortionists responsible for abortion, but we as Christians are culpable for our silence.
- Our newest blog addition, Abolitionist Society, wonders if by our consumption of various products we are unwittingly participating in the commercialization of abortion.

- Big Blue Wave reports on a record-setting baby girl in Germany born at 21 weeks, 5 days weighing just over a pound. She was given immediate lifesaving treatment and left the hospital at 7 pounds. In the US, doctors do not attempt to save babies born before 22 weeks gestation, regardless of parents’ wishes. When young preemies survive, those who deny the humanity of the preborn are forced to view the truth.
- Culture Campaign links to news accounts on census data showing the declining birth rate in America. As the debt crisis continues to dominate the news, no one wants to address the fact that we did this to ourselves – we aborted the workforce needed to support our aging population.
- Moral Outcry discusses the need for prayer and the fear that motivates some to file frivolous lawsuits to stop public prayer.
- The Culture Vulture and the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition both report good news: Italy has passed a bill outlawing euthanasia through means of withdrawing nutrition and hydration from comatose patients unless it can be proven that the patient’s physiological functions are not benefited by the nutrients. This followed a highly controversial story similar to that of Terri Schiavo.
- The FRC Blog highlights a new FDA-approved trial using adult stem cells for treating stroke victims up to 19 days following a stroke.
- Catholic Vote has the inspiring story and video of Dr. Nancy Hendricks, who, with other pro-life warriors, stood against the University of Wisconsin Madison’s plan to partner with Planned Parenthood in providing 2nd trimester abortions:
Sister Schmuck defends Obamacare and KY RTL responds....
Pro life blogger Lisa Graas posts the complete response of Mike Janocik, Assistant Director of Ky Right to Life Association to Sister Mary Schmuck’s defense of the Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act (PPAHA), entitled “There is a moral component to the health care debate,”
His crisp well documented response is quite a smack down.
OKeefe gets friendly advice from OH state workers on abortion for 12 yr. old
Abortion talk starts around 2:34 where they are advised they can take 12 yr. old sister who acts as a prostitute to Planned Parenthood for free abortions without parental consent "because PP doesn't go by age" and yes they will be willing to give her a pep talk if she is nervous about the abortion.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Those who are about to die salute you....blog is pro abortion with a heart!!
An amazing blog called Abortion Witness was sent to me. I had just come from visiting someone in ICU that is critically ill. He is receiving loving care from medical personnel and family members. They are treating him with dignity and honor. But the difference is they are endeavoring to save his life not end it by burning, dismemberment or suction evacuation.
This Abortion Witness blog outlines the feelings and viewpoints of someone who is not only an abortion advocate and activist but worked for 12 years in an abortion mill and is now an educator in IL.
She tries in this sample post called Abortion: A Motherhood Issue to make the slaughtering of one's own offspring honorable, moral and loving.
It reminded me of the gladiators who would say to the Emperor before fighting to their death for sport....those who are about to die salute you.
She lists ways the abortionists are so considerate of the innocents who are about to be chopped up that they allow the mother of the soon to be deceased to bring holy water to anoint the remains, keep the ultrasound photos, write letters and hold or view their dismembered child if they so choose. So the abortionist who makes a living at intentionally causing the sudden ,grisly death of this human being is respectful of the one whose death will mean payday. Lovely, makes me feel better already!
Pro abortion with a heart, indeed! Sorry, it doesn't play.
This Abortion Witness blog outlines the feelings and viewpoints of someone who is not only an abortion advocate and activist but worked for 12 years in an abortion mill and is now an educator in IL.
She tries in this sample post called Abortion: A Motherhood Issue to make the slaughtering of one's own offspring honorable, moral and loving.
"In my opinion, abortion can be a good and moral act. A moral abortion is one performed in a caring environment where the mother, her loved ones, and her relationship to her child are honored and are the primary focus of the abortion care providers. "
She lists ways the abortionists are so considerate of the innocents who are about to be chopped up that they allow the mother of the soon to be deceased to bring holy water to anoint the remains, keep the ultrasound photos, write letters and hold or view their dismembered child if they so choose. So the abortionist who makes a living at intentionally causing the sudden ,grisly death of this human being is respectful of the one whose death will mean payday. Lovely, makes me feel better already!
In another post she describes herself as pro abortion with a heart. See, abortion is just one of the many decisions you make in your life concerning your children. Do you let them sleep with you, tell them that you are a lesbian, put them in an institution if they have a disability, take the awesome responsibility of deciding if they are going to be born . Life is complicated and we have so many choices to make concerning our children. Just like the Facebook choice of your status.....It's complicated. But not to worry... all decisions are made thinking of ME.
"I believe that it is time for abortion activism to embrace these practices and to learn about how these abortion care workers treat death with honor and dignity. "
Pro abortion with a heart, indeed! Sorry, it doesn't play.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
RU 486 the silent killer continues its work.......
National Right to Life has an article in about the number of complications and deaths caused from the "abortion pill" RU 486.
One of these deaths has a TN connection. I remember it well because I lobbied unsuccessfully against the use of RU 486 beyond the FDA recommended usage and requiring ultrasounds to be performed before administration of the drug. Even with nationally known expert Dr. Donna Harrison testifying
about the dangers of this drug to women (I remember her saying clearly....the baby still dies but these women are also at serious risk when taking this drug.) the effort failed thanks to the TN Medical Association lobbying efforts that cooperated with the abortion supporting politicians, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. Shame on all of them.
Brenda Vise , a 38 yr. old pharmaceutical rep from Chattanooga died in 2002 from the administration of this drug was the victim in question. Real Choice outlines the details of her suffering and death. Yes, she was given an ultrasound prior to administration of the first drug and when no fetus was viewed it should have been a cause for considering that the positive pregnancy test might be an ectopic pregnancy.
But no, she was told that perhaps it was too early to view the baby on the ultrasound at six weeks. NOT SO. Then the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy mirrors that of the RU 486 abortion so when she called to report her deteriorating condition she was falsely told that these were the normal symptoms of the procedure.
Now Planned Parenthood plans for telemed RU 486 abortions to be their cash cow of the future. Since the abortion providers are retiring without new ones to replace them, this is their answer. The abortionist can sit before his computer screen and with a few keystrokes and skype administer this deadly drug anywhere.
One of these deaths has a TN connection. I remember it well because I lobbied unsuccessfully against the use of RU 486 beyond the FDA recommended usage and requiring ultrasounds to be performed before administration of the drug. Even with nationally known expert Dr. Donna Harrison testifying
about the dangers of this drug to women (I remember her saying clearly....the baby still dies but these women are also at serious risk when taking this drug.) the effort failed thanks to the TN Medical Association lobbying efforts that cooperated with the abortion supporting politicians, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. Shame on all of them.
Brenda Vise , a 38 yr. old pharmaceutical rep from Chattanooga died in 2002 from the administration of this drug was the victim in question. Real Choice outlines the details of her suffering and death. Yes, she was given an ultrasound prior to administration of the first drug and when no fetus was viewed it should have been a cause for considering that the positive pregnancy test might be an ectopic pregnancy.
But no, she was told that perhaps it was too early to view the baby on the ultrasound at six weeks. NOT SO. Then the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy mirrors that of the RU 486 abortion so when she called to report her deteriorating condition she was falsely told that these were the normal symptoms of the procedure.
Now Planned Parenthood plans for telemed RU 486 abortions to be their cash cow of the future. Since the abortion providers are retiring without new ones to replace them, this is their answer. The abortionist can sit before his computer screen and with a few keystrokes and skype administer this deadly drug anywhere.
· AUL reports Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Oklahoma regulated the provision of RU-486, effectively prohibiting “telemed” abortions. Well, what about TN....I knew that a bill to do the same passed overwhelmingly in TN this past session. Further investigation showed that the bill that passed overwhelmingly will not go into effect on July 1, 2011 as all the bills do after the session ends but the date was mysteriously changed to be effective on January 1, 2013. WHAT?? How many more deaths are acceptable??
Friday, July 15, 2011
(Prolifer)ations 7-15-11
from Jill Stanek.com

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Live Action tells of protests outside a Michigan theater where comedienne and Daily Show creator Lizz Winstead did a Planned Parenthood benefit. In her show, she jokes about politics, sex scandals and her own abortion. How many laugh lines do you get talking about your abortion?
- National Pro-Life Radio speaks of Planned Parenthood’s new favorite cash cow – and silent killer of women – the abortion drug mifepristone, or RU-486. With 14 deaths and 2,207 injuries in the United States alone, the use of this drug proves the abortion industry isn’t about helping women.
- Women’s Rights Without Borders sounds the urgent alarm for blind forced abortion opponent Chen Guangcheng. Chen has suffered repeated beatings in house detention, along with malnutrition. WRWB and China Aid Association are calling for Chen and his family’s release.
- Wesley J. Smith
discusses his opposition to graphic abortion images because of their
apparent lack of effectiveness in changing behavior. However, this is
not the case when it comes to animal abuse:
See an aborted fetus and we will turn our heads. See a cancerous
lung on a cigarette pack and it probably won’t affect our decision to
smoke or induce us to quit. But see an ill or abused animal, and for
many, emotions go to a wallet-opening peak. Why are we more caring
toward animals than humans?
- Secular ProLife says “bravo” to pro-lifers in Poland who recently collected 600k signatures on a petition to “push forward a measure to prohibit all abortions” there – far more than the 100k signatures needed, and in a much shorter time period. Poland is predominately Catholic.
- ProWomanProLife applauds a UK official who has proposed a blueprint for changing hostile attitudes many government workers, social workers, and ministers have toward adoption.
- Reflections of a Paralytic reflects on society’s view of the disabled and the need to recognize them as people with the same desires as all human beings.
- ProLifeBlogs spotlights some good news on Europe from HLI World Watch:
Country after country is coming up with new pro-life initiatives and legislation. We have seen governments in Poland, Hungary, Russia and Lithuania embrace pro-life proposals. Croatia and Slovakia are on the edge of delivering pro-life initiatives as well. And it seems like everywhere in the former Communist countries of Europe, there is a ferment that is pushing forward different pro-life, pro-family initiatives.
These countries have experienced the alternative and are seeing devastating results.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Russian prez....10% of abortion ad must disclose risks
And we are not even mentioning the demise of the babies....abortions poses health risks for women and the prez. is taking the abortionists to task for creating the impression that abortion is no big deal.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (pix left) signed into law on Thursday a number of amendments to the law on advertising stipulating that abortion ads must carry warnings about their side effects, including loss of fertility.Looks like Russia is leading the way....
According to Russian lawmakers, advertisements mislead the public by creating an impression that an abortion is a simple surgery that poses no health risks.
The new amendments require that warnings about the dangers should occupy no less than 10 percent of each advertisement.
And the freshman shall lead the way.....
This is why elections matter and I love it when they hit the ground running and remember why they were sent to Washington....
From Jill Stanek.com
"Today two Freshmen Republican congresspersons were joined by several of their veteran colleagues and Dr. Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life at a press conference calling for a congressional investigation of Planned Parenthood in light of AUL’s recently released report documenting decades of malfeasance by the abortion giant.
Supporting Reps. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) and Randy Hultgren (R-IL) (both pictured right) in the presser were Reps. Diane Black (R-TN), Steve Chabot (R-OH), John Fleming (R-LA), Bill Huizenga (R-MI), Doug Lamborn (R-CO), Jean Schmidt (R-OH), and Chris Smith (R-NJ)."
Ben Folds....post abortive man...."very sad thing"
Sad song from post abortive man....they hurt too...
From Stand for Life
From Stand for Life
On the album Ben Folds Live, Folds explained: "People ask me what this song's about... I was asked about it a lot, and I didn't really wanna make a big hairy deal out of it, because I just wanted the song to speak for itself. But the song is about when I was in high school, me and my girlfriend had to get an abortion, and it was a very sad thing. And, I didn't really want to write this song from any kind of political standpoint, or make a statement. I just wanted to reflect what it feels like. So, anyone who's gone through that before, then you'll know what the song's about.
Female feticide .....collateral damage of "Choice"
What an excellent article and a great read. She nails it!! Choice was such a brilliant sound bite and focus group gave it a thumbs up. Women unite! All these slogan of "Trust Women" and "Protect Choice." Well as they say when the gods want to punish you, they answer your prayers. Here is what choice has done for the liberal feminists who have made abortion a sacrament. As one of 6.... 5 girls and 1 boy...I am glad my mother would not did not embrace the sound bite.....
"Reasons of hardship or health or convenience were accepted as equal, and all were defended. All women's choices were regarded as wise, since women had made them. Objecting to this was out of the question, as it gave an opening to all of those evil and retrograde social conservatives. It was also, of course, "insulting to women" -- than which no more damaging charge can be made.Then came the news that women were using this wisdom in order to end female lives. Scientists believe that, world-over, around 160 million women are "missing," dispatched (that is, aborted) by their parents, who prefer male children and don't want superfluous females to clutter their lives.
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