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- At the Abolitionist Society of Oklahoma, Brian Biggs encourages religious pro-lifers not to shy away from using religious arguments for the pro-life position.
- The Anti Abortion Gang has been actively engaging abortion proponents on Twitter regarding reports of a woman who claimed to miscarry after being pepper sprayed at an Occupy event. This leads AAG to ask where pro-choicers would draw the line of support for a pregnant woman who engaged in risky behavior that caused a miscarriage.

- Accepting Abundance profiles Whole Women’s Health, a six-clinic abortion conglomerate which offers private abortion care, complete with special herbal teas and post-abortion care baskets. This same business blogs about its proudly displayed banner proclaiming “Good Women Have Abortions,” and its director says they “worship” their patients, encouraging them to “honor [themselves] and respect the journey [they] have been on.” Guess there’s nothing like VIP treatment while you kill your child.
- In another Abolitionist Society post, an African-American adoptee expresses thankfulness for her life and family. Sadly, in the Black community, adoption is the choice for only 1% of those experiencing unplanned pregnancies.
- Americans United for Life condemns the United Nations’ push to liberalize abortion laws in Peru:
In one of the most recent acts of social imperialism by the United Nations, the CEDAW Committee
determined that Peru must compensate a girl for being denied an
abortion and liberalize its abortion policies. This is only the most
recent example of a United Nations committee overstepping its bounds to
incorrectly imply that there is an international human right to
abortion. This is simply not the case, as the recently published San Jose Articles point out.
- The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition gives readers an overview of current abortion laws and pending regulations in the United States.
- Generations for Life was encouraged by the recent National Catholic Youth Conference which was held in NYC, the abortion capital. Attendance was over 22,000.
- Mommy Life posts a video imagining what it would have been like if Twitter had been around when Jesus began His ministry: