Pro Life in TN
- Susie Allen
- Pro Life thoughts in a pro choice world through the eyes of a convert. I took early retirement after working in the social work and Human Resources fields but remain active by being involved in pro life education, lobbying and speaking .

Saturday, May 26, 2012
Tanzania bound....
Bags are sitters have arrived....mail and paper on hold......malaria pills to Tanzania for a two week mission trip. No blogging, no I phone as this news junkie tries to detox from instant news releases.
Friday, May 25, 2012
(Prolifer)ations 5-25-12
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- ProWomanProLife links to the testimony of a blogger who has finally found her voice regarding her past abortions, which she confesses caused a great deal of emotional trauma as well as incompetent cervix, resulting in the loss of her third child.
- Pro-Life Action League’s Ann Scheidler
hits the nail on the head in her post noting the strange
compartmentalization of the left’s latest campaign tactic, “Dreams of
our Daughters”:
Why would we want to teach our daughters that it makes good sense to use discipline in choosing what to eat, getting enough exercise, doing homework, striving to be the best, but when it comes to sexual activity, the message is “Take a pill and do whatever you want”?Would anyone think it made sense if we invented a pill that would counteract all the calories in ice cream and candy bars, and then told women, “Take this pill and eat all you want”? Why is discipline and moderation in the area of eating hailed as an ideal — note Michelle Obama’s campaign against childhood obesity — yet discipline in sexual practice is dismissed as impossible?
- At The New Feminism, Jennifer Lahl discusses the importance of protecting female fertility by educating ourselves.
- Pro-Life Wisconsin rejoices – while NARAL laments – that Affiliated Medical Services has joined Planned Parenthood in discontinuing its RU-486
chemical abortions. Legislation banning webcam abortion, which the
industry saw as their cash cow of the future, may be the reason for the
announcement. PLW notes:
The average woman loses four times the amount of blood in a drug-induced medical abortion as compared to a standard surgical abortion. Several deaths have been attributed to mifepristone and therefore its prescription and use – from a medical standpoint – ought to be highly restricted, if not banned.But these risks are ignored by an industry whose profits depend on volume.

- The Passionate Pro-Lifer describes the recent States of Refuge protest in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. (States of Refuge travels to states with only one remaining abortion clinic in each – Arkansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.) Apparently, the “Civility, Compassion, and Love” counter-movement wasn’t quite as civil and loving as it could have been:
My biggest regret is that I didn’t capture the “civility” of a senior citizen in front of the St. John’s
Episcopal Church on film. On the way to the front entrance OSA participant, Ken Scott, put Sing a Little Louder fliers on the wind shields of several cars parked on the street. An enraged recipient, who by the way, had what appeared to be his grand daughter with him, was so incensed that were police not in the immediate vicinity I feel certain he would have gone to blows with Ken. - Moral Outcry discusses the news story of a British man who was arrested for smuggling six roasted human fetuses (warning – graphic photo) – wrapped in goldleaf – in his luggage. He had purchased the fetuses online for $6500 and planned to sell them for use in Taiwanese black magic rituals. This sort of idea shocks our sensibilities, but is our culture really all that different?
Fetuses found wrapped in gold leaf are used as “good luck” charms, which may be one of the ultimate in witchcraft….The Taipei Times reports that the use of dead babies in black magic rituals is rather common, adding that most are stillborn babies from abortions….
We think all the witchcraft and black magic is happening in Korean energy capsules or creepy fetal good luck charms but it’s really far away and “we” don’t do that. Really, we use an aborted baby in a lab to create taste receptors; we slap the processed ingredients on our faces to preserve our beauty and look younger.
- Wesley J. Smith
uses the example of the embryonic stem cell research debate as a way to
point out that good science and good ethics should go hand in hand:
I believe that in part due to President Bush’s keeping the focus on the value of human embryonic life, scientists looked for ways to get the hoped for benefits of embryonic stem cells, without destroying or cloning embryos. This led to the induced pluripotent stem cell breakthrough that takes normal cells, changes them to stem cells, and thence into other types of tissue.
Political advisor to abortion industry sees states creative laws chipping away at abortion
One of my favorite feminists who gets it wrong is Naomi Wolf. You remember her...she tried unsuccessfully to turn Al Gore from an beta to an alpha man with the color suits he wore and that horrible orange looking tan. Oh well...back to the present. She admires Feminists for Life but thinks their policies are misguided. She writes an article picked up by the Guardian that mentions TN.
Wolf also fails to address sex selection abortions that PP acknowledges their non judgmental abortion on demand ends up promoting as in ....we just hate it but oh well...let's see the cash and get on with it approach.
Photograph: Craig Lassig/AP
Planned Parenthood appears to be target No 1: Maine, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana, North Carolina and Kansas have all either had bills to defund Planned Parenthood successfully passed or else bills introduced to begin the process of defunding.
"Target No 2 is abortion rights. Since 2011, 92 new laws against abortion took effect, in 11 states: some states, such as Tennessee, are passing creative new restrictions on abortion rights. On 12 April, Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona signed a new law banning abortions later than 18 weeks after fertilization, and imposing new regulations making abortion more difficult to obtain."TN gets some good mention in here for their "creative" ways restrict abortions. Of course she sees an evil empire conspiring against women as her theory. She fails to address that these restrictions address the safety of the women during an abortion such as the one in TN that says that the abortionist must have admitting privileges at a hospital in same or adjacent county.
Wolf also fails to address sex selection abortions that PP acknowledges their non judgmental abortion on demand ends up promoting as in ....we just hate it but oh well...let's see the cash and get on with it approach.
Photograph: Craig Lassig/AP
Slate: Why are Americans not becoming liberal on the issue of abortion....he hints at the reason but can't say it.
William Saletan posts in Slate his take on the
public moving to the left on the issues of gay sex, gay marriage, premarital sex, birth control but not on the issue of abortion. He asks the
question...why are Americans becoming more liberal on homosexuality but not on abortion?
He stops short of saying it....but the answer is that the humanity of the preborn is not a theory but the evidence is before our eyes. Look at the picture he posts with the article. Say it...human being. Abortion takes the life of a defenseless innocent human being....."Polls don’t settle what’s right and wrong. But they do challenge our assumptions about the structure of beliefs. When public opinion turns toward gay marriage without abandoning fidelity and family formation, it calls into question our fear that extending marriage to same-sex couples threatens the institution. And when public opinion turns toward reproductive freedom and equal rights for women but continues to oppose abortion, it punctures our dismissal of pro-life sentiment as a vestige of right-wing sexism. Spin and soundbites won’t make the evidence go away. Sooner or later, you'll have to face it."
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Larry Flynt endorses Obama and Clinton poses with porn stars...all in a day's work at election time.
A small point of interest is that the Democrats seem to have a lock on the porn vote for 2012.
Larry Flynt notorious pornographer with Hustler and Vice magazine has endorsed Obama for re election saying he"overperformed" and does a "marvelous job.:
In another comment as strange as that one, Flynt said he had a "profound" religious experience in 1970 and immediately sought psychiatric care. His doc advised him that the experience was brought on by an iodine deficiency in his body ?! Hey I thought Michelle Obama is saying we are eating too much salt. If we cut back, will we become more religious? Hasn't seemed to work for her.
Back to the porn constituency. So since this endorsement is locked up someone needs to tell that to hard working Bill Clinton. There is he slaving away at a fund raiser in Monte Carlo and posing with porn stars. He looks positively washed out in the photo...this campaign stuff is no cake walk. Are they registered voters Bill?? I don't know about the one on the far left who was not identified in the picture. She looks like a cross dresser or a bouncer or worse yet. Better keep your hands around the little ones Bill.
Picture: Twitter via MSNBC
Larry Flynt notorious pornographer with Hustler and Vice magazine has endorsed Obama for re election saying he"overperformed" and does a "marvelous job.:
In another comment as strange as that one, Flynt said he had a "profound" religious experience in 1970 and immediately sought psychiatric care. His doc advised him that the experience was brought on by an iodine deficiency in his body ?! Hey I thought Michelle Obama is saying we are eating too much salt. If we cut back, will we become more religious? Hasn't seemed to work for her.

Picture: Twitter via MSNBC
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Profiles in courage from a pro life state....Tennessee
Oh so proud to live in a pro life state. Yes, Tennessee is pro life and we are proud to claim these beautiful families as Tennesseans.
The first family in the news recently is Chris, Lacy and Christian Buchanan who live in Woodbury, TN This video tells the story.
Grayson James Walker, son of Heather and Patrick Walker of Millington, TN is the star of the next video. Heather famously fought back when Facebook tried to ban photos her son causing them to apologize and reverse their decision.
Craig and Heather Bitterling live in Portland, TN with their 8 children.
Baby Isaiah was born on January 5, 2011 and lived one hour. Heather recounts her story here about being put on bed rest with complete placenta previa(a life threatening condition to her ); Isaiah being diagnosed with encephelocele and her decision to put off birth as long as possible to give Isaiah the best chance to survive.....which he did for one hour.
Heather wrote and read the poem at his celebration of life.
The first family in the news recently is Chris, Lacy and Christian Buchanan who live in Woodbury, TN This video tells the story.
Grayson James Walker, son of Heather and Patrick Walker of Millington, TN is the star of the next video. Heather famously fought back when Facebook tried to ban photos her son causing them to apologize and reverse their decision.
Craig and Heather Bitterling live in Portland, TN with their 8 children.
Baby Isaiah was born on January 5, 2011 and lived one hour. Heather recounts her story here about being put on bed rest with complete placenta previa(a life threatening condition to her ); Isaiah being diagnosed with encephelocele and her decision to put off birth as long as possible to give Isaiah the best chance to survive.....which he did for one hour.
Heather wrote and read the poem at his celebration of life.
Child of God
You are God's Child that He allowed us to shepherd and cherish for awhile.
Like Jesus- on loan to Earthly hands
You are the embodiment of love shared, dreams hoped, and faith fulfilled
Our arms are sinful, selfish, insufficient.
Though we hold you with the greatest of mortal love, we are human.
We fail.
Scraped knees- and broken hearts
Loss- and gain
Triumph- and failure
Try as we may, we cannot heal all wounds or prevent all pain.
So- with love greater than ours, God knew this and took you home.
No tears, no pain- only joy and the Glory of God to light your face.
Your precious face- illuminated with the light of Christ!
Though my arms ache to hold you-
How could I take you from this beauty- for my own fulfillment?
How could I begrudge the arms that made you- holding you safe in His care?
I thank Him for the moment He gave me.
You are not mine, you are God's child.
And in His great love- He shared you with me for a while.
Heather & Craig 2011
Facebook apologizes and reverses policy on posting pics of the late Grayson James Walker...
I previously reported this week that Facebook deleted the pictures Heather Walker posted of her son who lived only 8 hours after birth. When Heather reposted the photos, Facebook temporarily banned her from Facebook!
“But when hundreds of people shared Grayson’s photos at the Benefit for Grayson James Walker page (, Facebook saw the error of its way and posted an apology.
Facebook saw the error of its way and posted an apology. “Upon investigation, we concluded the photo does not violate our guidelines and was removed in error. Facebook is a place where almost a billion people share more than 300 million photos a day. (…) occasionally, we make a mistake and remove a piece of content we shouldn’t have. We extend our deepest condolences to the family and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.”What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful family.
Politico: Poll reports record low for 'pro choice'
Keep the messaging coming...keep the education coming....keep the pictures coming.....
Politico has this wonderful headline. Record low of Americans are self identifying as pro choice.
Their branding is down. The Madison Ave advertising agency that thought the term pro choice was a good label because after all Americans love choice. The pro life side has shown them what choice really means. The advances in technology that gives us a window to the womb has helped to identify just who we are killing with abortion.
The Tennessean recently devoted a whole section on the issue of abortion in Tennessee. The online comments were quite interesting. I participated using scientific and philosophical evidence to support the pro life viewpoint. The "choicers" were enraged. One self identified college grad made the most amazing statement at the end of one of her tirades. She said abortion had nothing to do with babies and the "fetus" was not dismembered in the abortion procedure and no one knows when life begins.
“Pro-life” identification is up among all three U.S. political affiliations: 72 percent of Republicans are “pro-life,” up from 68 percent last year; 47 percent of independents are, compared with 41 percent last year; and 34 percent of Democrats are, compared with 27 percent last year.
Do you think Obama might read these polls and decide it is time to evolve?? Read the Gallup poll detail here
Pix: AP
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Live Action: Planned Parenthood Teen Clinic Day: No Parental Permission Needed
Cross Posted by Live Action. org
Right here in TN we see PP of Greater Memphis reaching out to teens...
Planned Parenthood (PP) is, at this moment, leading teens in the Memphis area in talks about sex education. PP Greater Memphis Region is hosting a Teen Clinic today in honor of National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, describing it as a “special day of activities, learning opportunities and Q&A for teenagers.” The children, ages 13-18, will be told about puberty, pregnancy, contraception, and STD prevention. What they aren’t talking about is depression prevention, divorce prevention, and delinquency prevention – all results of early sexual activity. And their parents may not even know they are at PP.
No Parents Required
While teens are invited to bring their parents to the Teen Clinic, parents are not required, and neither is their permission. PP thinks that misled parents should feel reassured by their claim that PP educators advise children to “involve their parents in decisions about sexual behavior.” How noble of them to hand condoms to 13-year-olds and tell them that they maybe might want to inform their parents of their decision to have sex, but they certainly don’t have to because it is their decision, after all. PP is completely ignoring the numerous studies that have made it common knowledge that teenage brains are not developed enough to allow them to seriously consider the potential consequences of their actions. As a result, teens are more likely to act on impulse; misread social cues; and engage in risky, inappropriate behaviors. PP just gives kids the thumbs-up; hands them some free, not 100% effective birth control; and sends them on their way, without many parents ever knowing any of what took place.
Using Teens to Make Cash
The people at PP of Memphis say that their trusty educators who, believe “that all teens need accurate, non-judgmental information in order to understand their own bodies and make responsible decisions[,]” will be on hand to help teens make the right decisions about sex. But how can a stranger help a 13-year-old girl make a serious decision about her life when that stranger knows nothing about the girl and her life? The educators don’t know if any of the children who walk in the door are being abused by an adult, are being pressured by their boyfriend or girlfriend, or are being pimped out in a sex ring. But even if they did know, they wouldn’t care. The main objective of PP is to get teens to have sex because teens who have sex will turn to PP for everything from birth control to STD testing to abortion. And that is money in PP’s pocket.
Planned Parenthood Teen Clinic Day: No Parental Permission Needed
Right here in TN we see PP of Greater Memphis reaching out to teens...
Planned Parenthood (PP) is, at this moment, leading teens in the Memphis area in talks about sex education. PP Greater Memphis Region is hosting a Teen Clinic today in honor of National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, describing it as a “special day of activities, learning opportunities and Q&A for teenagers.” The children, ages 13-18, will be told about puberty, pregnancy, contraception, and STD prevention. What they aren’t talking about is depression prevention, divorce prevention, and delinquency prevention – all results of early sexual activity. And their parents may not even know they are at PP.
No Parents Required
While teens are invited to bring their parents to the Teen Clinic, parents are not required, and neither is their permission. PP thinks that misled parents should feel reassured by their claim that PP educators advise children to “involve their parents in decisions about sexual behavior.” How noble of them to hand condoms to 13-year-olds and tell them that they maybe might want to inform their parents of their decision to have sex, but they certainly don’t have to because it is their decision, after all. PP is completely ignoring the numerous studies that have made it common knowledge that teenage brains are not developed enough to allow them to seriously consider the potential consequences of their actions. As a result, teens are more likely to act on impulse; misread social cues; and engage in risky, inappropriate behaviors. PP just gives kids the thumbs-up; hands them some free, not 100% effective birth control; and sends them on their way, without many parents ever knowing any of what took place.
Using Teens to Make Cash
The people at PP of Memphis say that their trusty educators who, believe “that all teens need accurate, non-judgmental information in order to understand their own bodies and make responsible decisions[,]” will be on hand to help teens make the right decisions about sex. But how can a stranger help a 13-year-old girl make a serious decision about her life when that stranger knows nothing about the girl and her life? The educators don’t know if any of the children who walk in the door are being abused by an adult, are being pressured by their boyfriend or girlfriend, or are being pimped out in a sex ring. But even if they did know, they wouldn’t care. The main objective of PP is to get teens to have sex because teens who have sex will turn to PP for everything from birth control to STD testing to abortion. And that is money in PP’s pocket.
(Prolifer)ations 5-22-12
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Fox News has a piece on President Obama’s favorability decline among Catholics and women – a likely backfiring of the “war on women” rhetoric and attacks on religious freedom:
The Obama administration no doubt knew it would lose some support with Catholics in the mandate. But they surely did not anticipate the strong and unified voice with which Catholic leaders, in particular bishops, responded even after the administration offered a compromise widely rejected as an accounting gimmick….As for whether the government should single out birth control to be mandated and cost-free when so many other drugs are not, again a clear majority of women — sixty-three percent — say “no.” After all, is your mother’s blood pressure medication or your child’s asthma medicine free by federal decree?
- Abolitionist Society of OK posts an essay on the pro-choice arguments regarding bodily sovereignty and the question of when human life begins.
- Abstinence Clearinghouse links to an article which suggests that “the rise of those who exploit children sexually can be attributed to the lack of prosecution of perpetrators,” which rests on the shoulders of Obama’s Justice Department “for not taking any child pornography cases since Obama’s inauguration in 2009.”

- Fletcher Armstrong and a group from the Maryland Center for Bio-Ethical Reform educated Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure participants in Philadelphia with pictures on the breast cancer/abortion link, since Komen has decided to again support Planned Parenthood. Participants had three opportunities to view the pictures showing the links.
Monday, May 21, 2012
TN mom banned from Facebook for posting pics baby with defects....who lived 8 hrs.
Facebook has been known for banning pro life pics of aborted babies. They have also been known to relax their standards on other social issues. Millington, TN mom fights back and was subsequently banned from Facebook for 24 hours for re-posting pictures of her baby Grayson James Walker who lived only 8 hours following birth.
Heather and family are not taking this rebuff lightly as she reports in this video. I had posted previously about another TN family who had the same issue with their son Isaiah who lived barely an hour but this artistic family had the most beautiful way to honor his short life during their celebration of his life.
(Heather) Walker learned of her baby’s fatal birth defect 16 weeks into her pregnancy. Though doctors said she could choose to abort, she decided to carry her son to term, turning to her faith to help with the months ahead.This family has a right to grieve their loss anyway they want. They hired a photographer from the non profit Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep to capture the short hours God gave them with their third child.
Heather and family are not taking this rebuff lightly as she reports in this video. I had posted previously about another TN family who had the same issue with their son Isaiah who lived barely an hour but this artistic family had the most beautiful way to honor his short life during their celebration of his life.
PP: May is Masturbation month.....tweets to your kids
Oh brother, the hits just keep rolling in. Did you know that May is Masturbation month. Thanks Planned Parenthood for telling us that tucked away between Mother's Day and Father's Day is Masturbation month!
They announce the tease in various tweets and send you to websites that discuss the benefits of masturbation including mutual masturbation. Yes, the kids are almost out for the summer mos. and your friends at PP don't want you to forget about them. In case you did not know how to do it or what the latest slang term is....PP is here to help. They want to also let you know that everyone is doing it and how to get the most out of it and most of all not to feel any shame cause
They announce the tease in various tweets and send you to websites that discuss the benefits of masturbation including mutual masturbation. Yes, the kids are almost out for the summer mos. and your friends at PP don't want you to forget about them. In case you did not know how to do it or what the latest slang term is....PP is here to help. They want to also let you know that everyone is doing it and how to get the most out of it and most of all not to feel any shame cause
"Only you can decide what is healthy and right for you."Get the if you had a cool and hip sex health educator and they tell you to follow them on twitter which is much more private than Facebook (after all your mom may insist on being your friend there) you can continue to reach out to them and establish yourself as the go to place for sex and all the consequences of sex. See how this works... PP spends a lot in marketing their brand to the kids cause that is where the $$ comes in when things go wrong.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Tennessean columnist worries about late night comedians laughing at abstinence education....
Gail Kerr is a columnist for the abortion promoting Tennessean. She is known for her left viewpoints extraordinaire.... this week she wrote a column entitled 'Gateway sex' bill makes TN a laughingstock again.
She laments the bill passed by our legislature and signed by our governor that says that abstinence should be promoted, not with a wink and a roll of eyes, but enthusiastically and stop with the promotion of gateway sexual activities that ultimately lead to intercourse. Kerr is incensed and incredulous. Worse than that she is embarrassed because late night comedians are mocking the bill and TN.
So I just had to comment on her article......
Question: How can you tell if this is a good piece of legislation? Answer: Gail Kerr writes an editorial condemning it.
Poor Gail needs to get a life. She bases her ideas of good and bad, right and wrong on late night comedians opinions. She's embarrassed. She needs to be embarrassed that we allow the abortion industry to have access to our children through the school system. Yes, they give a wink and a nod to abstinence but then hurry on to the good stuff. This is how you put on a condom and now let's talk about the fun of sex without getting pregnant. Outercourse, anal sex and oral sex. But wait, we do tell them to always wear a condom! Ya, get real guys, will always want to put on a condom when receiving oral sex. Sure!
She laments the bill passed by our legislature and signed by our governor that says that abstinence should be promoted, not with a wink and a roll of eyes, but enthusiastically and stop with the promotion of gateway sexual activities that ultimately lead to intercourse. Kerr is incensed and incredulous. Worse than that she is embarrassed because late night comedians are mocking the bill and TN.
So I just had to comment on her article......
Question: How can you tell if this is a good piece of legislation? Answer: Gail Kerr writes an editorial condemning it.
Poor Gail needs to get a life. She bases her ideas of good and bad, right and wrong on late night comedians opinions. She's embarrassed. She needs to be embarrassed that we allow the abortion industry to have access to our children through the school system. Yes, they give a wink and a nod to abstinence but then hurry on to the good stuff. This is how you put on a condom and now let's talk about the fun of sex without getting pregnant. Outercourse, anal sex and oral sex. But wait, we do tell them to always wear a condom! Ya, get real guys, will always want to put on a condom when receiving oral sex. Sure!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Prominent black pastor recants his statement on sitting out election but disagrees with Obama on abortion and gay marriage...whipped back in line
Rev. Dr. Emmett Burns of the Rising Sun Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD, told CNN that he doesn't plan to vote for Romney and will likely stay home as a result of the President's current position.
“People have come up to me, are saying they don’t support this, they don’t like this,” he said. “They are disappointed with the President, and they plan to stay home.”
He was speaking on the issue of Obama coming out in support of gay marriage, a position he held back in 1996 but claimed he had to evolve to it just recently. Dr. Burns obviously was taken to the woodshed by "his base" because the next night when he appeared on Bill OReilly's Factor he had a different story.
"Regarding yesterday’s remarks, Burns said, “I overspoke because I was so chagrined about the president.” He’s encouraging those in his church to vote, he said, adding, “I will support the president, and I don’t see a conflict here.” Burns said he can be true to religious beliefs and not support same-sex, but simultaneously support the president.
Onwards in the segment, Burns divulged that Romney sides with him on the issues of abortion and same-sex marriage, but nonetheless, he feels Obama is the better choice. A better candidate with a better program.
Circling back to the gay marriage issue, Burns decided said it’s a “slippery slope,” and if we get on it, marriage could continue to change: “Somebody will want to marry a sister, a brother.”
Interesting to me that this pastor is opposed to abortion but can be whipped back into line for daring to speak out on moral issues. He admitted that on two key moral issues he does not agree with Obama but will now go and vote for him and encourage his congregation to do the same. Hey, I thought pastors couldn't do that. Must be a double standard.
This is how Team Obama will treat the black population. They have to get in line despite their moral convictions. He looked miserable on The Factor and seemed to almost be reading from a script.
Desert Dr. Burns. Stand up for the voiceless and do not vote for the most radical pro abortion president!!
(Prolifer)ations 5-18-12
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- In our latest addition to the blog roll, The New Feminism, Dr. Angela Lanfranchi discusses how the pill continues to negatively affect women’s health, and how no one seems to care:
The increase in incidence of these sometimes fatal ailments was judged to be tolerably low enough for the continuing promotion of the Pill. Shockingly, fatalities in women were deemed worth the risk while cases of mildly shrinking testicles were enough to end trials of a birth control pill for men. - At National Review, Michael New explains why we should pay attention to the recent Chilean study which shows that maternal mortality continued to decrease as abortion became more restricted.

- ProWomanProLife discusses Canada’s recent March for Life in Victoria (pictured left). She notices that, despite being told the abortion debate is “over,” certain “mommy groups” are debating abortion via social media – for days – while discussing the march.
Memphis Dem speaks on the issue of sex ed despite hostility from own party
Rep. John DeBerry (D) from Memphis boldly speaks the truth on the floor of the TN House on a sex ed bill in TN and takes considerable heat from his own party for it. He does a good job of further explaining on CNN who appear to mock his stand.
Planned Parenthood, ACLU and liberal outlets such as NPR mock this bill and try to distort it saying that it bans hand holding, hugging and kissing and teachers will be fined for not stopping this. Apparently CNN took their false talking points to heart and tried to run with them. PP wants to be in schools to discuss outer course, anal sex and oral sex as ways to prevent pregnancies and then hand out condoms with their business cards.
Due to redistricting Rep. DeBerry (D) must run against incumbent Rep. Jeanne Richardson (D) in the primary. Richardson will have to move about two blocks into the district to run in District 90. Richardson is a strident and radical defender of abortion on demand.
Well this bill passed and was signed by the Gov. despite attacks from the abortion industry and friends.
I contacted Rep. DeBerry and congratulated him on his courage. I hope to see more courage like his in the legislature.
Planned Parenthood, ACLU and liberal outlets such as NPR mock this bill and try to distort it saying that it bans hand holding, hugging and kissing and teachers will be fined for not stopping this. Apparently CNN took their false talking points to heart and tried to run with them. PP wants to be in schools to discuss outer course, anal sex and oral sex as ways to prevent pregnancies and then hand out condoms with their business cards.
Due to redistricting Rep. DeBerry (D) must run against incumbent Rep. Jeanne Richardson (D) in the primary. Richardson will have to move about two blocks into the district to run in District 90. Richardson is a strident and radical defender of abortion on demand.
Well this bill passed and was signed by the Gov. despite attacks from the abortion industry and friends.
I contacted Rep. DeBerry and congratulated him on his courage. I hope to see more courage like his in the legislature.
1207 Sledge
Memphis, TN 38104
Phone: 901-725-7305
1207 Sledge
Memphis, TN 38104
Phone: 901-725-7305
Capitol Email
Knoxville TN: Banned PP from schools bring their info in under different cover
Good work on the part of vigilant parents in the Knoxville area. From No Planned Parenthood-Knox County Schools on Facebook.
So they are bringing the information in through a different avenue. PP wants access to your children edging out the parents in their own style. It is not so much as what they say in the classroom presentation as it is gaining credibility as information providers to your kids. They can encourage them to look them up through social media and then that is where it gets really interesting! Check out some of their award winning websites such as Prepare to be shocked! I know they pride themselves on being sooooo non judgmental. Really??? Take this line from PP's own website..
"Attention Parents: This "nonprofit group" is currently active in the Knox County School system (see the section "Calendar of Events"). You can Google "planned parenthood" and "setting the record straight" and bring up the page from the time of the Knox County controversy. It is clearly stated on the PP page, under the section at the bottom, "What our education department is doing in east Tennessee," that "We are active members of Knoxville's Faith Coalition, KAPPI (Knoxville Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative, and the World AIDS Day planning committee."
"Research shows us that shame-based, abstinence-only education does not work."
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Stanek: Multiple mistakes about Obama and the Born Alive Act in new book, “The Amateur”
Cross Posted at Jill
Everyone needs to read this and understand just how radical Obama is....

While I appreciate that Klein devoted a chapter of his book, albeit only three pages, to Obama’s opposition as state senator to the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act, he got it pretty much all wrong. You can read the chapter at the link above, but here is the relevant section:
Obama did, however, have an interest in opposing a law that would have banned late-term partial birth abortions, a gruesome procedure that was once condemned by the late New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan as “too close to infanticide.” All across the state of Illinois, people were riveted by the controversial debate. The Chicago Sun-Times ran a cartoon showing God reaching down from heaven to a baby in front of Obama, who is holding a sign that reads “Live Birth Abortions” and yelling at God, “You keep out of this!”

An Illinois nurse named Jill Stanek testified before the Health and Human Services Committee that she had discovered that babies were being aborted alive and allowed to die in soiled utility rooms. One baby was accidentally thrown into the trash. Though Obama never showed up at the committee hearings, he voted against the bill – not once, but twice.
When, after a decade in the political wilderness, Illinois Democrats gained a majority in the legislature, Obama became chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee. As chairman, he prevented the “Live Baby Bill” from getting a committee hearing, guaranteeing that the legislation would die, much as the late-term babies were dying in the state’s hospitals.
People often get details about this chain of events wrong. For many years I, myself, thought Obama voted against the Born Alive Act three times, when it was actually four. It doesn’t help that the Obama campaign and liberals persistently try to muddy the waters.
But Klein’s portrayal of events was wrong on just about every point. I expected better from the former editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine, who has also had many books on the NYT bestseller’s list.
First and foremost, at issue was the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, not the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, which Obama also opposed as state senator but had to do with a different abortion procedure.
And, as previously stated, Obama voted against the Born Alive bill a total of four times, not two.
But my biggest issue is Klein’s conjecture that Obama did not attend the committee hearings on Born Alive. I’ve never heard that before. I have previously written about an exchange between Obama and me at one of those hearings, so to say Obama wasn’t even in the room inadvertently calls my portrayal of events into question.
The quickest refutation to that claim is Obama’s committee votes on Born Alive (here, here, and here). Substitutes are noted in Illinois, and Obama had no substitutes. He was there to vote.
In addition, State Net, a branch of LexisNexis that has reporters memorialize state legislative committee hearings, published notes about our March 5, 2002, debate, which was quite an odd one. Click to enlarge…

I should note this conversation was about a companion bill to Born Alive, which would have mandated that a second doctor be present in the event any baby was anticipated to be born alive in the State of Illinois.
As I testified, current Illinois law allowed (and still allows) the abortionist to determine before a baby is born whether s/he thinks the baby will be viable. It is easy to see why the person being paid to deliver a dead baby would do all s/he could to ensure that outcome, even if slightly delayed. Obama didn’t believe an abortionist would stoop that low. Pro-lifers do. It makes total sense. Kermit Gosnell proved our point.

In fact, Obama hadn’t said anything the year before (see StateNet’s notes here and here), and now he wanted to take partial credit for devising the Comfort Room?
The concept of such a room was so twisted. Rather than take abortion survivors to the Soiled Utility Room, nurses now took them to a room where they could have photos and footprints taken as keepsakes. And Obama was all in. (See more photos of the Christ Hospital’s Comfort Room here.)
At any rate, Klein got the story all wrong. I’ve been reading his book and find it interesting but wonder how much of it is accurate, if this was any indication
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Knoxville TN: Two abortion 44 pages of health violations...
Two Knoxville, TN abortion facilities received inspections after people praying across the street from one observed a woman being discharged in obvious distress and complained to Dept. of Health. This photo of a woman being discharged that finally convinced the TN DOH, after several calls, to check out Knoxville
Center for Reproductive Health on Clinch Avenue and Volunteer Women's
Clinic on Concord Street.
The inspection showed 23 pages of violations at the Volunteer Women's Center which is licensed as an ambulatory surgical treatment center. Examples of violations included autoclave for sterilizing equipment not operational and emergency crash cart not containing required equipment and out of date meds. It is interesting to note that the state of TN does not currently require that facilities that perform abortions be licensed as ambulatory surgical treatment centers. So if this is how an ASTC operates, it is scary to image how those who do not meet even these requirements operate and prey upon the women they pro-port to serve.
The Knoxville Center for Reproductive Health which also does abortions had 21 pages of violations discovered including sutures 12 years beyond expiration date, outdated birth control pills, improper storage of sterile equipment. In other words, these facilities did not follow proper infection control protocol for their surgical services and basic patient care services.
One doctor said Tuesday that he became seriously concerned for women's health after reading the reports.
The inspection showed 23 pages of violations at the Volunteer Women's Center which is licensed as an ambulatory surgical treatment center. Examples of violations included autoclave for sterilizing equipment not operational and emergency crash cart not containing required equipment and out of date meds. It is interesting to note that the state of TN does not currently require that facilities that perform abortions be licensed as ambulatory surgical treatment centers. So if this is how an ASTC operates, it is scary to image how those who do not meet even these requirements operate and prey upon the women they pro-port to serve.
The Knoxville Center for Reproductive Health which also does abortions had 21 pages of violations discovered including sutures 12 years beyond expiration date, outdated birth control pills, improper storage of sterile equipment. In other words, these facilities did not follow proper infection control protocol for their surgical services and basic patient care services.
One doctor said Tuesday that he became seriously concerned for women's health after reading the reports.
Dr. Rod Briggs ,a practicing OB/GYN, spoke Tuesday across the street from Volunteer Women's Health Clinic which performs abortions. He said the violations found in the 21-page state inspection report raised serious questions for him as a physician.Clinic co-manager of the Center for Reproductive Health Corrine Rovetti , dismissed the seriousness of the infractions.
"None of those deficiencies directly affected patient care. They were more related to tidying and cleaning up, they did not affect patient care at all," said Rovetti.
Dr. Biggs disagreed stating....." If the instruments aren't cleaned when the procedures are performed, what an egregious medication situation we have here"The DOH did not feel the violations were serious enough to warrant closure and allowed the abortion facilities two months to correct infractions before re inspection. The plan of correction did not mention advising former patients of possible issues surrounding their care.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
(Prolifer)ations 5-15-12
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Coming Home outlines some technological and scientific advances of the 20th century – intended to make us happier, freer and more powerful – which have brought “catastrophic” consequences to society, and in particular, to women.
- Abstinence Clearinghouse spotlights Nigeria’s celebration of International Women’s Day by teaching that abstinence is vital to the health of the nation. We could learn something from them:
In the United States, “International Women’s Day” may be celebrated by the distribution of free contraceptives, an old-fashioned bra-burning, and a rally chorus singing Aretha Franklin’s “Respect”. We mean no disrespect to the Queen of Soul, but the women in Nigeria really know how to throw an “International Women’s Day” party.

- Accepting Abundance points out the root cause behind the controversial breastfeeding mom on the cover of Time:
Shockingly, Time Magazine’s May 2012 again takes issue with this idea featuring a young mother letting her three year old son stand on a stool and nurse himself from her fully exposed breast. The title challenges, “Are You Mom Enough?” The caption asks why attachment parenting drives mothers to extremes. Here’s a better question: Why is this twenty year old book [Dr. William Sears' The Baby Book] getting so much attention now?I think I know why. Children have actually become viewed as entitlements instead of gifts. Parenthood is now focused on adult desires, and on their image, rather than children. Parents want to appear successful, but when mothers view their children as accessories, it’s no wonder they feel imprisoned by the idea of constant attachment. It’s no wonder they go to extremes to look successful.
- ProWomanProLife discusses a sickening article “celebrating” Mother’s Day
by promoting abortion access. A woman named Linda – “married for less
than a year, got pregnant and decided to have an abortion in favour of
quiet mornings spent in bed, jogging or gardening” – is profiled, and
mention is made of her use of contraception:
We admire people when they do brave things. And here’s the thing. You can’t have it both ways. Many abortion-rights activists want to claim making the abortion choice is ever so brave. But that’s not what Linda is saying. She’s saying it’s routine. That many women choose abortion for many different reasons. She asks me not to bat an eye. Fine. But don’t tell me next thing that your decision to abort was courageous in its own right.Commenters (understandably) seem offended by the inappropriate timing of such an article. - Bryan Kemper posts a now-viral video about a mother’s love for her child, who was born with special needs. Tissue alert!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Mother delivers healthy baby and then finds out she has cancer...pregnancy helped her find cancer early
The Tennessean is a strong supporter of abortion but every now and then the pro life truth peeks through.
This story ran on mother's day of a woman who gave birth to a beautiful perfectly healthy baby girl when her womb was also carrying cancer. Had the cancer been discovered prior to the birth, she surely would have been strongly advised to abort. In this case the birth actually led to the discover of the cancer at an early stage where her prognosis is hopeful.
Read the story online here and here. What are the take away pro life points? The first one is obvious that she was able to successfully carry and deliver a healthy baby while her body was also cancer ridden. Actually the "accidental" pregnancy is credited with saving her life. Questions surrounding the cause of cancer and if the pill had any relationship remains unanswered.
Congratulations on the birth of Magnolia and best wishes as you battle cancer.
Pix: Tennessean
This story ran on mother's day of a woman who gave birth to a beautiful perfectly healthy baby girl when her womb was also carrying cancer. Had the cancer been discovered prior to the birth, she surely would have been strongly advised to abort. In this case the birth actually led to the discover of the cancer at an early stage where her prognosis is hopeful.
"I marvel at how my body was able to carry her as long as she needed to be carried, and keep her safe and secure and healthy. How it was able to house her in a warm and cozy environment; and how even though she was literally surrounded by cancer during her stay in my uterus, she arrived perfect and unscathed."Interesting points from the age 41 got pregnant while on the pill " early in her relationship with Mark, now her husband," but suffered a miscarriage while planning her wedding . She got pregnant a second time and delivered her daughter , Magnolia Grace. Just a few days following her birth came the dreadful news of the discovery of cancer.
"The cancer was on her fallopian tubes, her uterus, both ovaries, throughout her abdomen, symptomatic, and as such, often deadly.
Because it was caught as it was, unexpectedly early by an unexpected child, Joanna’s prognosis is one of hope."
Read the story online here and here. What are the take away pro life points? The first one is obvious that she was able to successfully carry and deliver a healthy baby while her body was also cancer ridden. Actually the "accidental" pregnancy is credited with saving her life. Questions surrounding the cause of cancer and if the pill had any relationship remains unanswered.
Congratulations on the birth of Magnolia and best wishes as you battle cancer.
Pix: Tennessean
Friday, May 11, 2012
Breaking News: Obama has evolved again from pro abortion to pro life!!
Wow, Obama has evolved again!!! This time in our direction!! The administration of the most pro abortion president ever to occupy the White House is now recognizing the humanity of the preborn. Who would have "thunk" it.
Rep. Barletta commends President Obama on his change of position on abortion
05/08/12 WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Lou Barletta, PA-11, congratulated the White House of President Obama – who supports partial-birth abortions and voted against born-alive failed abortion infant protection legislation on the grounds that a fetus is not a viable life – for finally recognizing that life begins at conception.
Tuesday, it was reported that the White House is now asking pregnant mothers to identify their unborn babies when requesting tours of the president’s house.
In an e-mail to offices, the White House stated, “Crazy as it may sound, you MUST include the baby in the overall count of guests in the tour.” [Emphasis original to e-mail.]
The e-mail gives details on how to include the unborn child’s first name (“Baby”), birthday (even though the baby has not yet been born), gender, and social security number.
“The White House of President Obama – who voted against bills protecting unborn children from the horror of abortion – enacted a policy identifying babies still in the womb when they come to visit the White House. If an unborn child is considered alive for the purposes of a White House tour, clearly an unborn child should be considered alive when pro-life legislation is considered,” Rep. Barletta said.
“I’d like to commend President Obama for finally acknowledging that life begins at conception.
(Prolifer)ations 5-11-12
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- Secular Pro-Life responds to the charge from abortion defender Amanda Marcotte that informed consent laws assume “women are too stupid to understand abortion” and are misogynistic:
Informed consent laws do not operate on the assumption that women are stupid. They do, however, assume that abortion facilities cannot be trusted to provide full and accurate information in the absence of legislation. I’m perfectly fine with that assumption. Planned Parenthood abortion centers have been caught on tape distributing incredible lies about prenatal development; one counselor even went so far as to claim that an eight-week-old fetus has “no arms, no legs, no heart, no head, no brain.”In short, women aren’t too stupid to understand abortion – but abortion facilities are too greedy to explain it properly.

- ProWomanProLife discusses billionaire Melinda Gates (pictured left), who has decided that despite her Catholic faith’s teaching on contraception, she finds it “morally necessary” to promote global contraception as she “tows the old population control issue.”
- At National Review, Michael New has an article on a recent study which showed pro-life parental involvement laws reduce female teen suicide rates.
- Wesley J. Smith shares thoughts on our culture’s “sense of entitlement” and the exploitation of women and children via IVF.
- Mommy Life posts a parody of The Life of Julia. Interestingly, in the Life of Julia, President Obama appears to be President for life. Has this brain child backfired on the administration?
- At the Center for Women of Faith in Culture, Sarah Flashing has an unfavorable review of author Rachel Held Evans’ soon-to-be-released book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood.
In the book, Evans attempts to paint Christian bookstores and the
evangelical community as misogynistic for not approving of her “edgy”
work. Sarah Flashing urges readers to consider Evans’ previous
interviews and work as examples of her “departure from orthodox
I’m not sure what she has actually accomplished in all this other than a clear opportunity to be crass, to organize her readers to have further disdain for evangelicalism, to wear a Team Vagina t-shirt, or misrepresent biblical womanhood to unsuspecting readers. Until the book comes out, she hasn’t accomplished all this yet but RHE’s goals are well underway to meet her desired end. - Stand for Life posts an excellent video by Fr. Frank Pavone, who discusses the differences between religious freedom and relativism in our culture today:
Thursday, May 10, 2012
NARAL president resigns...where are the youth?... 54++MM missing thanks to NARAL
The email arrived at 4:40 in the inbox from Nancy Keenan, President of NARAL Pro Choice American. She is packing it up after 8 years and resigning at the end of this year.
Politico reported the story as well citing the need for a younger leader. NARAL is conducting the search now. The shellacking in the 2010 election was clear that the pro life cause is gaining momentum especially with the youth and this was not lost on Keenan.
Washington Post reports the lack of intensity of the pro choice movement for her reasoning.
"The 60-year-old Keenan said she is leaving out of concern for the future of the pro-choice movement — and thinks she could be holding it back.Jill Stanek, who has a way of cutting straight to the heart of the matter sums it up well...
Nancy Keenan will retire as president of NARAL Pro-Choice America at the end of the year. (Sarah L. Voisin - WASHINGTON POST) In recent years, Keenan has worried about an “intensity gap” on abortion rights among millennials, which the group considers to be the generation of Americans born between 1980 and 1991. While most young, antiabortion voters see abortion as a crucial political issue, NARAL’s own internal research does not find similar passion among abortion-rights supporters. If the pro-choice movement is to successfully defend abortion rights, Keenan contends, it needs more young people in leadership roles, including hers."
"You got that right, sister. And while abortion proponents like to think this is because the younger generation has grown up with abortion, so “[w]hen you’re fighting to hold onto something, rather than get something, it gets less intense,” as WashPo quoted EMILY’s List president Stephanie Schriock, the fact is the pro-ab0rtion movement is suffering attrition. It has killed off its future supporters.
Furthermore, it continues to kill off 3,300 more chips off the ole’ block every day. So the “intensity gap” is only going to widen, thanks to the birth gap.
Meanwhile, abortion survivors – all those born after January 22, 1973 – understand that the very people now trying to woo them into the their movement dedicated themselves to trying to kill them before they took a breath. And many of those very people make a big fat living off the snuffs."
Jim Messina, POTUS campaign manager was quoted in an article about the her resignation.
" .... he relied on for advice during the health care reform debate. .... “I consulted with her frequently when I was at the White House. She would always tell you the truth...She was very loud and willing to use the ’f’ word. That’s why I like her."What a way to be remembered.
Pix: Washington Post
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
(Prolifer)ations 5-8-12
from Jill

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email
- At Ethika Politika, Mandy Jade Kramer describes the “real war on women”:
Femininity, not just femininity, but true femaleness, in its purest, most natural, genuine form, is being attacked. It is downright hated. Real life-giving, life-affirming, God given femaleness is being ragingly stamped out, and those who possess this trait (females) are punished and forced to change. Under the guise of equality with men, those who claim to advocate better, or equal, treatment for women, are actually not treating them equally to men at all. They are treating them worse. - At National Review, Michael New debunks Guttmacher’s misleading claim that a decline in teen birth rate is the result of increased contraceptive use.
- Big Blue Wave examines the views of teens in the latest survey by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
- In this election cycle where so many seem to think the economy and social issues are unrelated, American Life League describes how abortion actually impacts our economy.

- At The Leading Edge, Brendan Malone reviews and recommends a book by Australian feminist Melinda Tankard Reist entitled, Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls:
What I really liked about this book was the fact that it went beyond just examining the actual problem of child sexualisation itself, and even included commentary which explored this problem as being a symptom of a much bigger problem of the cultural loss of an authentically human and virtuous sexual ethic. - At the Washington Times, Anna Franzonello dissects Planned Parenthood’s position on sex-selection abortions:
In the interest of ending gender-based killings, it is worth repeating: Planned Parenthood does not deny it is a willing participant in sex-selection abortions unless it becomes illegal. Planned Parenthood is case in point why laws against sex-selection abortions, which have been enacted in four states with bipartisan support, are important and effective.For anyone still inclined to believe Planned Parenthood genuinely cares about gender bias, and who is tempted to adopt its “strategy” of “nonjudgmental discussions” and wishful thinking to end gender-based killings: Remember, so long as it is legal, Planned Parenthood will take cash, check or credit card to abort the unwanted girls.
- Live Action says the OK Supreme Court’s decision to “invalidate the Oklahoma Personhood Act” may have put the personhood issue on the fast track to the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Abortion Recovery International plans to hold a Share Symposium from July 16-18 in California:
The theme for 2012… sends a very personal message to: psychologists, therapists, counselors, pastoral caregivers, those leading recovery programs, to those providing awareness opportunities, to the church, resource centers, as well as other community agencies (celebrate recovery groups, rape and sexual abuse counselors, eating disorder specialists, nursing and medical staff etc.)Register here.
Stanek: Pro-abortion White House requires preborn babies be registered for tours
Cross Posted at Jill
This takes the cake.....
Pro-abortion White House requires preborn babies be registered for tours

It may be above President Obama’s pay grade to know if preborn babies are human, but the White House Visitors Office knows.
This morning its director, Ellie Schafer (pictured above with President Obama) issued a memo to Congressional offices instructing that preborn babies must be registered along with their mothers before visiting the White House. Click to enlarge:

Shafer also breached pro-abortion protocol by calling the baby, well, a baby… repeatedly: “We have received a number of calls regarding how to enter security information for a baby that has not yet been born,” wrote Schafer. “Crazy as it may sound, you MUST include the baby in the overall count of guests in the tour. It’s an easy process. The baby’s security information should be entered as follows….”
Ironic that for the purposes of the security and safety of the presidential household and staff the White House acknowledges preborn babies, while on the other hand President Obama devotes an inordinate amount of energy and the peoples’ money trying to thwart the security and safety of those same babies.
Douglas Johnson, National Right to Life legislative director, noted in a press release about the WH memo: “Notably, the newsletter provides no guidance on what the staff should do if an unborn baby is first registered for security purposes, but then aborted.”
TN: Winner from NE TN represents state at national contest...wants to change the world.
Johnson City Teen Wins Pro-Life Speech Contest,
Wants to Change the World
always been pro-life for as long as I can remember," says Temple who
was born and lived in Cape Town, South Africa before moving with her
family to Johnson City. "In 9th grade I became passionate about the
cause of life after studying the issue and learning more about the
humanity of the unborn," she said. Temple then entered the local Right
to Life speech contest in Northeast Tennessee and went on to win the
state finals in both 2011 and 2012. Due to age restrictions, this is
the first
my interest was piqued there was no stopping me," a joyful Temple
explained. "After my first participation in 2010 I was more determined
than ever to come back."
oldest child of David and Susan Temple, Melissa has four younger
siblings, is home-schooled, and attends Heritage Baptist Church in
Johnson City.
winners of the state contest include Benjamin Borck of Lebanon, Joshua
Jackson of Nashville, and Abigail Kouns of Knoxville, all of whom
received cash prizes from Tennessee Right to Life and financial
scholarships from Aquinas College in Nashville, a lead sponsor and host
for the annual competition. "It is a joy to host this competition each
year," said Sister Elizabeth Anne, VP of Academic Affairs for Aquinas.
"Hearing these students gives me hope that there is still good left in
our youth...and the future of the pro-life movement looks bright!"
last month, the Tennessee State House officially recognized the
Tennessee Right to Life student contest with passage of HJR 1133, an
honorary resolution commending the more than 1,000 students who have
participated since 2000. "One of the most important things we can do as
pro-life legislators is to encourage our young people to stand for
life," said state Rep. Kevin Brooks of Cleveland, Tennessee. "I am
very proud to have brought this resolution forward in support of
Tennessee's pro-life movement and, especially, our pro-life youth,"
Brooks said.
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